She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 273: Why did Qi Jingci appear here (second update)

Chapter 273 Why did Qi Jingci appear here (second update)

“Didn’t you ask me to bring someone to investigate? Why are you here too?” He asked doubtfully.

The people behind him also had different expressions. Fortunately, they were covered by masks, otherwise Li Jiu would have seen their expressions freeze the moment they saw her.

I go! Why did this great **** come?

 Didn’t you say it was just a small task?

Li Jiu explained his guess to him. He nodded, his eyes full of agreement, "I think the same as you, but I always feel that something is wrong."

 “Let’s test it first.” Li Jiu said.

 He nodded, waved to the group of people behind him, and said, "What are you doing standing still? Let's get to work!"

Everyone took action immediately, opened all the boxes they were carrying, took out the precision instruments inside, and spread their hands around the factory to inspect them carefully, staring closely at the instrument dials.

 After a while, everyone reported the results to him.

 “No?!” He widened his eyes, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, every corner has been tested, and none of the detectors responded.” The person who reported it confirmed it again.

“How is this possible? If the mole really did something here, why didn’t the detector respond?”

His eyes were a little dazed, and he subconsciously looked at Li Jiu. He found that her face was thoughtful, and he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, glanced at the detectors in everyone's hands, and said, "Maybe you thought wrong."


“The detector can only detect the residual mental power after using supernatural powers, so what if he didn’t use his mental power?”

He shook his head and denied, "It's impossible. The detectors we use are all modified by Lao Wu. Anyone with superpowers can detect fluctuations in mental power. If he really appears here, then what's left of him?" The mental strength that comes down is impossible to measure.”

The biggest difference between superpowers and ordinary people is the frequency of mental power fluctuations. The mental power fluctuations of each superpower will be slightly different, just like the fingerprints and DNA of ordinary people, and this is what they usually confirm when they have superpowers. The method of capable person identification.

The inner ghost has been here for a while. For people with superpowers, they usually inadvertently leak out extremely subtle mental power when they breathe in and out. If he really comes here, the detector will not react. .

"But there is another situation." Li Jiu said suddenly.

 She watched his expression suddenly change when he said these words, and asked in shock: "You mean..."

Li Jiu nodded.

 Even though every superpower user will inadvertently leak their mental power, there is still a situation.

That means that the person's superpower level is high enough that he can control his mental power at will without leaking it.

Li Jiu can do this, or every superpower user above SS level can do it.

 But the mole came from the council.

 All members of the council combined do not have an SS-level superpower, so where did he come from?

Li Jiu and he both saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

In addition to the supervision team affiliated with the president and the guard team used to protect the safety of association members, there are actually people who have reached the SS level in the association?

"This is impossible, let alone SS level, even if it is just an A level superpower, it will be recorded in the association, but I have never heard of that person before this incident."

Li Jiu's face darkened and his eyes darkened slightly, "I'm afraid things won't be that simple this time."

 If all the above guesses are true, then she has a hunch that there will be more things involved behind the theft of the exotic stone.

 A person who has never been noticed by the association. Since he is an SS-level master, and Yizo has not been noticed by anyone for so many years, it is impossible to say that there is no one behind him.

So what does that person want to do?

Li Jiu squinted his eyes, thoughts swirling in his mind.

"Okay, don't think about it too much. The council has handed this matter over to the Special Administration Bureau. Their people should be here soon, let them worry about it." He chuckled, not looking like Li Jiu was so dignified. Li Jiu glanced at him coldly, "Investigating the theft of exotic stones is a task given to me by the president."

 The implication is that she has to worry.

Even if she didn't want to care about it at all, but the task was coming, she couldn't do nothing.

“I know, but this is just a task for you, and a great opportunity for the council to clear its suspicions. Why don’t you just go with the flow and reap the benefits?”

"Do you think I will believe a word of what the council says?" Li Jiu sneered.


That’s really not the case.

Seeing that he was speechless, Li Jiu said: "I always feel that this matter will be related to what I want to check."


 “No evidence, intuition.”


The man was silent, not knowing what to say, so he had to ask: "What should we do now?"

“Now that the Special Administration Bureau has taken over, let’s investigate privately.”

After all, the Empire's Special Administration Bureau is not under the control of their Second Supervision Team. If they conduct a large-scale investigation and robbery on other people's territory, I am afraid they will be included in the book.

 “Okay.” He nodded in agreement, knowing that he would be busy next.

"There are no other clues in this factory. Let's go back first." Li Jiu said.

 He nodded and asked the others to clean up the traces of their visit, and then said to Li Jiu: "Boss, let's go together."

“I still have something to do, please take care of it and leave immediately.”


Li Jiu turned around and left regardless of how resentful the eyes behind him were.

Getting into the car, he put his hands on the steering wheel and stared at the swaying wipers in front of the window, slightly dazed.

 She carefully combed through the information she knew in her mind.

  1. This mole is an SS-level superpower who has been hiding in the council, and his ability cannot be ignored.

 2. He has been here and done something they don’t know about.

  3. There was someone behind him, and that person instigated him to steal the strange stone, which led to the strange stone arriving in the imperial capital by accident.

 4. He may be related to Lin Yan.

 That's all she knows so far, she doesn't know much more, and based on this alone, she can understand very little.

Li Jiu stretched out her hand and pinched the center of her brow, feeling that this year's troubles were coming one after another, making it difficult for people to stop.

But no matter what, she intuitively felt that if she continued to investigate, she might get unexpected gains, so she stopped worrying about it and just checked first.

Li Jiu started the car and drove away from the factory, passing another car at a corner.

Her body froze suddenly, and she immediately looked in the rearview mirror, but she could only see the rear of the black Bentley.

 Did she see it wrong just now?

Li Jiu narrowed her clear eyes, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and felt that it was impossible.

I must have seen it wrong. How could Qi Jingci appear in this wilderness?

 (End of this chapter)

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