She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 272: It’s you who are too absorbed (first update)

 Chapter 272 You are too obsessed (1st update)

After Qi Jingci left, Li Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, turned on the computer, archived the completed test paper and sent it to Mr. Wu.

[Thanks a lot. ]

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows as he looked at the message from Mr. Wu on his phone.

    It’s not hard, I hope you won’t regret it. ]

The emperor's small cubs did not know how psychological quality was.

 After waiting for a while, Mr. Wu did not send a message. He must have been choked by her words.

Li Jiu didn't care. Since the test papers were finished, she had nothing to do. It happened to be raining heavily outside, so she took advantage of the sound of rain to take a nap.

As soon as I lay down, I received unexpected news.

"What did you say? The guy who stole the strange stone is in the Imperial Capital?" Li Jiu's eyes flashed, secretly realizing that the matter might not be that simple, "Fourth, where did the news come from?"

 “Given by the Council.”

Li Jiu frowned, "Is it reliable?"

 “I’ve asked the teacher, it’s reliable, but I don’t rule out other possibilities.”

"for example?"

 “For example, the council is tampering with it.”

Li Jiu thought for a moment and realized that it was unlikely that the board of directors would do anything. After all, they still had the same goal in terms of finding the mole.

“Wasn’t the Council still unable to do anything about the theft of the strange stone before? How did it know who did it so quickly?”

“I heard that Director Han made a fishing trip, and the man showed his flaws. I originally wanted to capture him in one fell swoop, but ended up letting him run away.”

 “Have you ever asked that guy why he’s here?”

The person on the other side was silent for a moment and said: "I don't know much about it. I just heard from the people in the council that they spent a lot of effort to track down the person. But since no one in the council is in the empire, we asked for our help."

Li Jiu pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "I understand. You can take the people below to check."


The other party answered and hung up the phone.

Li Jiu lay back on the bed, but she was not sleepy at all.

 Assuming that the council's information is correct and the mole really came to the Imperial Capital, we have to speculate on his intentions.

 If the theft of exotic stones is exposed, according to the association's regulations, that person will definitely not end well.

Since you are escaping, you must find a place to hide for a while where the association's forces cannot find you.

But he did the opposite and secretly risked his life to come to the Imperial Capital. If he wanted to hide in the Imperial Capital, it was simply impossible. The Association had a lot of power in the Imperial Capital. If he had any brains, he would not have committed suicide by himself.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, there is some reason why he has to risk his life to come here.

Thinking of this, Li Jiu decided to go and see for himself.

According to the information she received last time, the theft of strange stones is most likely related to Lin Yan, but this time the insider of the association suddenly came to the Imperial Capital, and so far no connection between the two has been found.

So is her intelligence wrong, or is it that maybe Lin Yan is in the Imperial Capital at the moment?

There may be other possibilities, but Li Jiu's intuition told her that the two people must be related, and she had to confirm it herself.

According to the council's information, the man bought a plane ticket from abroad to the Imperial Capital two days ago and has since lost track of him. Even if his mobile phone was located, it was only known that he had appeared in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. Because the Council could not directly access the surveillance of Imperial Capital and the personnel registration information of hotels or guesthouses, they temporarily lost real-time monitoring of insiders and had to transfer the matter to the association's responsible unit in Imperial Capital, which is the Special Administration Bureau. to handle.

The Special Administration Bureau is a subordinate organization of the association. Due to the variety and complexity of superpowers in various countries around the world, the association alone cannot properly handle incidents related to superpowers in various countries. Therefore, the Special Administration Bureau was established to maintain the relationship between superpowers and associations in various countries. the relationship between.

However, the Council wants to hand this matter over to the Special Administration Bureau, and the procedures to be followed are very complicated. I am afraid that by the time the Special Administration Bureau gets the special order to track down the mole, the person will have already run away.

 That's why she asked Lao Si to take people to investigate first, because they were not under the jurisdiction of the Special Administration Bureau and it was more convenient and simpler to do things.

It was already noon when Li Jiu arrived in the suburbs. However, the rain did not slow down. On the contrary, it had a tendency to get stronger and stronger.

The rolling and thick dark clouds seemed to be pressing on the top of the person's head, making it breathless. The huge raindrops came all over the sky and kept hitting the car windows.

Li Jiu opened the car door, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, sudden raindrops kept hitting her, soaking her black clothes.

In just a moment, all the rainwater on her body evaporated, and no raindrops touched her body. An isolation shield seemed to be formed around her, blocking out all the raindrops.

At this time, Li Jiu's whole temperament was very different from usual. His face was half covered by a silver-white mask, his eyes were deep, his eyebrows were cold, and his jawline was slightly tight, exuding a domineering and cold toughness.

Black Martin boots stepped steadily on the water-filled road, making a crisp sound, and slowly entered the factory step by step.

The factory was dimly lit and empty, with only the sound of raindrops constantly hitting the old railings and iron barrels echoing in this huge, empty space, which was eerie.

 The musty smell emanating from the surroundings mixed with the smell of earth, making her frown.

Li Jiu walked back and forth, looking around and found that there was no sign that anyone had been here.

However, since the last location tracked by the council was here, the mole must not have appeared here for no reason. There must be other places that she did not notice.

So what exactly made him come to this abandoned factory?

Li Jiu crossed his arms and stood there with his eyes lowered in thought.

The sound of rain outside is getting louder and louder, and the raindrops fall on the ground and splash white mist, giving people the illusion of being in a fairyland.

The inside of the factory became even more eerie, with the sound of rain pouring and the whistling wind making strange sounds in the empty environment.

 Suddenly, Li Jiu's ears moved and he accurately captured the sound of subtle footsteps.

At the same time, a slender white hand stretched out from behind her, trying to clasp her shoulder.

Li Jiu's eyes sharpened, he quickly turned around and caught the person's wrist with a grapple, then pulled it upwards.

 “Ouch, pain, pain! Boss, let go!”

A cry of pain brought Li Jiu back to her thoughts. She relaxed her grip and the man broke free.

Like Li Jiu, he was dressed in black, with a silver mask half covering his face. Behind him, there were also a group of similarly dressed people.

Li Jiu turned cold and said in a deep voice, "Who told you to sneak around behind me?"

The man paused and asked, "Why am I so sneaky? It's because you are too absorbed in thinking about things."

As soon as he received the order, he summoned people to come to the abandoned factory according to the information given by the council. As soon as he arrived, he saw Li Jiu standing there alone with his head lowered and not knowing what he was thinking.

I originally wanted to call her, but I was overpowered immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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