She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 269: It’s better to invite the ghost doctor (second update)

Chapter 269 It’s better to invite a ghost doctor (second update)

Mr. Yun also said in a serious voice: "If what Achu said is true, it's better to be careful."

"What are you being careful about? Dad, Rong Rong's body can't wait any longer!" Yun Yin was anxious, her tone a little excited.

“You have heard what the doctor just said. We really can’t delay it any longer. Now the only hope is to have her and Ji Yunshu change their hearts quickly!”

Mr. Yun was silent. What she said did make sense.

Yun Rong's condition has become serious enough that he can no longer delay, and currently he has used all the power of the Yun family to search all over the black market, but he doesn't have the heart to match Yun Rong at all.

Only Ji Yunshu…

Mr. Yun narrowed his eyes.

“Dad, don’t hesitate, the first priority is to capture that girl first!”

"No!" Yun Mochu objected with an ugly face, "Lu Qingran won't let us go."

Yun Yin's expression was a bit desperate, "I can't control that much, I don't believe that the Lu family would really break up with us over Ji Yunshu!"

 After speaking, she glanced at the silent Chu Huaiguang for support, "Do you think so?"

"Huh? Oh, that's right." Chu Huaiguang said vaguely.

Mr. Yun’s eyes flickered uncertainly, as if he was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

At this moment, Yun Rong, who had been silent on the hospital bed and acted as a background, suddenly said: "Mom, Grandpa, if you are in trouble, forget it."

“Why is this so difficult? Rongrong, don’t worry, mom will definitely make you healthy.”

Yun Yin looked at Yun Rong lovingly, her eyes very firm.

Mr. Yun also said: "Rongrong, don't worry, grandpa will do his best to cure you."


Yun Rong bit her lip, glanced at Yun Mochu secretly, and found that his face was very gloomy, "Brother, didn't he say..."

Yun Yin interrupted her: "Leave him alone, your brother is always timid in doing things."

Hearing this, Yun Mochu's fists hanging by his sides clenched unconsciously, and his eyes became darker.

 Is he timid in doing things?

 She really dares to say it!

In today's Yun family, my grandfather is old and my father is unable to support himself. Isn't he taking care of everything in the company and at home?

 How could they have such a life if it weren't for him!

It is true that Yun Rong is his biological sister, but he will not offend Lu Qingran or the Lu family because of her. That will not do any good to the Yun family.

Although he didn't get along with Lu Qingran for a long time, he also knew that although he seemed a bit casual and wanton at ordinary times, once he got serious, his methods were even better than his.

It can be seen that the consequences of angering Lu Qingran are not something he can bear.

 But now, his good mother and grandfather actually ignored Lu Qingran's warning and wanted to take action against Ji Yunshu. Wouldn't that be a blatant slap in his face?

"Mom, are you sure you want to offend the Lu family?" Yun Mochu took a deep breath and asked for the last time.

Yun Yin frowned and said: "Ah Chu, even if Lu Qingran wants to help that dead girl, he cannot represent the Lu family. The Lu family will not break up with us now."

What's more, if Lu Qingran's meaning really represents the Lu family's meaning, they won't be afraid.

They are just relying on the Qi family, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, she forgot one thing. In the past, the Lu family did rely on the Qi family for support. However, in recent decades, the Lu family's power has begun to gradually expand, and its industry has also opened up overseas markets. Now in the Imperial Capital, no one can despise the Lu family. Home.

Yun Yin’s understanding of the Lu family was obviously still a long time ago.

But it's no wonder, after all, since Yun Rong was born, she basically spent most of her time with her, so naturally she didn't have free time to care about this. Yun Mochu sneered, "Whatever you want."

 If Lu Qingran is really angry by then, don't blame him for not reminding them.

 Instead of arguing with them here, it is better to go back and think carefully about how to deal with it.

 He didn't want to stay here for a moment.

Yun Mochu pushed open the door and walked out, but unexpectedly bumped into someone.

Leng Ming was holding a fruit basket in her right hand and looked at Yun Mochu walking out of the ward in a daze, her expression extremely gloomy.

 “Yun, Brother Yun?”

Yun Mochu glanced at her, ignored her, and walked directly past her.

Leng Ming was left alone and confused.

She opened the door with a smile on her face and said, "Grandpa Yun, Aunt Yun, Uncle Chu, and Rong Rong, I'm here to see you."

When Yun Yin saw Leng Ming, she immediately smiled and frowned, her eyes softening, "It's Mingming here."

“Yes, I’m free today, so I came to see Rong Rong.”

As she spoke, she blinked at Yun Rong, who chuckled, and his pale face looked better.

“By the way, I just saw Brother Yun walking out with a sullen face. Did something happen?”

She originally asked casually, but she saw that everyone present had strange expressions and remained silent.

Leng Ming thought she had said something wrong and cautiously asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Yun Yin smiled and changed the subject.

She didn't want others to know too much about Ji Yunshu. After all, it was a disgraceful matter. If one more person knew about it, it would be more dangerous.

Even if that person is Yun Rong’s best friend!

 “How is Rong Rong’s condition?”

Seeing that the Yun family didn't want to say anything, Leng Ming stopped asking. He just sat next to Yun Rong, held her hand, and asked worriedly.

“It’s not very good. The doctor said that a heart transplant must be done as soon as possible, and even if it is transplanted, the success rate is not very high.”

Yun Yin looked very sad. She was worried that even with Ji Yunshu's heart, the operation would still fail.

 If something happens to Yun Rong, how will she survive?

Suddenly, Leng Ming said abruptly: "I heard from a friend abroad that there is a ghost doctor who is very skilled in medicine. He claims that there is no disease that she can't cure. Why don't you ask Aunt Yun to try to see if he can cure Rong Rong?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yin's eyes lit up and disbelief flashed in her eyes, "Are you telling the truth?!"

Leng Ming nodded, "However, this ghost doctor has a very weird temperament and whereabouts. Almost no one knows about her. People who ask her to treat illnesses mostly place orders online."

Mr. Yun squinted his eyes and asked, "Is this ghost doctor really that good at healing?"

“Well, that’s right,” Leng Ming said: “She is famous abroad, and heads of several countries are vying to ask her to treat her illness. If we can ask him to treat her, Rong Rong should be saved.”

Yun Yin simply couldn't suppress her inner excitement, "That's right! As long as you ask a ghost doctor to operate on Rong Rong, it will definitely be successful!"

 Coupled with Ji Yunshu's heart, Rong Rong can act like a normal person!

 (End of this chapter)

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