She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 274: Your uncle’s birthday (first update)

 Chapter 274 Your uncle’s birthday (first update)

On the way back, Li Jiu received a call from Mr. Li.

 “Hello, grandpa.”

 “You still know that there is a grandpa like me!”

Mr. Li seemed to be holding back his anger, which made her helpless.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you talking about? You really can't help but forget me as a grandfather now that you have a fiancé, right?" Mr. Li snorted coldly, widened his eyes slightly, and cursed angrily.


Didn’t you pack me up and give it to Qi Jingci before?

Li Jiu complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud, so he could only follow him: "Yes, grandpa, I was wrong."

“You knew you were wrong and you didn’t say anything?” Mr. Li asked.

Li Jiu heard a different meaning from his tone.

  “What does it mean?”

Mr. Li paused for a moment, and then said carefully, "Tomorrow is your uncle's birthday. Come back with a small message."

He originally wanted to hold a birthday party for Li Chen's birthday. After all, he had not celebrated his birthday at home for many years, but he didn't want to. He said he just wanted to have a meal together as a family.

 Speaking of which, Li Chen has been away from home for many years, and what he may want most is just to be reunited with his family.

Li Jiu couldn't help being stunned, and his expression was dull for a moment. Tomorrow?

“Xiaojiu? Did you hear what I said?”

Mr. Li's voice brought her thoughts back, and it took her a while to find her own voice and said, "I know."

Perhaps hearing the subtle change in her tone of voice, Mr. Li sighed and said, "Don't worry, your father and the others won't be here tomorrow."

Li Jiu then realized that the old man meant that she didn't have to worry about bumping into people she didn't want to see. A warm current surged through her heart and she laughed softly, "I understand, grandpa."

 “Then it’s settled.”


Li Jiu turned off the Bluetooth. Mr. Li's phone call just now reminded her of something, which confused her and made him think that she was unhappy because of Li Hong.

 Actually not.

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and hid his expression, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

 The rain has gradually stopped at this time, and the moist air is mixed with the breath after the rain.

 She did not go back to Jingyuan. Instead, she parked her car at a nearby convenience store, bought a box of beer, and went to the beach.

It had just rained, and the sea air was extremely humid. The smell was all fishy and salty, but Li Jiu didn't dislike it. He took out a can of beer, clasped it lightly with his fingers, and pulled up the ring with a sneer. She was leaning lazily on the side of the car. The mask on her face had already been taken off and thrown on the passenger side. It was early after the rain, and the afterglow of the sun fell through the clouds on her soft hair, giving off a fine golden glow. The side face is exquisite and beautiful, as if coated with a layer of soft light.

Li Jiu looked at the vast sea in the distance, drank the beer in his hand bit by bit, flattened the can after drinking it, and threw it aside, ignoring it at all.

  She has always felt like a wild child without a father or a mother. Her father is unknown and her mother is missing. She has never had a home and does not understand the warmth of home.

In the past two years since she came to the Imperial Capital, although the Li family has had some unpleasant things that a wealthy family would have, in general, it really made her feel like home.

 However, after all, borrowed things are not your own and must be returned in the end.

Whether it is the daughter of the Li family or Qi Jingci's fiancée, once she has finished her work, she will leave the imperial capital and return to her world, returning everything here to its original owner.

Li Jiu’s fingers holding the beer can were slightly firm, and a glimmer flashed in his eyes.

 Leaving the Imperial Capital?

 This was her original plan, but for some reason, now that she thinks about it, she feels a little greedy.

If she left without saying a word, Qi Jingci would be angry, right?

Suddenly, Li Jiu was stunned. Why would she wonder if Qi Jingci was angry?

 Are they familiar enough?

Li Jiu couldn't help but chuckle, feeling funny about her own thoughts.

 Speaking of which, Qi Jingci has been really good to her during this period. If she wants to leave then, she should say hello to him first, so that he won't say that she is unloyal, right?

After staying at the beach for a few hours, she drank a whole box of beer. Although Li Jiu's drinking capacity was not bad and the beer would not make her drunk, there was still a bit of scarlet color on her cheeks, which made her originally The eye-catching appearance is even more stunning and attractive.

 The result of drinking so much was that she was detained for drunk driving.

When Qi Jingci received a call from the police station asking him to pick up someone, he was stunned. After confirming that it was Li Jiu, his face turned dark to the naked eye, and he gritted his teeth and said: " OK, I'll go right away."


For some reason, even through the phone, he could feel the coolness in his words.

Qi Jingci stood up, picked up the coat on the side, handed everything in his hands to the think tank, and hurried to the police station.

 When he got there, he found that Li Jiu was not as drunk as he thought, his mind was still sober, and he was sitting on the bench of the police station with a casual attitude, waiting for him.

Qi Jingci’s face darkened and he walked over with long legs.

Feeling a large shadow cast above her head, Li Jiu immediately raised her head. Because she drank too much, her eyes were watery, her eyes were slightly unfocused, and her face was blushing. She sat on the bench and raised her head. Looking at him seductively, he looked a bit well-behaved.

Qi Jingci was stunned, feeling as if a feather was gently scratching his heart, itching, but on the surface he coughed lightly, and asked: "Why are you drinking and driving?"

Li Jiu said nothing, lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes trembling slightly, and his originally clear voice was a little deep, and said: "I'm in a bad mood."

 (End of this chapter)

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