She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 275: A lifetime of pain (second update)

Chapter 275 A lifetime of pain (second update)

Once he heard that she was in a bad mood, Qi Jingci immediately lowered his voice and said softly: "What's wrong?"

Didn’t he feel fine when he left today? Why are you driving after drinking so much?

Li Jiu shook her head gently. Although she was a little dizzy now, she was still conscious and didn't want to talk to him so much.

Qi Jingci sighed lightly. She didn't want to say it and he couldn't force her to say it. He could only let her sit here for a while while he went to handle the formalities for her.

Li Jiu’s face was always eye-catching, and after she became Qi Jingci’s fiancée, no one in the imperial capital didn’t recognize her.

The traffic policeman who stopped her was so scared that his legs were weak when he saw her face clearly. Li Jiu was racing at high speed in the city just now! Drunk driving!

Considering her identity, the traffic policeman who handled her immediately sent her to the police station. The people at the police station were also able to find her out. After blocking the information, they immediately found Qi Jingci.

After learning that Li Jiu was driving drunk and speeding at high speeds, Qi Jingci's face was so gloomy that he could drip water. The knuckles of the fingers holding the penalty slip turned slightly white, and the chill emanating from his whole body made the little policeman opposite him feel weak in his legs.

Taking a deep breath, Qi Jingci suppressed the anger in his heart, signed the penalty form, paid the fine, and led Li Jiu away.

Behind them, the policeman holding the penalty ticket breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived the robbery, hoping to never meet Qi Jingci again in his life.

 It’s so scary! The rumors are indeed true!

After leaving the police station, Li Jiu walked in front and Qi Jingci was left behind. However, she didn't care at all and kept her head down without knowing what she was thinking.

Qi Jingci crossed his long legs and stood in front of her, "What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that she was about to hit him, Li Jiu suddenly came back to her senses. She was shocked to realize that she was slightly closer to him at this moment, and even their breathing could be heard clearly. She subconsciously took a step back and said, "It's nothing."

Qi Jingci looked at her suspiciously, and finally said nothing, dragging her into the car and taking her back to Jingyuan.

“Your car has been pulled away by the traffic police brigade, do you want me to find a solution?”

Li Jiu put on his seat belt. Hearing this, he paused with his hands, an unnatural look flashed across his face, and said, "No, just let nature take its course."

This time it was indeed her own suicide. After drinking, she couldn't help but drove her car in the city. As a result, the car was lost and all the points on her driver's license were deducted.

Seeing her eyes twinkling and her expression stiff, Qi Jingci sighed, "Why are you so crazy? You dare to drive a car after drinking so much?"

Li Jiu defended in a low voice: "I just drank some beer."

  “…Are you sure it’s just a little?”


Alright, the box of beer she bought contained at least dozens of cans.

Li Jiu remained silent.

Qi Jingci glanced at her face secretly and found something was wrong, so he asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

He was fine when he left, but who knew that after he left, she drank for no reason.

Li Jiu didn't want to tell him too much about herself, so she excused herself: "I'm just in a bad mood and want to drink some wine to relieve my boredom."

Seeing that she still refused to say anything, Qi Jingci sighed softly and said, "Don't do this again. The traffic police stopped you this time. What if you get into a car accident?"

  Li Jiu: "...don't worry."

 She would never do such a stupid thing again.

After chatting with him for a few words, Li Jiu had sobered up a lot. A scene from today suddenly popped up in his mind. He couldn't help but glance sideways at Qi Jingci. He hesitated for a few seconds and asked: "You …Have you been at the company today?”

Qi Jingci paused for a moment and then returned to normal.

Of course he did not stay at the company today. During this period, he went to a factory in the suburbs to investigate some things. But why did she ask that?

Qi Jingci glanced at Li Jiu strangely and said, "Yes, I have been in the company."

Li Jiu sighed and said nothing. Maybe she really saw it wrong.

At that time, the person's appearance also flashed away, so fast that she couldn't see clearly at all. Thinking about it now, it was just her illusion.

With the doubts in his heart dispelled, Li Jiu stopped probing and changed the subject directly: "Grandpa just called and said that tomorrow is my uncle's birthday and asked me to take you back with him."

Qi Jingci's eyes flashed lightly and he said calmly: "Okay."

But I was a little surprised, thinking I would have to meet my parents so soon?

Although I have never met the Li family before, the current situation is different from the past, so how can my mood be the same.

Moreover, this was the first official visit since he and Li Jiu got engaged. He couldn't lose etiquette anyway, and he had to prepare something.

 But he has to go tomorrow, time is too short, and he doesn’t know the Li family’s hobbies, so it’s not easy to prepare this gift.

Qi Jingci thought about it and thought it would be better to ask Li Jiu first to avoid embarrassment later.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, he saw that Li Jiu had fallen asleep with her head tilted and pillowed on her arms. All she could hear in the car was her shallow breathing.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci sighed, forget it, judging from her appearance, she might not know much about the Li family's Xihai, so he might as well figure it out on his own.

Thinking of this, Qi Jingci took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jing Yi, asking him to prepare some gifts for the first visit. Time was tight and they must be prepared early tomorrow morning.

Jingyi: "???"

Who are you going to visit? Who deserves such a solemn visit?

 Li family

Mr. Li was caught off guard and sneezed. Li Chen, who was on the opposite side of the chessboard, immediately handed over a tissue when he saw this.

“Dad, it’s been cold lately, so be careful.”

Mr. Li snorted twice and said, "Don't interrupt, just make a move quickly."

Li Chen had no choice but to pick up a chess piece with **** and put it on the chessboard.

“Ah Shen, I told Xiaojiu that she should come with Xiao Ci tomorrow.”

Li Chen paused for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, it's rare for the family to get together."

However, seeing him like this, Mr. Li sneered, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. When they come tomorrow, you are not allowed to make excuses!"

  After being exposed, Li Chen laughed awkwardly, "Dad, I'm also worried about Xiaojiu."

 “I think you just don’t like small words.”


Mr. Li suddenly had such an expression on his face. Doesn’t he still know his son?

 “That’s true of you, Xiaojiu is not your daughter, why are you so hostile to Xiaoci?” Mr. Li said.

Li was silent for a moment, lowered his eyes, looked a little sad, and said with difficulty: "If she were still alive, she would be as old as Xiaojiu."

Mr. Li froze. Of course he knew who Li Chen was talking about. He sighed heavily and put the flag back, not intending to continue.

“It’s been so long, it’s time for you to let it go.”

 After saying that, Li Chen smiled mockingly to himself.

lay down? How to let him let go?

 His wife and daughter died in front of him. This piercing pain has been engraved in his bones and will never go away in his lifetime.

 (End of this chapter)

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