She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 261: Can't you express something? (Second update)

  Chapter 261, can’t you express something? (Second update)

After that, there was no chance to talk about it. When she was fourteen, Bai Yuxiu had just grown up. The Bai family and his wife died in a car accident, and the Bai family's burden suddenly fell on him alone.

She wanted to help him share the burden, but she had more important things to do at that time.

 So till now, she feels very sorry for Bai Yuxiu.

 Not only because she hid something very important from him, but also because she didn't stay with him during the most difficult time.

Bai Muyou's eyes flashed with sadness for a moment, but it was only fleeting.

 It's all over, and she will spend as much time with him as possible in the future.

Seeing Bai Muyou deep in thought, Li Jiu did not interrupt her.

The air was silent for a moment.

After a long while, Bai Muyou said: "Boss, there is something I am considering whether to tell you."

 “Just say what you want to say.”

Bai Muyou pondered for a moment and said, "Recently, I have suffered from sequelae several times."

Li Jiu was startled, his eyes darkened, and he said, "How long has it been?"

 “From the Mid-Autumn Festival to now.”

Li Jiu was furious when he heard this: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Bai Muyou pressed his forehead and said, "I don't want you to worry either."

Having said that, they are more worried now.

Bai Muyou also understood this and sighed, "This side effect doesn't have much impact on me originally, but the mental power leaks from time to time. If it is in a crowded place, it will be very troublesome."

She didn't take it to heart at first, but Bai Yuxiu almost photographed her having sequelae last time, which made her wary again.

If someone happens to see or record the next attack, it will be a big trouble.

 At this moment, she couldn't ignore it even if she wanted to.

Li Jiu snorted softly, "I asked you to take good care of yourself to avoid mental disorder, what about you?"

Not only did she not listen, she also secretly went to filming and worked hard to catch up with the announcements. Her work and rest schedules were reversed day and night, and it was difficult for her body not to think of any problems.

"Yes, yes, I was wrong." Bai Muyou was helpless.

She was not in a good condition at the time, and she just wanted to vent her emotions by filming, and she didn't think about anything else, which led to today's results.

 After all, she couldn't blame anyone else, she could only blame herself.

“So I asked you to come here today just to ask if I can apply for blockade treatment.”

Blocking treatment, as the name suggests, is to use a mental shielding device to temporarily shield and block her mental power to avoid leakage and adverse effects.

This kind of treatment has certain risks for ordinary people with supernatural powers. After all, if the mental power is blocked, the power of the supernatural powers is likely to be greatly reduced or even unable to be exerted.

However, Bai Muyou basically does not have such a problem.

 That’s why my tone was so relaxed when I applied for blocking treatment.

Li Jiu nodded, "This is indeed a solution. I will go back and apply for you."


“But you’d better let Lao Qi show it to you.”

Bai Muyou suddenly frowned and shook his head in refusal: "I don't want it!"

Li Jiu smiled: "What? After all, Lao Qi also has the title of ghost doctor, why do you dislike it so much?"

The ghost doctor's medical skills are indeed unparalleled, but the medicines she prescribes are simply not something humans can drink.

Especially when they went to see Ji Yunshu for medical treatment, because of their familiar relationship, she often used her as a guinea pig. The medicine she prescribed to them was so bad that it could even be used to poison people.

 In short, if she was asked to see Ji Yunshu for medical treatment, she would rather receive blockade treatment.

Li Jiu was speechless, "Are you concerned?"

She often drinks the medicine prescribed by Ji Yunshu, doesn't she live well?

Bai Muyou saw what she was thinking, so he made a sound and muttered: "That's not because you don't have a sense of taste, boss..."

After saying that, she was stunned immediately, and then she quickly covered her mouth with an apology in her eyes, "I'm sorry, boss! I didn't mean it." After hearing her complaint, Li Jiu paused his fingers slightly, his eyes flashed slightly, and then said Sentence: "Nothing."

 This is also true.

No matter how much she pretends to be and her acting skills are so good that she can fool everyone, she still has no sense of taste.

 Not only that, she sometimes even loses her sense of pain, or in other words, she is naturally not very sensitive to pain.

 Ordinary people would experience excruciating pain when they break a bone, but for her, it was just a slight sting.

 She is born different from others.

Li Jiu lowered her eyes, and her long black eyelashes covered the look underneath her eyes, making it difficult to see what she was thinking.

Bai Muyou's heart was pounding, and she secretly regretted why she was so blind that she stabbed her in the heart.

Just when he was worrying about what to say to make up for it, Li Jiu's cell phone suddenly rang.


A low, magnetic and **** voice came from the other side, making people's ears tingle.

   is Qi Jingci.

 Different from usual times, he seemed to have deliberately lowered his voice today, making his originally cold voice deeper.

 “What’s the matter?” Li Jiu asked.

“It’s nothing,” Qi Jingci’s tall and straight figure stopped at a street food stall, attracting many passers-by’s side glances, “I just wanted to ask you if you want to eat crayfish.”

 He remembered that she often shouted for food before.

Li Jiu's long, curly and thick eyelashes trembled, she pursed her lips and said, "No need, it was just a whim before and I wanted to put on a show in front of others, but I didn't expect that he still remembered it."

 “Then what do you want to eat?”

 “No, no need to bother.”

Hearing that Li Jiu was not in high spirits, Qi Jingci didn't bother her anymore and hung up the phone.

 “Is it the third brother?” Bai Muyou asked.

Li Jiu didn't deliberately avoid it when she called him just now, so she heard him clearly.

 “Well, ask me if there’s anything I want to eat.”

Bai Muyou's eyes instantly became playful and ambiguous.

 “Yo yo yo, have you all come to me?”

Li Jiu frowned, "What show?"

Where did she show off?

Bai Muyou paused, not knowing what to say for a moment. She was convinced by Li Jiu's emotional intelligence.

Even though she and Qi Jingci had not met each other for so long, she could feel that Qi Jingci's attitude towards Li Jiu was obviously different from others.

Just like this time, according to Qi Jingci’s past personality, might he take the initiative to ask others if there is anything they want to eat?


The possibility of a knife falling from the sky is greater than this.

But why didn’t Li Jiu react at all?

It looked like a piece of wood, and she almost died of anxiety when she looked at it.

Although the two elders, Mr. Li and Mr. Qi, are very helpful, if the two protagonists do not cooperate, it will be useless no matter how anxious others are, right?

 If she continues like this, is it possible for her to see good things from Li Jiu and Qi Jingci in her life?

 “Boss, Third Brother is really nice to you.”

 “I know.” Li Jiu said.

 Should Bai Muyou still use Bai Muyou to remind her?

Qi Jingci's personality is indeed to her liking, and she has the best tacit understanding in doing things.

“Then can’t you show some expression?”

 (End of this chapter)

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