She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 268: Why should she? (first update)

Chapter 268 Why should she? (first update)

More than twenty years have passed since the incident, but the hatred has not subsided at all, but has become even stronger.

Ji Yunshu drank the coffee in the cup in one gulp and lowered his eyes to hide the haze in his eyes.

Originally, her main mission in coming to the Imperial Capital was to assist Li Jiu, but now that the group of people jumped in front of her, don't blame her for dealing with them first!

 At the alley near the clinic, Lu Qingran stopped the car, put one hand on the steering wheel, and pressed the Bluetooth on his ear, his eyes dark and gloomy.

"How many times have I told you not to disturb her! Did you turn a deaf ear to what labor and management said?!"

 After saying a few words, Lu Qingran's expression suddenly became ferocious.

“I don’t care, I’ll just leave it here today! Ji Yunshu, I’m covering you up. If you dare to disturb her again, I’ll skin you!”

 After saying that, regardless of the other party's reaction, he took off the Bluetooth, threw it on the passenger seat, and drove away.

Yun Mochu stared at the screen of the hung up phone with a gloomy face, his eyes darkening slightly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the housekeeper pushed the door open and entered.

“Master, my wife asked you to go to the hospital, saying that the lady is awake.”

"I see."

 Yunshi Private Hospital, VIP ward.

When Yun Mochu arrived, the rest of the Yun family were there.

Yun Yin and his wife are sitting by the bed and talking to Yun Rong. Judging from their expressions, they should be asking about their physical condition.

Mr. Yun was sitting on the sofa beside him. His eyes were sunken and his eyes were sunken. He looked not in good spirits, but his eyes were sharp.

Everyone heard the movement and turned their eyes to him in unison.

Yun Rong had just woken up, her face was slightly pale, her skin was almost transparent, and the blood vessels on her neck were clearly visible. When she saw Yun Mochu, her eyes lit up slightly and she said happily: "Brother, you are here."

Yun Mochu hummed slightly and didn't react much to the excitement in her eyes. Yun Yin frowned and said, "Achu, what's your attitude? Your sister is calling you!"

As soon as she said these words, Yun Mochu's eyes suddenly darkened, and the anger he had suppressed because of Lu Qingran's words immediately came up.

“What’s my attitude? Mom, why don’t you first think about what good things you have done!”

The tone of his words was so serious that Yun Yin was so shocked that she didn't react and was stunned on the spot.

Mr. Yun frowned in displeasure and said in a deep voice, "Achu, why are you talking to your mother?"

Chu Huaiguang, who was accompanying his wife and daughter, also said: "It's Ah Chu, apologize quickly."

Yun Mochu realized that he had lost his composure after saying that, and clenched his fists to calm down.

 He coughed lightly and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I sounded a little harsh."

Yun Rong looked at his obviously worried expression and couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Brother, what happened?"

Yun Mochu didn't say anything, but looking at his expression, you could tell he was acquiescing.

Now Yun Yin also reacted and asked quickly: "What happened, Ah Chu?"

Yun Mochu raised his head and took a deep look at her. The look in his eyes made the latter's eyelids twitch, giving her a bad premonition.

As expected, Yun Mochu paused and asked, "Mom, are you looking for Ji Yunshu?"

Yun Yin’s face stiffened and her eyes changed.

 Ji Yunshu?

Yun Rong's eyes flashed when he heard the name, and he suddenly wondered: "Brother, are you talking about Sister Yun Shu? Isn't she dead?"

She turned to look at Yun Yin again, "Mom, didn't you say she was hit by a car and died?"

However, Yun Yin lowered her head and remained silent for a rare moment. Not only her, but also Chu Huaiguang and Mr. Yun did not speak. "What the **** is going on?" Yun Rong was completely confused by their reaction.

 After a long while, Chu Huaiguang finally couldn't help but say: "Rong Rong, actually Yun Shu was not hit by a car and died that year."

Yun Rong frowned, her eyes sparkling with water, puzzled: "Then why has she not been with the Yun family all these years?"

Yun Mochu glanced at her and said coldly: "That's because your parents and grandpa discovered that her heart matched yours very well, so they wanted to use her heart to save you."

Upon hearing this, Yun Rong's face immediately turned paler, "Use, use her heart?"

Yun Yin saw her frightened expression and couldn't help but turn around and glare at Yun Mochu, her eyes implying a warning.

Yun Rong has just woken up and his mental state is extremely unstable. How could he listen to such **** things?

"Rongrong, don't be afraid. You don't have to worry about these things. Mom will definitely find a way to save you." Yun Yin said in a comforting tone.

Yun Mochu's face became even colder, "Save? How to save? Do you think Ji Yunshu is still the little girl who was at your mercy?"

Seeing him contradicting her again and again, Yun Yin, no matter how good-tempered she was, became sullen and said angrily: "Ah Chu! Do you mean to protect that dead girl Ji Yunshu? What about your sister!"

“I’m not trying to protect her, but you can’t touch her yet!”

Yun Yin became anxious when she heard this, "Why can't she move? Is it possible that she still has some support?"


However, Yun Mochu let out a sneer, his eyes darkening, "You're right, she has a backer, and we can't afford to offend her!"

As he spoke, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and showed them the chat history.

“Lu Qingran warned me when you knew Ji Yunshu came to the Imperial Capital. Just now, you went to see Ji Yunshu, and he immediately called and warned me again not to provoke her.”

At this time, not only Yun Yin, but also Chu Huaiguang and Mr. Yun looked at the mobile phone in his hand with shocked expressions.

Yun Yin muttered in disbelief: "How is this possible? How could that dead girl..."

Yun Mochu said very speechlessly: "So Mom, I beg you, can you calm down for a while first?"


Yun Yin looked sharply and rejected him.

"What about Rong Rong's heart? She can't wait any longer."

Yun Yin held Yun Rong's hand, her eyes gradually turned reddish.

“Achu, this is your biological sister. How could I watch her die?”

 So, no matter what, the best way now is to use Ji Yunshu's heart to save Yun Rong.

All of this was destined. When Yun Rong's condition worsened, Ji Yunshu appeared in the Imperial Capital. Isn't this an opportunity given to the Yun family by God?

 In this case, how could she not cherish it?

Yun Mochu couldn't bear it any longer, and finally roared loudly: "Then have you ever considered the Yun family! Lu Qingran said that if we continue to have evil thoughts about Ji Yunshu, he will make the Yun family miserable! Here we go! Then the entire Yun family will have to play with her!"

Yun Mochu stretched out his hand and pointed at the delicate Yun Rong on the hospital bed.

Yun Rong's face suddenly turned pale, her fingers clenched tightly on the sheets, her teeth bit her lower lip, and her eyes had unclear emotions.

Yun Yin was completely stunned.

how come?

Lu Qingran, how could Lu Qingran do this for Ji Yunshu?

Why should she? !

 (End of this chapter)

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