She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 279: Climbing up to the Li family (second update)

Chapter 279 Climbing up to the Li family (second update)

Li Jiu was stunned and looked up at Qi Jingci.

 He was holding a tissue at this time, elegantly wiping the oil stains on his slender fingers.


Qi Jingci glanced at her and smiled fondly: "Don't you like shrimps but don't want to get your hands on them? I'll peel them for you."


Ji Yunshu, who was opposite him, couldn't help but exclaimed in exclamation, his eyes full of interest in watching a show.

Li Jiu’s mouth froze, and he raised his foot and kicked him over.

Blocked by the table, Li Jiu didn't care whether others could see her movements.

Ji Yunshu was kicked, but Ji Yunshu acted as if nothing was wrong, with a smile on his lips and looking at the two of them with unusual eyes.

“The third master and Miss Li are really in love, I admire them.”

Li Tingzhi on the side heard this and immediately asked: "Ashu, do you want to eat shrimp? Can I peel it for you?"

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

This time the person who said "Wow" became Li Jiu.

“Brother, you are really good to Dr. Ji, but you don’t know when I will change my mind.” Li Jiu had a joking smile on his lips.

Ji Yunshu's eyes twitched, and the foot under the table stepped on Li Jiu's instep accurately.

Li Jiu's eyes suddenly narrowed, and a hint of danger flashed across his eyes.

How dare you step on her?

 Immediately he raised his calf and hooked Ji Yunshu's foot, and kicked it again with the other foot.

 Ji Yunshu quickly defended.

The two of them started fighting under the table.

The fight in the dark was not noticed by others. Mr. Li still looked at his children and grandchildren with a smile on his face.

 Sure enough, when there are many people, it is lively.

 The old house has not been so lively for a long time.

Just when Mr. Li was sighing with emotion, the fight between Ji Yunshu and Li Jiu was still not over.

When Li Tingzhi saw that Ji Yunshu was silent, he thought she was acquiescing and was too embarrassed to speak out, so he took the initiative to pick up a shrimp and peel it.

Qi Jingci saw that Li Jiu had finished eating the peeled shrimps, and started to peel them again.

 So these two pairs have surprisingly consistent painting styles.

Li Muye sat aside and suddenly felt that his mouth had been stuffed and his face had been displayed.

 It’s amazing how well you can show off!

 They are all amazing in pairs!

You're bullying him for not having a girlfriend, right?

 He will find a girlfriend tomorrow!

female! friend! girlfriend!

 Let’s see who shows off better then!

 Li Chen didn’t have a very high sense of presence throughout the meal. Although he was the protagonist, he sat there quietly without saying anything. He kept his eyes on Qi Jingci. When he saw him peeling shrimps for Li Jiu carefully, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

After all, they are all here, how can you not see the obvious love in his eyes?

The aloof and aloof Mr. Qi suddenly one day peels shrimps with his own hands for a woman.

 It seems that his thoughts about Xiaojiu are genuine.

 “Ashu, try it, how does this shrimp taste?”

Li Tingzhi put the shrimp into Ji Yunshu's bowl, but found that something was wrong with her expression.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Ji Yunshu gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay."

Is Li Jiu sending her away with this kick? ! He was kicked so hard that he was bruised even without looking.

She took a deep breath and decided not to be like Li Jiu, so she lowered her head and ate the shrimp.

"Yunshu, if you like to eat, come here often in the future, and I'll ask Mother Zhou to cook it for you." Mr. Li saw that she had been busy eating, and thought she liked the food, so he invited her to come to the house often in order to make her more comfortable. Li Tingzhi spent more time with her.

  After all, Li Tingzhi's job is special, and it is difficult to get holidays. Even if it is Li Chen's birthday today, it coincides with his day off, otherwise he may be absent again this year.

Mr. Li was thinking about how he could make Ji Yunshu move here directly.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Li." Ji Yunshu politely thanked him.

At this moment, Zhou’s mother suddenly ran in with a panicked look and said to Mr. Li: “Old man, the second master is here with the second young lady and the Yun family.”

The lively atmosphere at the table immediately fell silent.

When Ji Yunshu heard the words from the Yun family, he exerted force on his hands and almost broke his chopsticks.

Mr. Li frowned, "Who asked him to come?"

 He did not invite them.

Zhou's mother hesitated and said: "They came here on their own. The second master said that after all, he can be regarded as the uncle's younger brother. It can't be justified if he doesn't."

Li Chen's face was gloomy, with a storm brewing in his eyes. He slapped his chopsticks on the table, stood up and said angrily: "I don't have a brother like him, so let him get out of here!"

The word "Go" was so powerful that it shocked everyone. Even Zhou's mother was stunned to the spot.

In their eyes, Li Chen has always been gentle and modest. He has never been so angry, let alone said hello to others.

A flash of surprise flashed across Li Jiu's eyes. Although Li Chen usually hated Li Hong, he was nowhere near as angry as he was today when he was mentioned.

 There must be a story between the two of them.

 “Brother, don’t say that, I’m very sad.”

   Arrive before anyone arrives.

Li Chen stared at the entrance. Li Hong came in with Li Yun, followed by the Yun family and his wife.

Ji Yunshu's face turned dark immediately when he saw the two people behind Li Hong. Without paying attention, the chopsticks in his hand broke with a crash.

"Ashu, what's wrong?" Li Tingzhi asked with concern when he saw Ji Yunshu's expression was wrong.

Ji Yunshu squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, and said calmly: "It's nothing, I just saw two annoying people."

Hearing this, Li Tingzhi raised his head and glanced at the uninvited people, and said in a cold voice: "You guys came uninvited, it seems a bit rude, right?"

Li Hong frowned and said displeasedly: "Tingzhi, what are you talking about? I'm your second uncle, why did you come here uninvited?"

Li Tingzhi snorted coldly: "Second uncle, it's okay for you to come. Why are you bringing outsiders here? We are eating now and don't see any guests."

 His words both inside and outside mean to drive people away.

The faces of the Yun family couple who were following Li Hong immediately turned ugly. Originally, they wanted to visit Mr. Li, but unexpectedly they met Ji Yunshu, this **** girl here.

And from the looks of it, she is very familiar with the Li family and can even eat at the same table with them.

They never knew how this **** girl got the ability to climb the big tree of the Li family!

 No wonder, no wonder he was so confident when facing them.

 It turns out it’s because there’s someone behind you!

Yun Yin glared at Ji Yunshu with a dark face, and the bag in her hand was almost crushed by her.

 Damn it!

This dead girl has climbed into the Li family. Wouldn't it be a lot more troublesome to do anything to her in the future?

Ah! She really didn't expect that Ji Yunshu had so many tricks. It wasn't enough for him to be a member of the Lu family. Now even the Li family came to support her!

 She really underestimated her!

Ji Yunshu looked at Yun Yin's livid face, but his expression didn't change much.

 Based on what she knew about this person, she must be extremely angry right now.


 It’s nice to think about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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