She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 282: No one wants to inherit the family property (first update)

Chapter 282 No one wants to inherit the family property (first update)

“Dad, he is my eldest brother, don’t I even have the qualifications to say happy birthday?”

Li Hong’s eyes darkened, “You are too cruel to me.”

As soon as he said these words, Li Chen sneered, with a very disdainful expression, as if he had heard some big joke.

 “I don’t need you to tell me happy birthday because the sight of you makes me sick.”

Li Hong's face darkened instantly, and a hint of ferocity flashed under his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

“Brother, I didn’t mean what happened to Awen back then. Why do you always hold on to me?!”

When Li Chen heard this, he stood up and glared at Li Hong angrily, "I told you that you have no right to call her by her name!"


Mr. Li shouted, shocking both of them.

"have you had enough!"

“Li Hong, take your daughter and leave immediately.”

Li Hong's eyes widened in disbelief, he stood up angrily and asked, "Why!"

 However, Mr. Li did not give him an extra look, let alone answer his question.

Li Hong just stared at him, his heart sinking to the bottom little by little. It was as if someone poured a basin of cold water on his head, and he was shrouded in chill from head to toe.


Finally recognizing Mr. Li's attitude, Li Hong didn't feel sad at this time, but only filled with anger. He glanced at everyone with a sinister gaze and sneered: "It seems I'm not welcome here, okay! I'm leaving. That’s it!”

"But father, I really don't understand what good thing my eldest brother has that makes you so partial! Don't forget, he abandoned the Li family for a woman, it was me!"

Li Hong pointed at himself, looking a little excited.

“I took over this mess when the Li family was in trouble! But now? You only think about paving the way for him. In your eyes, is he the only one who is your son?! Huh?”

"Now that the company has a problem, you are not even willing to help me. This is the company you built with your own hands. Don't you have the slightest bit of reluctance to give up?"

Li Hong was so angry that he kept breathing heavily, his face turned red from holding back, as if he was about to push it out at any time.

He just doesn't understand. Mr. Li will definitely know about Li's current situation, so why should he turn a blind eye and remain indifferent? Isn't this the country he conquered when he was young?

Now that Mr. Li is about to be unable to hold on any longer, he has tried to find Mr. Li many times but he has been put off by him for various reasons. What does this mean? Do you want to completely give up on Li Shi and give up on him?

Li Hong couldn't figure it out anyway, until he heard the news that Li Chen was back and wouldn't leave.

 Oh, it turns out that even if you give up on him, Li Chen is still here.

Similarly, people like Li Chen have been incomparable to him since he was a child, and everything in the Li family must be handed over to him.

 But is he worthy?

 Is he worthy of being the heir to the Li family if he lives a decadent life for a woman, abandons the Li family and Mr. Li, and travels around the world without a care?

 He is not convinced!

Li Hong's eyes burst out with a sharp cold light, and he was darkly hostile to Li Chen.

 As long as he is here, he will never give up the Li family to him, absolutely not!

Li Yun, who was standing behind Li Hong, saw that his expression was getting more and more agitated, and worriedly held his arm, fearing that something would happen to him.

 There was a brief silence in the atmosphere.

After a long while, Mr. Li said, "So, your purpose of coming here is for the Li family?"


Li Hong was silent. Mr. Li sighed and waved his hand as if to compromise, "Let's go."

 “Okay! Don’t regret it!”

Li Hong sneered, turned around and took Li Yun away without hesitation.

  After the two of them left, Li Chen closed his eyes, his face looked a little ugly, he stumbled, fell down on the chair, and pressed his forehead with a headache.

Li Tingzhi quickly stepped forward to support him, "Dad, are you okay?"

Li Chen waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, then turned to ask Mr. Li: "Dad, what's wrong with Mr. Li?"

He knew Li Hong well. If he hadn't really had no other choice, he would definitely not have come to his door. But this time he came, which meant that the situation was no longer under his control.

 And it has been more than two months since he visited the Imperial Capital, and he has not heard any news at all. The only reason is that someone does not want him to hear it.

 As for this person, there is no one else but Mr. Li.

He could guess his purpose without telling him, he was just a little curious about the current situation.

"You have been abroad these years and do not understand the internal situation of the Li family. The current Li family is almost an empty shell." Mr. Li said.

Li Chen was slightly surprised for a moment, but it seemed that he could have expected it. After all, with Li Hong's ability, he could not manage the Li family at all.

Mr. Li sighed, "I had expected that Li would reach this point, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly."

Li Chen lowered his eyes, a flash of apology flashed in his eyes, "I'm sorry, Dad, it's all my fault for being willful and causing you trouble all these years."

Mr. Li waved his hand, "It's okay, Ah Shen. I said that although you are my son, whether you take over the Li family is entirely up to you. If you don't want to take care of it, I won't stop you even if the sky is high and the sea is vast. As for the Li family... "

He smiled and said, "I'm not too old to move yet. It's okay to take care of it for a few more years. When Tingzhi or Muye grow up, I'll leave it to them."

When Li Muye heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly refused, "Grandpa, don't be kidding me! I can't even manage a few bars and Internet cafes, so why should I manage the Li family? Forget it, I don't want it!"

Li Tingzhi also frowned, "That's right, Grandpa, I'm working in the army now, and... I have no plans to retire."

Mr. Li: “…”

Mr. Li was so angry that his beard curled up, his eyes widened, and he looked at Li Chen and his son angrily, "The Li family is just a hot potato in your eyes, no one wants it, right?"

The father and son looked at each other and remained silent.

 The meaning is obvious.

Mr. Li felt that sooner or later he would be angered to death by them, so he waved his hand to tell them to go away.

“Go, go, go! Everyone is getting angry just looking at them, so get out of here!”

He just couldn’t understand why the Li family didn’t want to inherit the property accumulated by their ancestors for generations?

Those who want to inherit the Li family don't have the ability, and sooner or later they will lose all their property. Those who have the ability don't want to inherit the family property, and everyone resists.

Mr. Li couldn't help but have a trace of self-doubt. Is it possible that the Li family's wealth is really so bad that no one wants to see it?

 If this is the case, then he might as well consider selling his family property.

Li Chen and others saw that Mr. Li was angry and their eyes flickered with guilt. They did not dare to look at his face, so they stood up and left.

Li Jiu followed them and was about to go out. Unexpectedly, Mr. Li suddenly stopped her and said, "Xiao Jiu, you stay here first."

Li Jiu took a step forward.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, folks, guess what Mr. Li wants to do if he leaves Mr. Jiu behind?



 (End of this chapter)

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