She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 264: The president still believes in the board of directors (first update)

 Chapter 264 The president still believes in the council (first update)

“I’m just afraid that the guys on the board of directors will be so full that they’ll bother us.” Bai Muyou sighed.

 “They shouldn’t be free.”


Li Jiu smiled and said, "The strange stone was stolen from the research institute for no reason. This is considered a serious dereliction of duty by the board of directors. If they are not investigated clearly, the president will not let them go."

 So, those people are probably very busy right now.

This is why she received the task of investigating the theft of the strange stone, but she has no intention of investigating until now.

The last time she asked He Yao to monitor, she was sure that there was a spy in the council.

The institute is under the jurisdiction of the council. No matter how dim-witted the old men are, the institute's protection system is at the highest level of the association. It is impossible for outsiders to sneak into the association and steal the strange stone silently. .

 So it can only be an internal problem.

 The biggest problem with this problem may come from the council.

 The theft of the exotic stone has alarmed the president. If the council pretends to be dead, it will not be of any benefit to them. Instead, it will lose the president's trust.

 The best solution is to find out the culprit who stole the strange stone.

She thought that although they were calm on the surface, they might have exploded privately, right?

Li Jiu curved her eyebrows, and a hint of smile flashed in her eyes.

 “A bunch of rubbish!”

An angry and angry voice echoed in the huge office.

Several people dressed in black stood in a row respectfully, lowering their heads to listen to the reprimand of the man in front of them.

The man is also dressed in black, but the difference is that the inside of his collar is embroidered with silver dark patterns, his eyes are sharp and cold, and his eyebrows are dyed with a violent look.

With a sullen face and a huge anger suppressed in his eyes, he swept the documents on the table to the ground with a crisp sound.

 “What’s the use of you! I haven’t been able to find anyone for so long!”

  The necks of the group of people he scolded trembled. When the person in front of them looked at them, they felt as if they were being stared at by a poisonous snake, and fear surged in their hearts unconsciously.

“Han, Director Han, we tried our best...”

One of the men in black mustered up his courage, raised his head and said weakly.

 “Try your best?”

Han Ruohua sneered, with a cold light in his eyes, "I found just such a small amount of things, why do you have the nerve to say I'll do my best? Do I usually feed you?!"

A group of people turned pale and lowered their heads, daring not to answer.

Han Ruohua got angry when he saw their submissive and useless looks. He pointed towards the door and said in a cold voice: "Get out! Get out of here!"

When everyone heard this, they didn't dare to stay any longer and hurriedly left.

Han Ruohua fell back on the chair, his fingers trembling with anger, and he pressed his forehead.

“Director Han, what’s wrong with you?”

An old man with a stooped back pushed open the door, followed by a young woman. The old man looked at the backs of the group of men in black leaving, and asked with some confusion.

Han Ruohua said: "Those losers can't do anything well, they should be scolded."

After finishing speaking, the young woman following behind the old man chuckled, her green eyes curved, and her deep three-dimensional facial features became more beautiful and attractive. She said, "Why is Director Han so angry?"

Just now, the old man walked in first, blocking his view. It wasn't until she spoke that Han Ruohua suddenly noticed her, his expression suddenly changed, a smile appeared on his lips, and he said, "Miss Mia, why are you here?"

Mia curled up her red lips, looked at him with her green eyes, and her eyes were seductive, making people fall in love with her every frown and smile.

"I heard that Director Han is also investigating the theft of exotic stones recently." Han Ruohua's expression changed a few times after hearing the words "theft of exotic stones", and then returned to normal, sneering: "Yes, after all, the institute I have always been in charge, but if something goes wrong this time, I can’t bear the blame.”

Mia stretched out her slender white fingers, hooked a strand of her long golden hair and circled it on her fingertips. Her blue eyes were shining brightly, and she said with a smile: "Director Han, don't blame yourself, the president has already taken care of this." The matter is left to Jiu Shen to investigate with full authority, and I believe there will be a result soon."

Hearing what she said, the expressions of the old man and Han Ruohua suddenly became very subtle, and their eyes flashed with complicated emotions.

Upon seeing this, Mia covered her lips and smiled softly, and asked: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

 “Oh, no.” Han Ruohua said.

Even though he said this, there was still something wrong with his expression.

Mia's eyes flashed slightly, as if she had seen through what he was thinking, and smiled: "I know what Director Han is worried about. Don't worry, the president has known your abilities and sincerity for so many years."

Han Ruohua laughed dryly, "That's perfect."

"Relax, the president said. If you really feel sorry for yourself, you can help the Nine Gods investigate together."

Han Ruohua suddenly raised his head and asked suspiciously: "Really?"

 Mia nodded with a smile.


At this time, the old man who had been standing aside suddenly said: "It seems that the president is still willing to believe in the council."

Mia looked sideways at him and said, "What did Mr. Sun say? The council was established by the president. How can you not believe it?"

“I am just telling Director Han on behalf of the president today that he will not lose trust in the board of directors because of the Yishi incident. Please rest assured.”

Han Ruohua and Mr. Sun looked at each other and smiled the next moment.


 After delivering the message for the president, Mia no longer stayed here and turned around to leave.

Han Ruohua looked at her back, narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean by president?"

Sun Lao hummed, "He wants to stabilize us."

 At any rate, I have been with the president for decades and understand his thoughts very well.

This time the exotic stone was stolen, the entire association was shocked. The people below were talking about it, and the target of the discussion was their council.

 Many people are speculating that there is a mole in the council, that is, the mole stole the strange stone, and the directors of the council are also suspected of helping to cover it up.

 If the rumors are allowed to spread, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the council. Naturally, the president is not willing to see such a scene.

 So I had to ask Mia to deliver the message. The purpose was to give them a shot in the arm and make them feel at ease.

 “You’re really cunning.” Han Ruohua smiled sarcastically.

"Okay, leave him alone. The most important thing now is to find out the **** who stole the strange stone."

 Mr. Sun had a dark face, grinding his back molars fiercely, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

 What he is most concerned about now is who can steal the strange stone under the nose of their entire council!

 Even if the relationship between the board of directors and the president is tense, it does not mean that they have to go against the association.

You must know that strange stones are not ordinary things.

 It can turn an ordinary person into a superpower, a treasure that contains powerful spiritual power!

If it fell into the hands of others, it would be more than a little trouble.

Although the strange stone was successfully brought back this time, the nature of this incident is still very serious.

 (End of this chapter)

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