She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 276: Are your hands slipping every time? (first update)

Chapter 276: My hands slip every time? (first update)

Li Chen tilted his head to prevent others from noticing the sadness in his eyes. He lowered his voice and his throat was a little tight: "If I could forget, I would have forgotten it long ago."

His words pierced Mr. Li's heart, and the atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

After a long time, Mr. Li sighed softly: "Yes, if you forget, why bother always treating Awen's birthday as your own birthday."

Li Chen lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"But Ah Shen, don't blame me for talking about you. We have been gone for so many years, and you should recognize the reality."

“You refused to accept Awen when he died, but the body is right in front of you. You have to believe it even if you don’t believe it.”

 “Listen to me and stop thinking about what happened back then.”

Li Chen's eyes quickly flashed with dark light, and he said solemnly: "I don't believe that is Awen."

Although the body looked exactly like Awen, and the DNA confirmed that it was hers, there was still a trace of disbelief in his heart.

 It’s not that he refuses to accept reality, but that he has too many doubts.

He has been searching for these years, but still found nothing.

Seeing his stubbornness, Mr. Li couldn't bear to talk any more.

He knew how much his eldest son loved Wen Wen back then. After her death, he was like a demon. He couldn't listen to what others said. He didn't even care about Li Tingzhi and Li Muye. .

The whole person was going crazy for a long time before he calmed down.

“Forget it, I won’t force you, just think about it yourself.”

Mr. Li got up and went back to his room, leaving Li Chen alone in the study, staring at the chess game for a long time, unable to recover.

Jing Yi’s work efficiency is still very reliable, and he handed the purchased gifts to Qi Jingci early the next morning.

Li Jiu looked on with surprise on his face, "Why...are you preparing so many things?"

Qi Jingci directed Jing Yi to put the things in the trunk, turned around and said to her: "It's not a good idea to come to the door empty-handed."

He has not gone to the Li family many times, and this time there are more Li family members, so he is more prepared and prepared.

Li Jiu smiled, "It's just a celebration of my uncle's birthday. There are no outsiders around. Are you okay with that?"

Qi Jingci’s eyes flashed and he clearly and accurately caught the key words.

 “You just said that there are no outsiders here?”

  Doesn’t it mean that he and she are both members of the same family?

Li Jiu's mouth froze, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing. His eyes flashed a few times, and he calmly denied, "You heard wrong."

Her tone was a little guilty, with a feeling of concealment. Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a faint smile on his lips.

   Feeling uncomfortable when he saw her, Li Jiu glanced at him and got into the car directly.

Qi Jingci followed closely and sat next to her. The distance was very close. His whole body was wrapped in his breath, and his breathing was confused for a moment.

Li Jiu calmly moved to the side. Unexpectedly, he also moved a few times, forcing her to the car door.

Hext to the car door, with him sitting next to him, there was no room to move at all.

Li Jiu took a deep breath, clenched her hands, and finally couldn't help but raise her head, "What are you doing?"

Qi Jingci raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a slight smile in his eyes, and continued to pursue the topic just now, "Are you sure I heard it wrong just now?"

He drew out his tone, raised his eyebrows, and had a playful expression on his face.

 Obviously he was making fun of her.

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes, a hint of danger flashed in her eyes. Dare you tease her?

So, she smiled slightly, but the smile did not reach her eyes, and said, "What if?"

 “But I clearly heard—”

 “That’s because you have bad ears.”

Before Qi Jingci could say the second half of his sentence, Li Jiu choked him.

“…” Qi Jingci was stunned for a moment, and then helplessness appeared in his eyes. Well, it’s not good if your ears are not good.

   If you keep asking, you might get angry.

Seeing that he finally stopped, Li Jiu was about to tell him to stay away from her. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the car body suddenly slipped. Li Jiu, who was sitting next to the car door, became unsteady and fell directly into Qi Jingci's arms. inside.

Qi Jingci was also startled, and subconsciously stabilized her body to prevent her from being knocked. Despite this, Li Jiu's head still hit the crook of his neck.

The soft and fragrant hair passed across his chin, causing a tingling sensation, and the place where it was touched heated up as if it was on fire.

Qi Jingci quickly lowered his head, and met a pair of eyes. Moving his gaze downwards, his hands happened to be around her waist. It looked like he was hugging her from behind, and she was lying on her back. In the arms, the posture is very ambiguous.

 Our eyes met, and the air was briefly quiet.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

This silence was not broken until Jing Yi’s questioning voice came from the front.

“Sir, my hand slipped just now, are you okay?”

Li Jiu: “???”

 Why do your hands slip every time you drive? !

Li Jiu’s face became gloomy for a moment, and he quickly left Qi Jingci’s embrace.

Qi Jingci coughed lightly, with a bit of reluctance hidden in his eyes.

 The warm and soft touch just now, to be honest, it feels quite comfortable to hold it.

This hand slips just right.

Jing Yi naturally had no idea what the two of them were thinking. When Qi Jingci didn't answer, he was confused for a moment, and then continued to concentrate on driving.

 The embarrassment just now lasted until we got off the car.

Zhou's mother stood in front of the two of them, looking at her and Qi Jingci with a smile, and said: "My uncle is coming as soon as he comes. What else do you bring with you? It's too unprofessional."

 Hearing the word "Guye", Li Jiu and Qi Jingci paused in unison.

Li Jiu was speechless. It was too early to change the title of Zhou Ma.


  Why the change is too early, as if this title will be realized one day in the future.

Li Jiu sighed twice in her heart.

Hearing Zhou Ma's name, Qi Jingci glanced at Li Jiu subconsciously, and then said: "That's right."

 Zhou’s mother smiled so much that the corners of her mouth almost reached behind her ears.

  It is said that Qi Jingci is cold and aloof, usually aloof and aloof, as if he should not approach strangers. Even if he is engaged, it will definitely not last long.

But after getting in touch with her, I realized that those rumors were all nonsense. Her young lady and Qi Sanye were obviously very good friends, and Qi Sanye seemed to be very easy to get along with.

  Introduced the two people into the living room. As soon as he entered the door, Li Jiu realized that everyone except them had already arrived.

 And there is one more person.

Li Jiu took some time to look at Ji Yunshu, who was sitting next to Li Tingzhi and joking with Mr. Li, and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is Dr. Ji here?"

Ji Yunshu raised his head after hearing this, and met her teasing gaze.


Mr. Li looked up and saw Li Jiu, his face suddenly burst into laughter, "Xiao Jiu and Xiao Ci are here, come and sit down!"

 He called Li Jiu and Qi Jingci over, and after they sat down, he said, "I asked Tingzhi to invite Dr. Ji here, so I can thank her for taking care of my health recently."

Li Jiu’s eyes were filled with interest.

That's true, but today is a family dinner, so inviting Ji Yunshu over, the meaning is already obvious, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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