She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 262: You still have some feelings for Third Brother (Update 1)

Chapter 262 You still have some feelings for Third Brother (first update)

  “What do you want to express?”

Li Jiu couldn’t understand what she was talking about.

 “Can you be nicer to my third brother?”

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Am I not good enough to him?"

 If it had been anyone else, the one who dared to fight her and let her be her secretary would have been gone long ago, but he was still fine, which was enough to prove that she was soft-hearted.

 “My tolerance for him has skyrocketed.”

Bai Muyou was speechless, "That's not what I'm talking about."

 Why doesn’t she understand?


Seeing Li Jiu's really confused look, Bai Muyou didn't know how to explain it to her. He could only remind her, "You are an unmarried couple. It's a bit bad for you to treat your third brother like this."

Li Jiu didn't care much about the name "unmarried couple" and just chuckled, "It's just fake."


Qi Jingci's posture is obvious to anyone with a discerning eye.

Bai Muyou muttered lowly: "I don't think Third Brother's attitude is fake."

Li Jiu frowned, "What do you mean?"

What's wrong with Qi Jingci's attitude? It's normal.

“Didn’t you realize that he treats you differently from others? He looks at you very gently, don’t you?”

Li Jiu shook his head.

Bai Muyou: “…”

"Okay, stop guessing, Qi Jingci and I have nothing to do with each other."

Li Jiu was a little tired, "Why do you all think he is interested in me?"

He Yao, Ji Yunshu, Ji Huai and now one more, she all thinks so.

Are you kidding me? If Qi Jingci was really interested in her, how could she not feel it?

Does she think her little brother has been flirting with her all these years for nothing?

When Bai Muyou heard this, he immediately said: "Look! I'm not the only one who noticed it, right? Boss, third brother is such an indifferent person, but he has become much gentler after meeting you."

 Normally, when they were in front of Qi Jingci, they would often give him an indifferent look that made their scalp numb and they didn't know where to put their hands and feet.

Even though she is a superpower, she still can't resist Qi Jingci's strong aura.

 After meeting Li Jiu, he seemed to have put away his strength, and the indifference in his eyes became much lighter.

If it was the cold winter months before, now it is the warm sunshine of spring.

 This change can be seen by everyone.

Only Li Jiu was like a piece of wood, unable to sense Qi Jingci's thoughts.

 “Gentle? It’s not much different from before.”

Li Jiu really can’t see what’s so gentle about Qi Jingci, he still talks so little, and he’s very irritating!

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Bai Muyou gave her examples one by one, "Last time I went to Ancheng to attend Lin's annual party, you were not used to wearing high heels, so the third brother stayed with you throughout the party to prevent you from falling."

“Also, you were shopping with Weiwei a few days ago and you were so tired that you fell asleep in the car. It was the third brother who carried you back.”

“Besides, that day I went into the emergency room and you came to see me. When I went back, the private cook he took you to, apart from important and familiar people, the third brother would not take anyone there easily.”

"You still say that he is not gentle or special to you?"

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, and the more he listened, the more something was wrong, "How do you know this?"

 This is all between her and Qi Jingci. Why does she know so well?

Bai Muyu was stuck, with a frozen expression on his face.

Of course she couldn't say that there are many people on the Internet who are CP fans of the two of them. Their daily lives were photographed and posted on Super Chat. She also saw it while surfing the Internet. In addition to photos showing how sweet they get along, there are also jokes and some short compositions written by fans.

 In addition, Qi Mowei also told her a lot of gossip.

Bai Muyou clenched his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, trying to hide his guilty conscience.

 “That...these are not important.”

“The important thing is that Third Brother’s feelings for you are true. I can’t bear to see you give me some reaction.”

 When other people fall in love, they first go through the ambiguous period, confess their love, fall in love, and then get engaged, get married, etc. But it was better for the two of them to skip the previous steps and get engaged directly.

 It's just an engagement. The key is to complete the previous steps. If you are stuck like this, outsiders will be worried about them.

 “What reaction am I going to give?”

Li Jiu’s words brought the problem back to the beginning.

"According to what you said, Qi Jingci is interested in me, so I have to respond to him? I don't have feelings for him..."

Bai Muyou didn't believe it and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Really?"


“It doesn’t matter if you don’t feel it, everything can be cultivated.” Bai Muyou said with a smile.


"Moreover," Bai Muyou suddenly looked straight at Li Jiu, his eyes shining with seriousness, and asked, "Boss, do you really have no feelings for the third brother?"

She has known Li Jiu for at least ten years and understands her very well. According to her observation, Li Jiu also treats Qi Jingci in a special way.

“If you really don’t have feelings for Third Brother, why did you flirt with him in the first place?”

Li Jiu's mouth twitched. When she saw the handsome little brother, she subconsciously wanted to flirt with him, okay?

 Besides, she didn’t know it was Qi Jingci at the time. If she had known, she would definitely not have rushed to seek death.

 But now, it’s hard to tell.

Li Jiu waved his hand impatiently and changed the topic, "Okay, I didn't come to your house to discuss with you whether Qi Jingci is interesting to me."

Bai Muyou said oh, but complained in his heart: He was obviously guilty of being told by her.

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and looked at her leg, which was still in plaster, and asked, "How is your leg?"

Bai Muyou lowered his head and said, "I'm fine now. I just don't want to be suspected by my brother, so I put on a plaster to show off."

The physique of a person with superpowers is dozens of times stronger than that of a normal person, and their recovery ability is particularly strong.

 In fact, she was already well on the day she was discharged from the hospital, just to avoid suspicion.

"I'm going to Szhou in a few days. Lao Qi said that I must take one of you and my mistress with me this time. Who do you think I should take with me?" Li Jiu asked.

"Going to Szhou?" Bai Muyou frowned, then relaxed his eyebrows and said, "Are you finally willing to deal with the Mo family's mess?"

Li Jiu snorted and retorted: "When have I ever been reluctant to give up? I just don't have time."

She has been busy investigating in the past few years, and she has not paid much attention to either the Mo family or the association.

But fortunately, after taking her so long, she finally got some insights.

Bai Muyou thought about it carefully and said, "I'd better go. After all, I also have the identity of your bodyguard in the Mo family, so it's more convenient."

What he said is true, but she is like this. Bai Yuxiu is watching her all day long, and there are nannies around her. How can she get away?

 “What should you do over there with your brother?” Li Jiu asked.

Bai Muyou waved his hand, "It's okay. My brother is busy working all day and has no time to watch me. Just find someone to pretend to be me and fool him."

Li Jiu nodded, that was all he could do.

 (End of this chapter)

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