She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 280: It’s like going crazy (update 1)

Chapter 280 Like going crazy (1st update)

Yun Yin's lungs are really about to explode now.

If Ji Yunshu climbs into the Li family, it means that her next plans will be affected!

 Damn it, **** it!

 This dead girl is indeed as disgusting as her parents!

“Tingzhi, today is your dad’s birthday. As his younger brother, don’t I even have the right to see him?!”

Li Hong's expression was angry and sad, and his eyes were fixed on Li Tingzhi, as if he was making a silent accusation.

"younger brother?"

Li Chen's warm eyes were filled with chill, and he said coldly: "I don't have a brother like you!"

His tone was as if it had been tempered by ice. His eyes were sharp and piercing towards Li Hong. There was an anger in his eyes that he had never seen before.

He clenched his hands hanging by his sides into fists, and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth through gritted teeth: "Take your people with you immediately, and get out of here!"

The last few words were bitten so hard that Li Hong froze on the spot and couldn't recover for a long time. He subconsciously blurted out: "Brother..."


Li Yun frowned, seeming a little dissatisfied with Li Chen's attitude, and tried to speak for Li Hong: "Uncle, dad is also kind-"

"shut up!"

 Before she finished speaking, she was sharply interrupted by Li Chen.

"I'm talking to your dad, how can you interrupt? Your upbringing has gone to the dog's belly?"

His words were extremely cold. Li Yun, who had never been spoken to by an elder in such a harsh way, immediately turned pale. His face was filled with tears, and tears quickly gathered in the corners of his eyes, making him feel pitiful.

Li Chen glanced at her and snorted: "Take that thing back, no one here wants to see it."

Li Yun's expression instantly stiffened, and the color on his face quickly faded.

Li Jiu, who was watching the play on the sidelines, clicked his tongue twice and sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the nine sons of Long Sheng are all different.

Although Li Chen and Li Hong are brothers, their personalities are completely different.

The expression of pity on Li Yun's face just now was probably a bit intolerable for a man, but Li Chen didn't seem to notice it.

Seeing that his daughter was being scolded, Li Hong took a step forward and stood in front of her. He sighed: "Brother, don't get angry at Yun'er. If you have anything to do with me, come at me."

 “Coming for you?”

Li Chen's eyes were somewhat sarcastic.

 “Are you worthy?”


“If dad hadn’t been here today, if there hadn’t been outsiders present, Li Hong, do you think you could have walked out intact?”

Li Chen seemed to move his wrist inadvertently, but when Li Hong saw it, his expression changed drastically.

This action undoubtedly reminded him of some unpleasant memory. Even though Li Yun was blocked behind him, he could still clearly see his slightly shaking shoulders.

"Li Hong, sometimes I wonder if we are related by blood, and why are you so stupid!"

“I can’t come at any time, so why don’t you choose today? Do you want me to help you recall the past?”

Li Hong's expression changed, and he was almost uncontrollable.

Li Chen narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and took a step forward, his aura became more threatening, and his eyes were as sharp as a blade.

“Today is my birthday, and it’s also Awen’s birthday. Why do you ignore the warnings and provoke me today?!”

Li Chen shouted the last few words as if he had exhausted all his strength.

There was a moment of silence in the atmosphere. Li Jiu frowned, looking at this scene with confusion, and fell into deep thought.

 Why did the usually gentle Li Chen suddenly become so cold and stern when he saw Li Hong again?

And what does he mean by what he said? What does "it's just today" mean?

Li Jiu subconsciously turned her head to look at Mr. Li, only to find that he had closed his eyes with a helpless expression, but she could see the vicissitudes of life and... sadness from him.

 What happened?

 Why did the atmosphere suddenly become very subtle?

Just when Li Chen said the last words, everyone in the Li family, even Zhou's mother who was standing there, looked like something was wrong.

Li Jiu was a little surprised by the scene in front of her. After all, she had never seen the Li family look so wrong in the two years since she came to the Imperial Capital. It seemed as if they were enveloped by something and couldn't get away.

However, although she was curious, she also knew that this was the privacy of the Li family. If it was not necessary, she would not pry.

Li Hong straightened his back, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead. He was stared at by Li Chen's cold gaze, which made him feel unnatural. He subconsciously wanted to retreat, but then he thought of the purpose of coming here today, gritted his teeth and held back his heart. trembling.

“Brother, it’s been a long time since the past happened, please forgive me.”

Li Hong's plan was very simple. Before he came, he knew that coming to see Li Chen today might not be a good decision. After all, they both knew what day it was. But as long as he gave in, depending on Li Chen's good old temperament, maybe I won't break up with him.

However, he miscalculated.

 “Forgive you? Daydreaming!”

 Li Chen walked up to him step by step and stood in front of him. Due to his years of physical exercise, his back was extra straight, without the listlessness of a middle-aged man, which made him even more imposing than Li Hong.

Li Hong felt his collar was suddenly picked up, and then he hit the wall out of control.

 No one expected that Li Chen would do this.

Li Yun screamed instantly and wanted to step forward to stop him, but was slapped away by Li Chen. The Yun family and his wife behind her also seemed to be frightened by this scene and froze in place.



 Two voices sounded at the same time.

Li Tingzhi and Li Muye stepped forward to stop them, but Li Chen's eyes froze them in place.

 You don’t need to worry about it, I have my own discretion.

The meaning in his eyes was very clear. The two looked at each other, retracted their outstretched hands, and stood motionless.

 After stopping his two sons, Li Chen turned around with a ruthless look in his eyes, and put his arm on Li Hong's throat, making him feel suffocated.

“Li Hong, let me tell you, the person in the world who is least qualified to ask for my forgiveness is you!”

“So, you’d better not keep showing off in front of me with a shy face over and over again, that will only make me more disgusted!”

Li Hong was choked by him and couldn't make a sound. He could only blush and open and close his mouth, making intermittent syllables.

He looked directly at Li Chen. Since the distance was very close, he could easily see the panic written in it.

Li Chen sneered coldly and couldn't help but exert more force on his hands.

“Ahhh! What are you doing! Stop it! You are murdering! Murdering!”

Li Yun saw that Li Hong was almost out of breath and screamed in panic, but he did not have the courage to go up and stop Li Chen.

She looked at the man who was pressing her father against the wall, her eyes full of fear and disbelief. She never thought that this uncle, who always looked gentle and kind, would actually do such a thing.

  Like, like, crazy.

 (End of this chapter)

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