She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 263: Association promotion (second update)

Chapter 263 Association Selection (Second Update)

 At this time, SR President’s Office.

Bai Yuxiu sat across from Qi Jingci with a relaxed posture, holding a glass of wine in his hand, watching him work with a lack of interest.

 The pen spun several times flexibly between the slender fingers and was placed on the table.

Qi Jingci closed the last document, his eyes were a little sour, and he stretched out his fingers and pressed his forehead.

“Is everything ready in Szhou?” Qi Jingci suddenly asked.

Bai Yuxiu nodded, raised his chin slightly, took a sip of wine, the mellow aroma filled his lips and teeth, and his eyebrows relaxed a little.

 “Okay, I’ll wait until you pass.”

“Well, just the day after tomorrow, you come with me.”

 “Without Qingran?”

Qi Jingci shook his head, "He has other things to be busy with in the Imperial Capital."

 “Okay, then I’ll inform you.”

Bai Yuxiu stood up, drank all the wine in the glass, picked up the suit jacket hanging on the back of the chair and walked out.

Suddenly, he stopped.

 “Oh, by the way, this is for you.”

"Although I have declined, those people still sent the invitation. It's up to you."

Bai Yuxiu took out a black invitation from his pocket, placed it on his table, then turned and left.

Qi Jingci propped up his chin, his eyes fell on the exquisite gold-gilded font on the invitation, and he suddenly remembered something.

 The main purpose of going to S Continent this time is to resolve the dispute between J Organization and several major families. I don’t know if Li Jiu will go.

If the Mo family is involved, Li Jiu will not ignore it, so she will definitely go.

 In this case, she must also know this.

Qi Jingci's eyes darkened slightly, he stretched out his slender fingers to pick up the invitation, and squinted his eyes, his thoughts making it difficult to see clearly.

After a while, he simply put the invitation aside and sneered, trying to be mysterious.

Li Jiu took this exquisite black invitation, walked to the window, and looked at the sun for a few times, but found nothing unusual.

 “Who gave it to you?”

“Fourth Brother, he said that this selection competition was organized by the high-level government of S State together with the nobles. The purpose is to select qualified awakened people from S State. Those who are selected can obtain the qualifications to enter the association.”

Li Jiu snorted coldly, "Qualified Awakened Ones? Do they think superpowers are just cabbages that can be found everywhere?"

 “Selection, selection, pretense.”

 The last few words, her tone was full of sarcasm.

"you do not say."

Bai Muyou nodded in agreement, "This time, they invited several major families and J organizations."


Li Jiu frowned, is Qi Jingci going too?

Then I heard Bai Muyou say: "But I heard that Organization J has rejected it, saying it doesn't have time."

 “What about the other families?”

 “Of course I agree.”

 After all, I believe they all know what the three words "superpower" mean.

If this selection can really select a few awakened people to enter the association, they may go crazy with excitement. “Boss, are we going?”

Li Jiu threw the invitation on the ground casually, "I won't go, it's boring."

 Bai Muyou was not too surprised. After all, their boss had never even been to the association's promotions. How could he watch such a small competition that was not on the stage.

Even the president said that Li Jiu was too proud to appear on such a small occasion because he would lose his status.

Thinking of this, Bai Muyou couldn't help but chuckle, "Speaking of which, the S state government may be here for the association's promotion this time, intending to earn enough gimmicks to attract attention before the final election."

"What's the use of having a gimmick?" Li Jiu sneered, "Don't they know that in the world of superpowers, weakness is the original sin?"

 The world of superpowers is not like that of ordinary people, and methods that are useful to ordinary people may not necessarily be useful to people with superpowers.

Self-marketing as a gimmick to attract attention is of no use at all.

The association, whose full name is the United Association of Superpowers, conducts an annual selection to recruit newly awakened superpowers in the world. Although tens of thousands of people participate in the selection every year, only a few tenths of those are successfully selected in the end. .

 It can be seen that the association has extremely high requirements for people with special abilities.

 For a person with superpowers, there are three criteria for judging his qualifications: age, purity of mental power, and level of superpowers.

 Age, as the name suggests, the younger you are, the more advantageous it is to awaken, because the spiritual power of children is extremely pure and it is relatively easy to cultivate.

And the age of awakening is too old. Even if you enter the door of superpowers, you may not have any room to go further.

The purity of mental power is the standard for judging a person's qualifications. The higher the purity, the better the qualifications, and the level of superpowers achieved in the future will be more immeasurable.

 The level of superpowers is a direct expression of the strength of a person with superpowers. However, one thing is that a high level of superpowers does not mean a high purity of mental power, and a person with high purity of mental power does not necessarily have a high level of superpowers.

 Simply put, the purity of your mental power determines your future, while your ability level shows your current abilities.

 The association usually considers these three aspects when selecting awakened persons, the most important of which is the purity of spiritual power.

 Because this is the foundation of superpowers.

 The purity of mental power is innate, which is what ordinary people call talent. It cannot be forced or changed.

 So no matter what tricks the government in Continent plays, the association will never make fun of people with special abilities. After all, this is a matter of their lives.

"Do they know that I don't want to pay attention to it? I'm just curious about what kind of trial they are holding blatantly, and they are not afraid of being blamed by the association?" Bai Muyou said thoughtfully.

"What are they afraid of if there are people backing them?" Li Jiu sneered.

Bai Muyou's eyes flashed and he looked at Li Jiu sharply, "You mean...the council?"

Li Jiu didn't deny it. She was inseparable. Except for their group of guys who were full and had nothing to do, she couldn't think of anyone else.

 “Interesting, interesting.”

Bai Muyou smacked his lips, a hint of interest flashing in his eyes.

The board of directors is doing such a big thing this time, and I don’t know what they want to cause trouble. The president is in seclusion all year round, and most of the affairs of the association are left to the vice president.

  But the vice-president is also a miraculous person. Unless something big happens to the association, he will not come forward at all.

 This resulted in the council becoming more and more arrogant and lawless.

This time they are provoking Szhou to hold a selection competition. Do they really think that the association is the board of directors who can control everything?

Bai Muyou snorted and complained: "I don't know what the president and the so-called vice president are thinking, but they allow the council to do such nonsense."

Li Jiu stood beside the bed, his head lowered, his expression indifferent, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Boss, at least we can call the president teacher, and we will count him as half of the young master of the association, so we won't care about him?" Bai Muyou said.

Li Jiu glanced at her and said in a calm and indifferent tone: "Let them go. The old man, the president, is very smart and will not let them go too far."

Those people on the council, she simply had no interest in dealing with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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