She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 265: You have been single for a long time (Second update)

Chapter 265 You have been single for a long time (second update)

Mia came out of Han Ruohua's office, stepped on high heels, and walked out of the base's gate elegantly step by step, and came to a manor behind the base.

 There are various precious flowers and plants planted in the manor, all of which are well taken care of.

Mia walked through the flower field and came to a place full of tulips. She respectfully faced the old man who was squatting in front of him. Wearing a straw hat, he carefully loosened the soil for the flowers little by little. He bent over and said, "President, I have conveyed your words to Han Ruohua."

The old man held up the brim of his hat, changed his shovel, and continued to loosen the soil. Without raising his head, he asked: "How is Xiaojiu doing there?"


Mia bit her lip lightly and said hesitantly: "She hasn't heard from her for a long time."

Ever since the president gave her the task of investigating the theft of the strange stone, apart from sending the strange stone back, no news has been sent back.

 The old man smiled and said, "She doesn't want to care anymore."

Mia frowned and asked, "Then let's..."

The old man put down the shovel, patted the soil on his hands, and said with a hint of smile in his old voice: "Let her go."


After Li Jiu came out of the Bai family's old house, he drove directly to Ji Yunshu's clinic.

Although Bai Muyou said it easily, her sequelae could not be ignored. She decided to ask Ji Yunshu carefully and make arrangements for her trip to S State.

Unexpectedly, after arriving at the clinic, Li Jiu witnessed a good show with his own eyes.

She parked on the street opposite Ji Yunshu Clinic, with the car window rolled down and her arms resting on the window frame, with interest flashing in her eyes.

There was a luxury car parked in front of the clinic, and a middle-aged man and woman stood in front of the car. They were both wearing expensive designer brands, and they obviously had a lot of background.

Opposite them was Ji Yunshu, who was looking at the person in front of her impatiently.

According to her understanding of Ji Yunshu, every time she shows this expression, it means someone is going to be unlucky.

Li Jiu curled her lips and looked at them quietly.

 “Ashu, look what you look like now!”

The middle-aged woman looked at Ji Yunshu arrogantly with a bit of meanness on her face that could not be concealed even by delicate makeup.

“I told you that there is no benefit to following your **** father, why don’t you listen?”

 I thought that after Ji Yunshu's mother died, she was determined to leave with her father, leave the Yun family, and disappear for more than ten years. Unexpectedly, when we met again, she actually opened such a shabby clinic in Imperial Capital.

Ji Yunshu said coldly: "It's none of your business."

When the middle-aged woman heard this, she became angry and said angrily: "Do you know how to be polite? I'm your aunt!"

 She is indeed a wild girl who hangs out outside, and does not look like a rich and wealthy daughter.

Ji Yunshu laughed sarcastically, "Sorry, I didn't have a mother since I was a child, so no one asked me to be polite."


The middle-aged woman was angry and pointed at Ji Yunshu. She wanted to rush forward and slap her, but was stopped by the man next to her.

 “A Yin, don’t be like this, she is your niece after all.”

  The man leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Don't forget the purpose of our coming here."

Yun Yin glanced at him, calmed down again, put on a smiling face, and said: "Yun Shu, you see what's so good about running this shabby clinic, why not join our Yun family? Your grandpa misses you." ”

 The man also echoed: "Yes, yes."

Ji Yunshu watched the two of them singing in harmony coldly, and said without mercy: "Does he miss me, or my heart?"

  The expressions of the two people suddenly froze.

Yun Yin smiled stiffly and said awkwardly: "Yun Shu, what are you talking about? Of course your grandpa misses you as his granddaughter."

However, Ji Yunshu didn't really want to talk nonsense with them, so he took a step back and closed the door directly.

Yun Yin suddenly turned red with anger and spat, "This **** girl!"

As she said that, she was so angry that she wanted to kick the door in, but was stopped again.

"A Yin, calm down, Yun Shu has been gone for so many years, and she must be resentful towards the Yun family and us. Let's come back another day." The man advised.

Although Yun Yin was unwilling to give in, when she thought of her own purpose, she did not dare to act recklessly. She could only bite her lip and nodded. The two of them did not linger in front of the clinic, they got in the car and left directly.

Li Jiu watched their car go away before entering the clinic.

 “Who were those people just now?”

Ji Yunshu was making coffee for himself. He was not surprised when he heard her voice. He had just seen her car parked on the roadside at the door.

 “My old acquaintances have mentioned it to you.”

Li Jiu nodded and said in a calm tone: "Oh, is it the person who wants your heart as you said before?"

Ji Yunshu hummed, turned around, walked over with coffee, and handed her a cup.

Li Jiu took the coffee, took a sip, and asked, "How did you find this place?"

 “I met Lu Qingran when your brother and I had dinner last time. He had met my mother.”

 And she looks somewhat similar to her mother, so it’s not surprising that he can guess her identity.

She was surprised that the Yun family came to her door so quickly, and judging from the expressions on the Yun Yin and his wife's faces, they were afraid that their precious daughter's body had reached its limit.

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so eager to get her back.

 It's just...they still treat her as a little girl who had no power to resist more than ten years ago. Are they too naive?

Ji Yunshu took a sip of coffee, with a heart-stopping smile on his lips.

Suddenly, her eyelashes trembled, and she frowned at the coffee in the cup, "Why is it so bitter?"

 She clearly used the coffee machine according to the instructions in the book.

 Why is the coffee made so bitter?

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Is it bitter? I don't think so."

Ji Yunshu rolled his eyes, "Of course you can't taste it if you don't have a sense of taste."

With that said, she took away the coffee from Li Jiu's hand, "Stop drinking it, it tastes too bad, so just throw it away."

Although Li Jiu has no sense of taste, this is her first time making coffee by herself. There is no guarantee that something will happen if she drinks it, so she should be cautious.

Li Jiu pouted and said, "I think they will come again. What are you going to do?"

Ji Yunshu said simply and rudely: "Fight him out."

 “What if they pester you like flies? Aren’t you bothered?”

 According to what she saw just now, that couple was probably very attached to Ji Yunshu.

If Ji Yunshu doesn't return to the Yun family, they will definitely use other methods.

Those methods are of no use to Ji Yunshu, but they are disgusting.

 “Then what do you think we should do?”

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows, slightly raised her lips, and smiled, "Why don't you move into my house?"

Ji Yunshu decisively refused: "Impossible!"


 “Without a reason, the impossible is impossible.”

 How could she go to live at Li's house? !

“You moved to our house, it’s convenient for my grandpa to take a medical check.”

 “Your old man is in good health and has no need of me.”

“Just in case, old man.” Li Jiu said.

Ji Yunshu narrowed his eyes and said, "Ajiu, I think you just want to bring me and your eldest brother together."

“If you could put this energy into yourself and Mr. Qi, you would have been single long ago.”

Ji Yunshu hits the nail on the head.

 (End of this chapter)

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