She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 278: A sure-profit trade (first update)

 Chapter 278 A business with a sure profit and no loss (first update)

The solemn atmosphere between Li Chen and Qi Jingci continued to the dinner table.

The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the space between the two of them, which made Li Muye next to him jump with fear.

Hello, today is obviously my dad’s birthday, but why am I celebrating it like it’s his death anniversary?

 Looking at the dead air and their expressionless faces, he was almost overcome with embarrassment.

Li Muye was about to freeze to death from the cold air radiating from these two people, so he turned his head to look for rescue.

However, when he turned around, he saw that everyone was busy and no one paid any attention to him.

“Ashu, the boiled fish cooked by Zhou Ma is the most authentic. Try it.”

Li Tingzhi used chopsticks to carefully remove the spines from the fish and placed it on Ji Yunshu's plate next to him. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and the pink bubbles that came out at that moment almost drowned him.

Li Muye: “…”

Li Muye felt aggrieved and wanted to complain to his grandfather.

 In the end, Mr. Li didn't even give him a glance.

“Xiaojiu, eat more of your favorite sweet and sour short ribs.”

Mr. Li smiled and gave Li Jiu a piece of ribs.

"Okay, thank you, Grandpa." Li Jiu arched her eyebrows and thanked him with a smile.

Li Muye: “…”

 So love really disappears.

Li Muye was so wronged that he exploded, but no one paid him any attention. He gritted his teeth in grief and anger and decided to save this embarrassing atmosphere by himself.

“Well, dad, after all, Qi Jingci is here to celebrate your birthday today. Your expressionless face is making people laugh, isn’t it?” Li Muye approached Li Chen, nudged him lightly with his elbow, and whispered.

Li Chen glanced at him, his expression still ugly, his usually gentle eyes filled with coldness, he hummed softly: "Celebrating your birthday? I think he is here to make me angry."

Li Muye twitched the corner of his mouth, isn't that why you have always had an eye for other people's eyes and noses from the beginning?

To be honest, he also felt that Li Chen's reaction was a bit excessive.

Even if Qi Jingci takes over their Xiaojiu and makes things difficult for her, the marriage will be arranged by the old man himself, so it won't be any worse.

But Li Chen's reaction was almost the same as facing his son-in-law who stole his precious daughter.

“Dad, is your reaction too big? Although I am also unhappy that Xiaojiu was favored by him, he was chosen by grandpa, so he is not much different.”

Hearing this, Li Chen frowned and lowered his eyes.

He also understood what Li Muye said. No matter in terms of character or family, there was no one better than Qi Jingci. But after hearing that they were living together, his heart suddenly felt empty, as if he had lost everything. Something like that.

When he saw Qi Jingci, he remembered some things from the past, and a surge of anger surged into his heart for no reason, and he couldn't control it at all.

Li Chen raised his head and looked at Qi Jingci who never took his eyes off Li Jiu. He sighed helplessly and finally said: "Forget it, let him go first. If he dares to treat Xiaojiu badly, look at me." How to teach him a lesson."

Li Muye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

The atmosphere at the table finally became normal. Ji Yunshu looked at it, poked Li Tingzhi with his finger, and asked in a low voice: "Why does Uncle Li dislike the third master so much?"

Obviously he was only Li Jiu's uncle, but his attitude towards Qi Jingci was harsher than his son-in-law.

Li Tingzhi was picking fish bones for her. He raised his eyebrows when he heard this, revealing the dark history of Li Chen and Qi Jingci.

“Grandpa and Grandpa Qi are old comrades-in-arms. We used to be very close to each other, and Qi Jingci was about the same age as me, so for a while, Grandpa Qi left him in the care of my dad.”

Ji Yunshu opened his eyes wide in surprise. His gaze moved back and forth between the two of them. He couldn't believe it at all: "Isn't it right?"

Mr. Qi, is it so exciting to play? Just leave your son in the care of others and just ignore him?

 Is this something a wealthy family does?

Li Tingzhi smiled, leaned forward and whispered in her ear: "What's more, Qi Jingci was full of trouble at that time, and he made my father a terrible mess."

Since then, Li Chen has often told them to stay away from Qi Jingci.

 Fire prevention, theft prevention and Qi Jingci.

This person looks serious on the surface, but in fact he can buy you and make you count the money for him. When dealing with such people, you will definitely suffer losses.

 So after learning that he and Li Jiu were engaged, he had a huge reaction. He was afraid that Li Jiu would be deceived by Qi Jingci, and the girl's family would be easily at a disadvantage.

Ji Yunshu, who heard Li Chen's worry from Li Tingzhi, was speechless: "..."

To be honest, based on her understanding of Li Jiu, it’s not certain who will suffer in a confrontation between her and Qi Jingci.

 Judging from Qi Jingci's current attitude towards Li Jiu, it is obvious that he is the one who is being eaten to death.

Ji Yunshu clicked her tongue twice with emotion, but did not say anything. Let them worry about their own affairs.

"Hey, why did you mess with my uncle?" Li Jiu glanced at Qi Jingci and asked.

 The atmosphere between him and Li Chen has been different since just now. What happened?

“It’s okay, it’s just that you and I live together, and your uncle seems unhappy.”

Li Jiu was stunned and glanced at Li Chen dumbfounded.

 “That’s it? What did I think?”

Qi Jingci raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard her words, "He is afraid that you will suffer a loss."

Li Jiu: "We're just living together, but we're not in the same room. Besides, even if we're in the same room, you'll still suffer the loss, okay?"

Qi Jingci was caught off guard and took a sip of water: "..."

   ! !

 What makes him suffer? !

Li Jiu turned to look at him and asked doubtfully, "Isn't that right? With your worth, I can definitely make a profit if I sleep with you. It's a great deal."

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, and he glanced at Li Jiu thoughtfully.

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows slightly, raised the corners of his lips, and asked playfully: "Then do you want to try this business that is guaranteed to make money without losing money?"

This time it was Li Jiu who choked: "..."

A violent cough.

 Everyone’s attention was immediately attracted.

Mr. Li asked: "Xiaojiu, please eat slowly, you will choke."

Qi Jingci quickly patted her back gently to calm her down.

The broad and warm palm patted back and forth on his back. Li Jiu's body suddenly stiffened, and he felt that the place where he had patted him quickly heated up.

Thinking again of his teasing words just now, Li Jiu's expression immediately became unnatural.

 Why does she always feel that Qi Jingci has changed a bit recently?

 He would never have said anything like letting himself sleep with him before.

 What went wrong? Is she broken or is Qi Jingci broken? !

Noticing that her body was paused, Qi Jingci patted her lips and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

After coughing for a while, Li Jiu recovered and glanced at Qi Jingci with a complicated expression.

Qi Jingci smiled and took back his hand. He didn't mention the topic just now. He just picked up a shrimp and peeled it slowly and carefully.

Li Jiu withdrew his gaze with lingering fear, lowered his head to eat quietly, pretending that what just happened did not exist.

 When she lowered her eyes and poked the rice with her chopsticks, a whole peeled shrimp fell into her bowl.

 (End of this chapter)

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