She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 270: Wipe hair (1st update)

 Chapter 270 Wiping Hair (1st update)

“Mingming, do you know how to contact the ghost doctor?”

After learning that Yun Rong was saved, Yun Yin's eyes burst out with hope, and she couldn't contain the joy and excitement in her heart.

Leng Ming smiled slightly and said: "I have a friend who knows a website where you can post fees and ask ghost doctors to take orders. Although ghost doctors usually take orders based on their mood, it is worth a try."

 “Okay, okay! No problem!”

Mr. Yun also stood up at this time and thanked Leng Ming solemnly: "Leng Ming, the Yun family owes you a big favor this time."

Leng Ming shook his head, turned to look at Yun Rong on the hospital bed, and said, "It's all for Rong Rong. I also hope she can get well soon."

Hearing this, Yun Rong also raised the corners of his mouth happily.


Li Jiu thought she got up very early that day, but after looking around, she found that Qi Jingci was already gone.

He didn't know what he was doing during this period. He went out early and came back late in a mysterious manner. He looked at her with a slightly unnatural expression for several days, as if he was hiding something from her.

However, Li Jiu didn't pay too much attention to these. Currently, she regarded Qi Jingci and herself as roommates and good friends, and she would not get to the bottom of things he didn't want to tell her.

 Each of them keeps their own exclusive space so that they won’t feel offended.

But there are still a few strange things. For example, Qi Jingci prepares breakfast for her every morning these days and attaches a note with a series of small instructions, which is very considerate.

This change made Li Jiu feel very complicated.

 Because she found that she could no longer guess Qi Jingci's thoughts. It was as if the man was suddenly covered in fog and couldn't figure it out at all.

 However, judging from the current situation, this change has no impact on her, so she just lets it take its course.

  After finishing the breakfast prepared by Qi Jingci, Li Jiu returned to the bedroom and turned on the computer. Today she had to finish the final exam paper of Imperial University.

His slender, jade-like fingers were tapping rapidly on the keyboard, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Jiu blinked her sore eyes and was about to move her wrist when she heard a roar outside the window.

 Her body suddenly froze.

People who know her well know that she likes a dark and quiet environment when she is concentrating on work, so she just closed the curtains in the room.

 She was so focused during the past half hour that she didn't even notice what was going on outside the window.

At this time, there was another thunder in the sky, and the dull sound resounded in people's hearts.

Li Jiu clicked a few times on his mobile phone, and the curtains opened automatically. Several ferocious white lights flashed in the distant sky, tearing apart the dense dark clouds and chopping them down heavily.

The heavy rain poured down, blurring the windows, and the white mist splashed by the raindrops obscured Li Jiu's vision.

She raised her eyebrows, walked to the window, and opened the window. The raindrops were blown in by the wind, hitting her cheeks finely, and wet the hair on her forehead and the thick long eyelashes.

 Because it is already winter, you can feel the bone-chilling chill when the raindrops fall on your face, and when the wind blows, it almost turns into ice.

However, Li Jiu didn't react at all, his eyes were just full of surprise.

 Such heavy rain is rare in winter.

And it is even more rare to see it in a typical northern city like Dijing.

However, it may be due to the abnormal climate in recent years that it often rains instead of snowing in winter in the north.

Since the beginning of winter, there have been rainy days like this, but the first snow has never come.

Li Jiu doesn’t have any special feelings for Chuxue. To be honest, she doesn’t understand or be interested in them at all.    If that person hadn't often been nagging these annoying things in her ears, she would never have known about it.

Thinking of that person, Li Jiu's long black eyelashes trembled, and she lowered her eyes to hide the look in her eyes. After a while, she raised her head again to admire the rainy scene outside the window.

Although it is said to be a rain scene, it actually has no ornamental value at all. The huge and heavy raindrops fell on the ground and splashed white mist, blocking people's sight. People everywhere on the street reached out and held their heads because of the sudden shower, looking around. Passersby under cover.

Li Jiu gradually raised the corners of his lips, revealing a sincere smile.

She likes rainy days very much, especially thunderstorms like this. The sound of thunder mixed with the sound of rain gives her a feeling of peace of mind.

There was thunder outside, and Li Jiu just sat by the window, supporting her head with one hand, half-opening the window, and letting the raindrops fall on her shoulders.

Qi Jingci saw this scene when she came back from the company to pick up documents. Her bedroom door was not closed tightly, and the computer screen in the room was still on, but she was sitting on the balcony in a daze.

With one hand with the jaw, the other hand bent down the index finger and knocked on the balcony regularly. Her hair was blown up by the wind slightly, her hair was a little messy, and her clothes on her shoulders were soaked in a large piece, but she wanted to be fine.

Qi Jingci immediately frowned fiercely, his eyes darkened, and he immediately walked forward and closed the window before Li Jiu could react, pulled him up and sat him down on the bed.

Li Jiu was a little confused, and a question mark slowly appeared on his face:?

 When did he come back?

 Just sitting there in a daze, I didn't notice him at all.

Qi Jingci took out a dry towel from the bathroom, walked up behind Li Jiu with a sullen expression, and pretended to wipe her hair.

Li Jiu was startled and avoided subconsciously.

 “Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?”

Qi Jingci stretched out his hand and pressed her shoulders forcefully, preventing her shoulders from moving.

The thick and warm palm fell on his shoulder, which was the opposite extreme from the cold rain. It made Li Jiu tremble and did not dare to move.

The bed behind her sank. Qi Jingci knelt behind her, carefully picked up her silky black hair with both hands, and wiped it gently.

Li Jiu seemed to be really shocked, whether it was because of his sudden appearance or because of his current actions.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Li Jiu coughed lightly and tried to find something to talk about, "Well, why are you back?"

 “Some papers were left behind.”

His voice was very low, and his warm breath sprayed on her ears and neck. Along with the rustling rain and intermittent thunder outside the window, a strange feeling filled her heart.

Li Jiu endured it, but finally couldn't hold it back and wanted to turn around and grab the towel in his hand.

 “I’d better do it myself.”

It’s not that Qi Jingci is not good at wiping, it’s just that it’s a little too awkward, and she never likes to be touched by others.

However, Qi Jingci didn't give her this chance. The moment she turned around, he stopped her movement and said in a calm voice: "Don't move."

Whether it is tone or tone, it is undeniably strong and a proper domineering president.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Even though the thoughts of "Why should I listen to you" and "Who do you think you are" arose in his heart, for no reason, Li Jiu felt a little guilty when he heard his tone, so she somehow stopped resisting and let him do what he did. .

 (End of this chapter)

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