She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 271: Drink the **** soup (second update)

Chapter 271: Drink the **** soup (second update)

Qi Jingci’s face is now so cold that it could freeze someone to death.

God knows that when he came back just now and saw Li Jiu sitting there with the window open and being soaked in the rain, he wanted to strangle this woman who didn't know how to cherish her body.

 It’s really too messy.

 But what followed was even more heartache.

There is no other way, what else can I do after knowing that I like her? Pamper me.

 So he had to accept his fate and wipe the hair of this ancestor.

 “Did you know it’s easy to get sick this way?”

Qi Jingci had a serious face and a lecturing tone.

I wanted to say, "How could you do such a stupid thing if your brain is broken?", but after thinking about it for a moment, he swallowed his words.

Li Jiu was silent for a moment and smiled dryly: "I just want to see the rain."

“You want to get wet in the rain when you see the rain? Then you get soaked and catch a cold?”

Qi Jingci frowned, wondering how little she cared about her body.

Li Jiu retorted: "You won't catch a cold."

Well, she admitted that what she did just now was stupid and stupid, and she didn't know what happened. Maybe the rain this time reminded her of some things in the past.

But she was sure that with her constitution, she would definitely not catch a cold.

 But when it came to Qi Jingci, she had no way to explain, so she could only listen to the instruction in silence.

“Don’t catch a cold?” Qi Jingci snorted, “Don’t talk too much.”

Although she can usually fight with him on a draw, her body seems to shrink when she blows, so it is really not credible to say that she won't catch a cold.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qi Jingci also fell silent and concentrated on wiping her hair.

About five minutes later, Qi Jingci put down the slightly wet towel, stood up and said to Li Jiu: "Okay, go change your clothes and take a hot shower so you don't catch a cold."

Li Jiu laid her eyes on him and met each other. After a few seconds, she lowered her eyes and said oh.

Go to the cloakroom, take out a set of clothes, and enter the bathroom.

Qi Jingci watched her back until the bathroom door cut off his sight. He glanced at the window and exited the bedroom.

 Turning on the faucet, the steaming water poured down. Li Jiu tilted her head back slightly, letting the water temperature warm her body from the outside to the inside.

 Closing her eyes, the scene of Qi Jingci wiping her hair just now flashed in her mind. For some reason, she always felt something weird, but she couldn't tell where it was.

By the way, did Qi Jingci wipe people’s hair before?

Moreover, his movements were so gentle, which simply didn’t fit his aloof persona.

Thinking again about his caring words just now, Li Jiu felt more and more that something was wrong with Qi Jingci.

However, before she could think about the result, a cup of **** soup was handed to her as soon as she came out of the bathroom.

Li Jiu looked at the steaming cup of **** soup and glanced at Qi Jingci suspiciously, feeling even more that something was wrong with him.

“Drink it while it’s hot,” Qi Jing said.

Li Jiu pointed at the **** soup and asked, "Did you make it?"

 He nodded.

Li Jiu looked at the cup of **** soup in silence without saying anything.

Seeing her worry, Qi Jingci said: "Don't worry, I followed the step-by-step instructions on the Internet and drank it. It tastes okay."

Li Jiu became even more silent.

After a long time, she raised her head, with complicated eyes, and asked with difficulty: "Do you have anything to ask of me?"

She thought that this was the only possibility. If Qi Jingci had nothing to ask her for, how could his behavior be so abnormal, wiping his hair and drinking **** soup? Qi Jingci frowned and then shook his head, not understanding why she thought so.

 “What are you thinking about? Drink the **** soup quickly.”

Li Jiu made a sound and drank the **** soup in one gulp.

Seeing her finish the drink, Qi Jingci looked relieved and said, "Don't take care of your body now. The consequences of cold air entering a girl's body will be serious."


Hearing her assurance, Qi Jingci finally felt relieved, glanced around the room, and finally landed on the computer that was still on.

 “What are you doing?” Qi Jingci asked.

Just now he was just worried that Li Jiu would catch a cold and made **** soup for her, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Li Jiu's eyes followed him and fell on the computer. He immediately stepped forward and blocked the content on the screen with his body. Then he reached out to close the computer, coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing, I'm chatting with someone else. "

In a moment of carelessness, she actually forgot that there was this problem. If Qi Jingci really saw the content above, her vest might not be able to hold it anymore.

  It has already entered winter. In order to keep warm, you must wear a vest and never take it off.

Seeing that Li Jiu didn't want to say anything, Qi Jingci didn't ask any further questions. He just wanted to wait for her to take the initiative to tell him.

But that day is not far away, Qi Jingci thought.

 He will work hard to make Li Jiu willingly tell him everything.

Thinking of this, Qi Jingci's eyes looking at Li Jiu became softer and softer.

As if feeling the change in his eyes, Li Jiu suddenly raised her head and glanced at him. However, Qi Jingci returned to normal in an instant, so she ignored the gentleness in that moment.

  Outside the window, there was wind and rain, and lightning and thunder, which caused the indoor light to be very dark, adding to a cold atmosphere.

If you were an ordinary person, you would feel a little chilly even if you were not scared, but the two of them looked more normal than the other, and their expressions did not even move.

It was as if even if the thunder struck their ears, they would not react at all.

Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu with a flash of admiration and pride in his eyes.

 Look, she is indeed the person he likes. Thunder like this cannot scare her at all.

Li Jiu has her back turned to Qi Jingci, so she naturally doesn't know what his eyes are thinking or what he is thinking. The only thing she cares about now is when he leaves.


 The current atmosphere is too embarrassing.

 Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long. Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu for a while and said, "There are still things at the company, so I will leave first."

As soon as these words came out, Li Jiu breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.


After Qi Jingci left, Li Jiu patted his face in annoyance.

what's up!

 Why do you always feel guilty when you see Qi Jingci recently? And there was something wrong with the way he looked at her.

Li Jiu felt that she could no longer be passive like this, and she wanted to find the reason herself.

After thinking for a while, Li Jiu suddenly realized that maybe because she bumped into him at MZ before, she unconsciously felt guilty when facing him.


Li Jiu narrowed his eyes.

 What is she guilty of? The vest hasn’t fallen off yet, we just bumped into each other at the MZ gate. What does that mean? Even if Qi Jingci caught her in Ji Huai's office, as long as she didn't admit it, what could he do to her?

Li Jiu did some mental construction for himself and decided to stay calm when facing Qi Jingci in the future.

However, how did she know that her brain circuit was completely different from Qi Jingci's.

 This is comparable to cross-server chat.

 (End of this chapter)

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