She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 283: Are you willing to take over the Li family? (Second update)

Chapter 283 Are you willing to take over the Li family? (Second update)

 In fact, Li Jiu had been doubtful since he was called up by Mr. Li. No matter how he looked at it, this matter had nothing to do with her, so why did he have to bring her with him?

Now, Li Jiu felt that she was about to know the reason.


Li Jiu stopped walking out, turned around and returned to her original place, sitting on the chair where Li Chen had just sat, with her legs crossed and a very loose posture. She looked at Mr. Li and asked: "What do you want to say to me? ?”

Mr. Li moved his lips, looking like he was hesitant to speak, as if he didn't know what to say to her.

Li Jiu was not in a hurry and sat there quietly waiting for Mr. Li to speak.

 “Let me tell you a story.” Mr. Li sighed.

 “Have you heard of your eldest aunt?”

Li Jiu shook his head.

"Your aunt is as her name suggests. She is a very gentle and beautiful woman. Your uncle once went to a mountainous area to inspect a project. He lost his way on the way into the mountain. The mountain is huge, so it was difficult to find someone. It was raining that night, so Others almost thought that your uncle would never come back, but the next day, a woman covered in mud helped your uncle out of the mountain - yes, she was your aunt. "

Li Jiu touched the tip of her tongue lightly to her chin and sighed twice. She didn't expect that Li Chen and Wen Wen's first meeting would be a cliché situation where a beauty saves a hero.

“Later, my uncle found out that she was from a nearby mountainous area and her family was in dire straits. To express his gratitude, he gave her a job and brought her out of the mountains.”

"After a while, your uncle fell in love with Awen, and I was happy to see it happen. Soon they decided to get married."

"Two years after we got married, Tingzhi and Makino were born one after another, and then another girl was born. I named her Li Xi, the Xi of the morning sun."

Li Jiu raised an eyebrow, Li Xi? Interest?

Grandpa, are you sure this is a personal name?

Li Jiu curled her lips, feeling that Mr. Li's ability to come up with names was quite touching.

But then again, why has she never heard of this Li Xi?

 Could it be...

Mr. Li continued: "Your uncle is becoming more and more proficient in the Li family's industry. I planned to let him take over the Li family's business, but I didn't expect that because I paid too much attention to Ah Chen and devoted almost all my efforts to him. It actually makes Ah Hong feel dissatisfied."


 At this point, Mr. Li couldn't go on.

 He closed his eyes, and all that flashed in his mind were the scenes of that day.

“Ah Hong had a big fight with Ah Chen over a project, and later he got involved and sent Ah Chen to the hospital, where he was in a coma for seven days.”

“After Awen heard about it, he immediately took Xiaoxi to the hospital. Unexpectedly, they were kidnapped on the way to the hospital.”

Li Jiu was stunned and almost choked at this development, "Kidnapping, kidnapping?"


 “What happens after that?” Li Jiu asked.

 “After that…alas!” Mr. Li sighed heavily, his whole person seemed to have gone through many years of vicissitudes.

“According to the police, Awen and Xiaoxi were discovered by the kidnappers on the way to escape and were brutally tortured.”

Mr. Li closed his eyes heavily, "When we arrived, there was only a sea of ​​fire. Ah Chen couldn't bear the blow and almost went crazy. If Tingzhi and Makino hadn't been with him all the time, he might have followed him. Awen and Xiaoxi went."

“Although Ah Chen recovered in the end, he is still very depressed. He often hugs the photos of Ah Wen and Xiao Xi and stays drunk all day long.”

“Later I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I sent him abroad to relax. A year later, he told me that he didn’t want to inherit the Li family and wanted to fulfill the promise he and Awen had made before to travel around the world.”

"His mental condition was extremely unstable at the time, so I had no choice but to let him go. Ah Chen had always hated Ah Hong very much. If it hadn't been for him, perhaps Ah Wen wouldn't have been kidnapped, and nothing would have happened after that. "Yes." Li Jiu nodded clearly. No wonder Li Chen hated Li Hong so much.

“After Ah Shen leaves, Ah Hong will be the only one left. Even if I don’t want to, the Li family will still be handed over to him, but you also know that Ah Hong’s ability is not enough to control the entire Li family.”

"I handed Li Shi over to him. I originally wanted to temper his temperament, hoping that he would retreat and curb his ambitions. Unexpectedly, he teamed up with Li Shi's old shareholders to hollow out Li Shi. Now I want to Let me fill this loophole for him, ha!" Mr. Li snorted coldly.

Li Jiu was not too surprised. She had known these things for a long time. Although Li Hong claimed to be the head of the Li family, as long as Mr. Li did not admit it, he would still be unfair.

It's a pity that he still foolishly thinks that the Li family is equal to the Li family.

The Li family has a century-old foundation, so how could the wealth accumulated be what it appears on the surface? It would be too naive to think so.

Mr. Li sighed and shook his head, "I really can't understand my son more and more. He obviously doesn't have the ability, but he has such ambition, eager for quick success, and greed. He has made a Li family like this. How could I possibly treat Li?" Leave it to him!"

 He is not an old fool anymore.

If the family property accumulated by the Li family's ancestors for generations was lost to Li Hong because of his decision, how would he be able to meet the Li family's ancestors a hundred years later?

Li Jiu looked at him sighing and couldn't help but said: "Grandpa, don't worry. Isn't the uncle back? Can't you just leave the Li family to him with peace of mind?"

Mr. Li smiled bitterly, "I would like to, but Ah Shen told me that he has thought clearly over the years and does not want to be bound by these things. He still prefers to be more free."

 So he didn’t want to inherit the Li family at all.

 Li Jiu: “…”

In this case, wouldn’t the Li family be like goods thrown into the hands, no one wants them anymore?

"Tingzhi is in the army, and Makino is too arrogant. The two of them have no interest in the Li family at all. Your uncle refuses, and I can't give it to your father. As for Xiaoyun...she won't mention it."



 Why did she suddenly have a bad feeling?

Li Jiu narrowed her eyes, feeling that what he was about to say might not make her very happy.

As expected, the next moment, Mr. Li turned to look at her, "After much thought, you are the only one who is most suitable. Xiaojiu, are you willing to take over the Li family?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Li Jiu: “!!”

“So grandpa, you just called me up and told me these things just to let me inherit the Li family?!”

Li Jiu's expression went blank for a moment, his pupils suddenly opened wide, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he looked at Mr. Li.

“But grandpa, I don’t know how to manage the Li family!”

Mr. Li waved his hand with a smile, "It's okay. I asked you to be Xiaoci's secretary before just to let you learn more about this aspect. What's more, you and Xiaoci are already engaged, and the Li family will leave it to you. If you don’t understand something, you can ask him.”

 Li Jiu: “…”

 So you asked me to be Qi Jingci's secretary and asked me to get engaged to him, just to prepare for today? !

 Is this hole dug a little deep?

Li Jiu forced a smile out of the corner of her mouth.

  The CEO behind MZ.

 The head of the Mo family.

 Now here comes the head of the Li family.

 It’s better to let her die!

It was so scary here that she suddenly wanted to go back to the association.

 (End of this chapter)

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