She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 281: Mr. Li: Put your little thoughts away (2)

Chapter 281 Mr. Li: Put away your little thoughts (second update)

However, Li Chen seemed to be really in a daze and couldn't hear her scream at all. He just stared at the face of Li Hong who was very close at hand.

That look in his eyes could only be clearly seen by Li Hong, who was facing him. It was anger, regret, and heart-stopping madness.

Li Tingzhi watched from the side as Li Chen's movements became more and more severe, and couldn't help but remind him: "Dad, please relax a little first, he can't breathe anymore."

However, Li Chen did not react.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed and his brows furrowed. Something was wrong. There was something wrong with Li Chen's current state.

 “Ah Shen! Stop.”

The old voice was full of shock.

Mr. Li, who had been silent all this time, also spoke. Apparently he also realized something was wrong.

 But it’s still useless.

Li Jiu felt that for a moment, Li Chen might really want to kill Li Hong.

 But not now.

Li Jiu's eyes narrowed, and he walked up to him unexpectedly, reaching out and grabbing his wrist.

The woman's slender white hand was placed on his wrist. The brief contact made Li Chen suddenly startled and he immediately came back to his senses.

Turning her head to meet Li Jiu's clear eyes, she said: "Uncle, let go."

Just four words, but Li Chen seemed to be hit hard somewhere in his heart. He subconsciously listened to her words and let go of Li Hong.

The huge body that had lost its restraints slid to the ground along the wall and almost broke away. Li Hong took a deep breath desperately like a dehydrated fish returning to the sea.

Li Yun rushed over to help him up, crying: "Dad, are you okay?"

Li Hong was speechless. His eyes were wide open and he looked straight at Li Chen, his face pale with fright.

Li Chen was dragged aside by Li Jiu and stood there without saying anything.

 The air became quiet again.

 In the end, Mr. Li sighed heavily, "What is this all about..."

He stood up tremblingly on crutches. Ji Yunshu and Qi Jingci, who were closest to him, quickly stepped forward to support him, but he waved his hands to express no need.

Mr. Li walked around the dining table and walked between the two of them. He did not criticize anyone, but said in a serious tone: "You two should calm down for a while. You are so old that you are still attacking? It's outrageous!"

Neither of them made a sound, and they didn’t know whether they heard it or not.

  After beating up his two sons, Mr. Li finally set his sights on the Yun couple who had a particularly low sense of presence after entering the house.

“Do you two have anything else to do?”

Yun Yin and Chu Huaiguang were a little at a loss. They followed Li Hong to the door. They just wanted to ask the Li family for something, but they didn't expect to encounter such a big drama. They didn't know what to say.

"We, we have something to ask you for help." Yun Yin bit her lip and finally stated their purpose.

Mr. Li sighed, "I see, it's just that we didn't entertain you well, and we made you laugh."

Yun Yin, who has followed Mr. Yun to various scenes since she was a child and has witnessed many disputes among wealthy families, heard the hidden meaning in Mr. Li's words and said quickly: "No, no, no! Don't worry, we didn't see anything."

 Even if you see it, treat it as if you haven’t seen it.

The Li family is one of the two top wealthy families in the Imperial Capital. If today's scandal is leaked at all, I'm afraid the Yun family will not get any good results.

Although Yun Yin is sometimes very extreme and like a madman, she can still recognize reality at critical moments.

Mr. Li nodded, as if he was very satisfied with their answers, "Please wait a little longer, I need to take care of some housework."

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the Yun family will have to say yes.

Mr. Li turned around and shouted angrily with a stern face: "You two! Come to the study on the second floor!" As he said that, he went up the stairs.

"Also, Makino, Tingzhi...Xiaojiu, you guys can come too."

Finally, Mr. Li called Li Jiu's name, and she raised her eyebrows slightly. This matter had nothing to do with her from beginning to end, so why did she need to be brought along?

But Mr. Li said so, so she couldn't refuse. She could only give Qi Jingci a look and follow him up to the second floor.

Qi Jingci knew that Mr. Li would not be short-lived in dealing with this matter, so he turned to Zhou's mother and said, "Is there any tea at home?"

 Zhou’s mother’s expression is still a little dazed: “What?”

 “Please make some cups of tea.”

 It is estimated that they will have to wait for a long time while drinking tea.

 Zhou’s mother: “…Oh.”

 The study room on the second floor.

Li Chen and Li Hong stood on both sides respectively. Mr. Li sat on the swivel chair behind the desk with a cold expression.

Li Yun supported Li Hong, with tears welling up in his eyes. He pitifully complained first: "Grandpa, do you think what uncle has done to dad?"

As she spoke, she turned Li Hong's body sideways, revealing the wrinkled collar where Li Chen had just removed a button, as well as the red mark under his neck where it had been strangled.

Mr. Li glanced at him and remained silent.

After a long time, he closed his eyes and asked, "Ahong, what are you doing here today?"

  Li Hong, who had not made a sound since just now, suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief and looked at Mr. Li in shock.

 He was unfazed by his injuries, and the first thing he said was asking himself the purpose of coming today. This all proved that he was protecting Li Chen.

Li Hong's face darkened, and his chest suddenly rose and fell violently, as if he was angry at Mr. Li's unfairness.

“Dad! Shouldn’t I ask my eldest brother why he attacked me first?”

Mr. Li raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly, "You don't know why he did it?"

Li Hong said nothing.

"I know what you are thinking. If you want me to be fair, you should put away those little thoughts first!" Mr. Li snorted coldly.

Li Hong is his biological son, and no one knows him better than him.

Li Hong was told what he was thinking, and he looked a little worried for a moment.

"Dad, I'm really here to celebrate my eldest brother's birthday, but he doesn't want to see me, so why bother?" Li Hong gritted his teeth and said.

"Celebrating his birthday? Your coming to celebrate his birthday will only make him more angry!" Mr. Li said.

"I remember I said that you are not allowed to appear in front of Ah Chen on his birthday. You will do it yourself today!"

Li Hong clenched his fist angrily, feeling very unsatisfied.

Why, since they are both his biological sons, he has always been partial to Li Chen.

On Li Chen’s birthday, he would tell himself not to get in front of him and instead hold a small birthday party for him.

When it was his birthday, he didn't even ask. Even if he invited him to his birthday party, he would decline with excuses.


The anger in Li Hong's eyes almost overflowed.

 They are both sons, why is there such a big gap?

 (End of this chapter)

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