She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 277: Li Muye: It’s been a long time since I last saw my dad suffer a loss (second update)

Chapter 277 Li Muye: I haven’t seen my dad for a long time and I’m at a disadvantage (second update)

 But what surprised her was that Ji Yunshu actually came!

Li Jiu had a smile in her eyes, tut, tut, tut, it seems that good things will happen to the Li family soon.

Ji Yunshu was so stared at by Li Jiu that he had goosebumps all over his body, and he looked at her with a strange look.

 What other strange things is she thinking about?

Li Jiu was making eye contact with Ji Yunshu, while Qi Jingci was locked in the eyes of Li Chen and his son, as if their gazes had solidified.

However, Qi Jingci is someone who has experienced big events, so this look has no impact on him at all, and his whole person is very calm and relaxed.

Li Muye leaned lazily on the sofa, holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand and squinting his eyes as he chewed them. He felt very unhappy because he couldn't stand Qi Jingci's behavior.

Spitting out the melon seed rinds in his mouth, he hummed softly and said, "Master Qi is such a rare visitor. Why are you free to come to our house today?"

 The tone of voice was sinister, as if he was deliberately making things difficult for Qi Jingci.

In fact, this is true.

Li Chen called him to the room last night and told him to give Qi Jingci a good test today to see if he was worthy of Xiaojiu's trust for the rest of his life.

Of course he is very happy to do this kind of thing. You must know that in the Imperial Capital circle, although Qi Jingci is similar in age to them, his seniority is far superior to them, and he always acts like an elder.

Every time I meet him, I always look down and be respectful. It's not easy to take advantage of him this time. It's a rare opportunity.

However, less than a second after he finished speaking, Mr. Li directly hit his calf with a cane, "Speak to me! I invited Xiao Ci, do you have any opinions?"

Li Muye let out a cry of pain, and all the melon seeds in his hand fell to the ground. He covered his calves with his hands and looked at Mr. Li sadly.

 You are really my grandfather, you are willing to kill me! It hurts him so much!

It was originally agreed that he would take the lead in testing Qi Jingci and stumbling him, but as a result of Mr. Li's knock, his momentum immediately disappeared.

Died before leaving the army, he had no choice but to pin his hopes on Li Tingzhi and Li Chen.

Li Chen received his look and said immediately: "..."

Useless things!

Although he scolded Li Muye severely in his heart, his expression remained as gentle as ever.

“It’s a great honor for me that Third Master can come here. Don’t take it to heart because the dog is acting nonsense.”

The third master distanced himself from Qi Jingci and put him in the position of an outsider both inside and outside his words.

 Apparently he did not acknowledge his identity.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows. He had long heard that the uncle of the Li family was a secretive master. When he saw him today, he saw that this hidden thorn in his heart could kill without blood.

He chuckled lightly and waved his hand behind him. Jingyi immediately understood and placed the gift he bought on the table.

“No, today is my uncle’s birthday. Here is a gift prepared by Xiaojiu and I. I hope you won’t mind it.”

Early before entering the house, he asked Jingyi to put together the birthday gifts he and Li Jiu had prepared. Now he wanted to tell Li Chen that he and Li Jiu were one and the gifts could be given together.

As he spoke, he slightly raised his eyebrows at Li Chen.

Li Chen's gentle expression was almost unbearable.

What the hell! Why didn't he realize that Qi Jingci was so shameless before?

  The fingers holding the teacup were slightly firm, as if to treat it as Qi Jingci.

Li Chen took a deep breath and smiled, "Of course I don't mind the gift Xiaojiu prepared."

 The first seven words were emphasized by him, as if for special emphasis.

In any case, his attitude is very clear. He doesn't like Qi Jingci at all. If he thinks about it, he will have to spend some time.

The secret confrontation between Li Chen and Qi Jingci was known to Li Muye and Li Tingzhi, but the two old women next to them had no time to pay attention at all.

As a result, the competition between the two became increasingly fierce. "I heard that you and Xiaojiu live together? It's not a good idea to be alone, right?"

 “We are engaged.”

“We are engaged but not married yet, so we are so eager to live together?”

Qi Jingci smiled: "It's because of Mr. Li that we live together."


Li Chen's breath was stuck in his throat.

He was busy with other things these days and was not in his old house. When he came back, he only heard that Li Jiu had moved out and lived with Qi Jingci. He didn't agree with it at the time.

Even though they are engaged, it’s hard to say anything until they get married. What if Qi Jingci suddenly becomes animalistic and bullies Xiaojiu one day?

 That's why he planned to take advantage of this opportunity to beat Qi Jingci.

Unexpectedly, the person who prompted Li Jiu and Qi Jingci to live together would be Mr. Li.

Li Chen was so helpless that he wanted to cry without tears.

It’s not like all the good men in the world are dead, why does Mr. Li have to tie Li Jiu to Qi Jingci alone?

Li Muye listened to the conversation between Li Chen and Qi Jingci and couldn't help but burst into laughter. He immediately covered his mouth, his face turned red from suppressing it, and he didn't forget to wink at Li Tingzhi.

Li Muye: Brother, did you see it? This is the first time I have seen my father suffer in a quarrel.

 Li Tingzhi:…

Li Tingzhi: Don’t gloat too early.

Li Muye:? ? ?

As soon as he turned his head, he met Li Chen's eyes that were half-smiling but not smiling.

Though the look in his eyes was smiling, he felt a chill creeping up his back.

Li Muye immediately lowered his head and did not dare to act like a monster.

His father's eyes were so lethal, and he was so stimulated by Qi Jingci that he was about to go berserk.

The undercurrent is raging over there and the smoke is filling the air, and Li Jiu's side is not much better.

"Tsk, tsk, you came with my brother, right? When will we have a wedding with you?" Li Jiu said with a low smile.

Ji Yunshu closed his eyes, his anger sank in his dantian, and told himself to endure it, and then uttered one word: "...Get out!"

 Whatever wedding wine you want to drink, she and Qi Jingci should drink it first!

Li Jiu remained unyielding. He approached her and asked in a low voice, "Don't you have any feelings for my brother?"

Ji Yunshu paused, glanced at Li Tingzhi, and said in a muffled voice: "...No."

 She still has some feelings.

Li Jiu was surprised and asked, "Then why haven't you two made it clear?"

 Since they both have feelings for each other, why are they procrastinating? Wouldn't it be better to just have a he?

Ji Yunshu glanced at her and said, "I'm dealing with the Yun family's affairs recently, so I don't have time to fall in love right now."

Li Jiu clicked her tongue, "How come the Yun family's problems are delaying your love affair? If it doesn't work, just cut the knot quickly and end it as soon as possible."

 “You said it’s light, come on?”

Ji Yunshu rolled her eyes. Before she had finished dealing with the Mo family's affairs, she came over to make sarcastic remarks. How do you feel about that?

Just when Li Jiu was about to say something, Mr. Li suddenly looked at them and asked, "What are you muttering about?"

"Nothing grandpa, I just asked Dr. Ji to go shopping."

Mr. Li said oh.

 (End of this chapter)

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