She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 266: Lu Qingran: I’m here to apologize (first update)

Chapter 266 Lu Qingran: I’m here to apologize (first update)

Li Jiu chuckled, "If you don't want to go, I won't go."

She looked around and saw that she was the only one in the clinic, so she asked, "Where are your junior brothers and sisters?"

 “Go to school.”

Li Jiu nodded, "Just in time, I need your help with something."


“Lao Liu suffered from sequelae some time ago. Please take a look when you have time.”

After finishing speaking, Ji Yunshu's expression changed.

 “Why didn’t she tell me?”

She can hide this kind of thing, she is really messy.

It’s no joke if your mental power is leaked!

Li Jiu sighed, "She felt it was within control, so she didn't tell anyone else."

Ji Yunshu said with a cold face, "What does she think? She thinks she is a doctor? It's just nonsense!"

After saying that, she looked at Li Jiu again, her eyes slightly opened, and said angrily: "You two are disobedient, do you believe I can stop you from messing around with me?"

Looking at her substantial gaze, Li Jiu touched her nose and felt a little guilty, "What are you looking at me for if I don't obey you?"

 “Didn’t you start it?”

Ji Yunshu got angrier the more she thought about it. If Bai Muyou was willing to listen to her and not run around, how could there be any sequelae now?

And Li Jiu, who is still acting recklessly even though she knows her physical condition, do you really think that she is a ghost doctor with a good temper?

Li Jiu glanced at her face and paused. He felt that if he told her now that he was going to S state the day after tomorrow, she would probably get angry.

Thinking that Ji Yunshu might go crazy, Li Jiu coughed lightly and decided to hide it from her first.

After telling her that Bai Muyou wanted to apply for blocking treatment and asking her to pay more attention to Bai Muyou, Li Jiu left.

 During this period, he didn’t say anything related to going to Continent S. If she knew about it, she would definitely do everything possible to stop it. It would be better to just kill it first and then tell her later.

After sending Li Jiu away, Ji Yunshu was about to close the door when a red Rolls-Royce stopped steadily in front of the clinic.

A trace of doubt flashed in Ji Yunshu's eyes. Today is the weekend and the clinic is not accepting patients. Who is this?

 The car door opened, and what caught the eye was the tall and well-proportioned legs. His eyes gradually moved upward, and finally fell on Lu Qingran's charming face.

 “Young Master Lu?”

 Ji Yunshu's eyes flashed with surprise. Why did Lu Qingran come here?

Lu Qingran stood there, looking at Ji Yunshu who looked surprised, and laughed a few times.

 Inviting the person in, Ji Yunshu poured him a cup of coffee.

“I wonder what Mr. Lu has to do when he comes to my place?”

Lu Qingran took the coffee with a slightly weird expression. He subconsciously tightened his hands and lowered his head, his eyes unclear.

 “I’m... here to apologize to you.”

Ji Yunshu raised his eyebrows, "Apologise?"

 She had only met him once before when she came to the Imperial Capital. What was he apologizing for?

Lu Qingran hesitated for a moment, raised his eyes to glance at her, then quickly lowered his head and said hesitantly: "I suspected that you were Aunt Yun's daughter after I saw you last time, so I went to Yun's house to confirm, but I didn't expect... "

He paused for a moment, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble too."

Ji Yunshu understood that it was because of this.

No wonder she had been in the imperial capital for a few months before the Yun family came to her door and the trouble lasted for a long time because of him.

“The Yun family didn’t come to see you, right?” Lu Qingran asked.

His expression was still very guilty. If it weren't for his temporary curiosity, the Yun family would not have known about Ji Yunshu's return.

 “I’ve already looked for it.” Ji Yunshu said truthfully.

Moreover, he arrived right after the Yun family left.

“What?” Lu Qingran’s eyes widened in shock, and then she frowned and her face turned ugly, “I didn’t expect them to be so shameless.”

 As soon as he left the Yun family, they found Ji Yunshu immediately.

How impatient is this?

If it weren't for the fact that he needed to confirm his inner guess, he wouldn't have gone to Yun's house.

He didn't expect the Yun family to be so sensitive. He just asked a few indirect questions, but they were able to guess it and even found Ji Yunshu's clinic!

Ji Yunshu laughed sarcastically, "They have become shameless for a day or two, but Mr. Lu, since you know the virtues of the Yun family, you still go to inquire about me. Is it possible that you did it on purpose?"

She looked at Lu Qingran with a half-smile, a hint of interest in her eyes.

Upon hearing this, Lu Qingran quickly shook her head and explained, "No! I just think that if you are really Aunt Yun's child, the Yun family might know something about it."

“Then you are right, the Yun family knows me very well.”

Ji Yunshu emphasized the last few words, sounding like self-deprecation.

  After all, she has been Yun Rong's backup heart since she was a child.

Lu Qingran frowned even more when he heard this, "I'm really sorry. I didn't think about it. I will help you deal with the Yun family."

Ji Yunshu chuckled, "No need, people like them won't have any impact on me."

"I'm just worried that they will attack you." Lu Qingran felt a little uneasy.

As far as he knew, Yun Rong's condition was particularly bad. Now the Yun family has used almost all its resources to find a matching heart for heart transplant surgery, but unfortunately they haven't found one yet.

And Ji Yunshu, the spare heart who once escaped from the Yun family, appeared in the imperial capital at this time. He was really worried that the Yun family would jump over the wall to take advantage of him.

 After all, they did something like this once twenty years ago.

Lu Qingran was full of worries, but Ji Yunshu, the person involved, didn't really care.

She is no longer the little girl who was unable to resist. If the Yun family really wants to kill her, don't blame her for sending Yun Rong to the West in advance.

 Before that, she could just collect some of the original interest.

Thinking about it like this, she couldn't wait to wait for the Yun family to come.

 Ji Yunshu’s lips raised a heart-stopping smile.

“Young Master Lu, don’t worry too much, I have my own way to deal with the Yun family.”

"Why am I not worried? After all, it is me who has caused you trouble." Lu Qingran lowered her eyes, looking remorseful.

"You just miss my mother, I understand." Ji Yunshu said.

Hearing this, Lu Qingran sighed, "I'm ashamed, Aunt Yun asked me to save you, but in the end you ran out on your own."

Had he been faster, maybe the outcome would have been better.

"Isn't that great? I left with my father, and the Yun family has not found us for so many years."


Lu Qingran looked at Ji Yunshu, and for some reason, he suddenly swallowed the words on his lips and could only sigh and shake his head.

 It would definitely not be a good experience for the father and daughter to leave their hometown and work outside.

This time when I returned to the Imperial Capital, I was troubled by the Yun family again.

“Oh, I forgot to ask, how is uncle these years?” Lu Qingran suddenly asked.

 He and Ji Yunshu were less than ten years old when Ji Yunshu's mother had an accident, so her memory of her father was somewhat vague and she couldn't remember his appearance.

"He has passed away." Ji Yunshu said calmly.

 (End of this chapter)

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