She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 267: Ji Yunshu’s past (second update)

Chapter 267 Ji Yunshu’s past (second update)

Lu Qingran was stunned suddenly, not expecting this answer at all.

 “I’m sorry for bringing up your sadness.”


Ji Yunshu didn't react much. Her father had been dead for many years. After such a long time, her mentality had become calm and there would be no more disturbances caused by this incident.

 But seeing that Lu Qingran was still brooding about this matter, Ji Yunshu comforted him: "Young Master Lu, you don't have to blame yourself for what happened back then. You don't owe me anything."

“Besides, you did your best at that time.”

 However, in the end he failed to find help, and her mother eventually died on the operating table.

Lu Qingran sighed, "If I could do it all over again, I would never let tragedy happen."

Ji Yunshu chuckled lightly, "Unfortunately, there is no if."

 Lu Qingran was silent.

After a long time, he suddenly asked: "What is your relationship with Tingzhi?"

Hearing his familiar tone, Ji Yunshu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Are you familiar with him?"

Lu Qingran chuckled, "We've been playing together since childhood, but that guy has become more and more disabled as he grows older, and his temperament has become cold and cold, like a piece of wood."

 Speaking of Li Tingzhi, Lu Qingran immediately made all sorts of complaints.

 Ji Yunshu chuckled. It seemed that they were really familiar with each other. So many points of complaint could not be made in a day or two.

“…But, although he is a bit cold-tempered and his emotional intelligence is basically negative, he is a good person and is worthy of trust.”

As he spoke, Lu Qingran blinked at her, his eyes full of hints.

Ji Yunshu almost choked.

 “What are you talking about?”

"I'm serious, you and he are very suitable together, but there is one disadvantage. His job is very dangerous and accidents are easy to happen."

Ji Yunshu pretended that he didn’t understand what he was talking about.

"Do you have anything else? If not, just leave. I'm still busy."

Seeing that he wanted to tell him some of the benefits of being with Li Tingzhi, Ji Yunshu started to chase them away without hesitation and with an expressionless face.

Lu Qingran glanced at the time and remembered that she still had something to do, so she had to say: "Okay, I'll leave first."

 After saying that, he stood up and left.

Before leaving, he did not forget to throw down a business card and said: "If you need anything, just call me."

Ji Yunshu's eyes suddenly twitched, and he looked at the gold-gilded business card in his hand speechlessly. Why did this guy make his business card so showy?

However, after thinking about it, Ji Yunshu put up the business card and looked at Lu Qingran's back as he drove away. He didn't know what he thought of and suddenly laughed.

Her mother is the youngest daughter of the head of the Yun family. Because she was not born into the royal family, she has been bullied by the Yun family.

 Her father was an ordinary doctor and he didn't mind her mother's background. They had her not long after they got married.

Although my mother is not popular in the Yun family, because my father's income is not bad, their family's life is not very bad.

Unfortunately, after the birth of Yun Rong, the real eldest daughter of the Yun family, her mother's biological sister, the peace of their family was completely broken.

Yun Rong has had a rare heart disease since birth, and there is no other better way except transplantation.

Yun Yin panicked. How could a mother watch her daughter die? So she started looking for a suitable heart.

 In the end, for some reason, it actually found her head.

 It’s ironic that she, Yun Rong’s cousin, has a heart that matches hers. Yun Yin was so happy about this result that she wanted her to transplant a heart to Yun Rong, so that Yun Rong would not have to suffer.

  When Yun Yin made this request, she was undoubtedly slapped a few times by her mother and kicked out of the house.

 It is rare for a person to be so selfish and shameless.

Your daughter has a heart problem, why should she risk her life to save it?

Who does Yun Yin think she is? Can God, who is above us, control other people's lives at any time?

How ridiculous!

It is impossible for her mother to agree, but Yun Yin seems to be crazy. She has been secretly coveting her heart, and the rest of the Yun family, including Mr. Yun, know this.

 But none of them spoke out against Yun Yin's idea.

The Yun family is a big family, with a history of more than a hundred years. Every generation of the Yun family has been doing business for generations, and they have become the richest plutocrats. However, for some unknown reason, in the generation of Mr. Yun, the Yun family has gradually declined.

 Despite this, the Yun family still retains some of the rules and concepts of their ancestors.

 For example, bloodline.

They believed that her mother was born from a mistress and had impure blood. Naturally, no one would speak for her, and no one would tell her Yun Yin's plan.

Yun Yin is obviously crazy. She will do almost anything for Yun Rong.

That day, Yun Yin kidnapped her mother while she was not at home, intending to send her directly to the operating table.

Unexpectedly, her mother suddenly came back and discovered Yun Yin's intentions, so she ran away with her.

But where can I run to?

It is impossible to call the police. There are many spies of the Yun family in the police station. I am afraid that they will be arrested by the Yun family before they arrive at the police station.

At this time, while they were escaping, they met Lu Qingran who was lost because of fun on the street.

My mother once met Lu Qingran at a banquet. She knew that he was the eldest son of Lu and knew that he could save them, so she asked him to go back to the Lu family to find someone to help.

Even anyone can do it, as long as he can help them.

 Although it is unrealistic to ask a child under ten years old to seek help, it can only be used as a doctor.

 However, in the end they failed to recruit reinforcements, and the Yun family captured them back.

In order to save her, her mother resisted desperately. In the end, during the dispute, her artery was accidentally cut with a scalpel, and she died of excessive blood loss.

As for the Yun family, they all stood aside indifferently and watched all this happen. No one wanted to save their mother.

At that time, she didn’t know where the strength came from, broke free, ran all the way to the street, and finally escaped by sneaking into the subway.

Later on, she wandered around the streets in a daze. If she hadn't met her father's colleagues, she might have starved to death on the streets.

My father, who had just returned from a business trip, was greatly shocked when he heard the bad news that his mother had died. He rushed into Yun's house like crazy, only to have his legs broken and thrown out.

 After that, she left the Imperial Capital with her father.

Shortly after, her father passed away, and she was picked up and adopted by her master, where she remains today.

To be honest, after so many years, she has already had the ability to make the Yun family pay the price, but once she failed to avenge her parents, it was not that she stopped hating and gave up.

 But I don’t want to let the Yun family go so cheaply!

She planned to torture everyone in the Yun family slowly, bit by bit, so that they could taste despair.

 But when Yun Yin and his wife came to the door, for a moment, Ji Yunshu really thought about strangling them to death.

 (End of this chapter)

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