She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 285: What second brother? It’s the second cousin (second update)

Chapter 285 What second brother? It’s the second cousin (second update)

Yun Yin subconsciously cast her gaze in the direction of Qi Jingci and Li Chen. Seeing that they didn't seem to notice them, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next second, Li Tingzhi suddenly spoke, which made her heart suddenly lift.

"Mrs. Yun, Ashu is my invited guest. If you speak to her like this in our house, can I think that you are slapping me in the face?"

Li Tingzhi narrowed his eyes, and the coldness in his eyes flashed away. He put the magazine he was holding aside and stared at Yun Yin so hard that her scalp went numb.

 “No, that’s not the case, Mr. Li, you misunderstood.”

Yun Yin smiled and explained: "I was so angry just now that I couldn't speak out. Xiaoshu is my niece, how could I be willing to scold her?"

 “Oh? This is best.”

Li Tingzhi said coldly: "But Ashu doesn't want to go back with you, so don't force her anymore, right?"

Yun Yin laughed dryly and said nonchalantly: "That's nature, that's nature..."

At this moment, Li Chen suddenly said: "Do you two have anything else to do today?"

Yun Yin and Chu Huaiguang looked at each other.

“Well… we are here this time because my father’s birthday banquet is coming soon, so we want to invite Mr. Li and all of you to attend. I met the head of the Li family at the door before, so we came together.”

Unexpectedly, Li Hong and Li Yun came down from the second floor angrily just now, and rushed out the door without looking back, without even looking at them.

"In that case, your words have been brought here, so we won't keep you two for too long."

 This means to drive people away naked.

Yun Yin's face looked a little unhappy, but due to the presence of Qi Jingci and Li Chen, she suppressed her anger and went back. She stood up and said to Li Chen, "Then we won't bother you anymore and leave."

The two of them walked out of Li's house. Yun Yin's face immediately darkened, and she clutched the bag in her hand tightly with both hands.

Looking at her sinister face, Chu Huaiguang said with concern: "A Yin, don't be angry."

 “Go away!”

Yun Yin slapped his hand on her shoulder away and said impatiently.

Chu Huaiguang's face changed, he put down his hand angrily, and did not dare to speak anymore.

“What a Ji Yunshu! You think it’s a big deal just to catch up with the Li family, don’t you?”

Yun Yin sneered twice, that would be too naive.

 Does she think that with the support of the Li family and the Lu family, nothing can be done to her?

Ah! We’ll see!

Yun Yin turned back and took a deep look at the Li family, then turned and got into the car.

“The Yun family is gone?”

Li Jiu hid at the corner of the stairs and eavesdropped for a long time, and did not come down until the Yun family and his wife left.

 “Well, let’s go.”

Qi Jingci handed her a cup of brewed tea. The temperature was just right and the time had obviously been set.

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched and she glanced at him, “Did you just see me?”

How could the temperature of the tea be controlled so well if she hadn't been found in the stairwell?

Qi Jingci glanced at her, his meaning was obvious, what do you think?


Li Jiu clicked her tongue, lowered her head and took a sip of tea.

 Lately, for some unknown reason, she drinks tea frequently, which makes people like her who don’t understand tea almost fall in love with drinking tea.

“Xiaojiu, what did grandpa tell you?” Li Muye leaned over and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just asking how I'm doing." Li Muye's eyes immediately changed. He glanced at Qi Jingci beside her and said meaningfully.

Grandpa must be curious about how far she and Qi Jingci have developed.

 “So Xiaojiu, how are you doing recently?”

As he spoke, he kept winking at Li Jiu.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu glanced at him angrily, "It's okay."


Li Muye was a little disappointed. How could there be no situation? They all moved together, and there was no movement at all. The two of them were the same as before, with no development at all.

Then what was the point of Mr. Li letting them live together in the first place?

Li Muye squinted his eyes, feeling that he might need to give them a push.

"Xiaojiu, I would like to advise you as someone who has been there, don't be timid when you are at an age where you can do whatever you want, do whatever you want, don't back down from anyone you like, seize the great opportunity! "

He almost said this in Li Jiu's ear, but Qi Jingci, who always had a good ear, still heard it clearly.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and his eyes fell on Li Muye.

Li Muye was still talking there: "Look, how many older leftover women today still can't find a partner? Isn't it because they wasted their youth?"

“You are engaged at such a young age, and your partner is Qi Jingci. Many people are envious of her, but you don’t cherish her at all.”

Li Muye sighed, his tone was very regretful.

"Qi Jingci, if nothing else, has a good face. If you sleep with him, you will make money. And you don't have to spend money to sleep with him now. If he wants to sleep with you in the future, After breaking up, if you want to sleep with him again, then..."


Seeing that the topic was going to an unknown angle, Li Jiu's face turned dark for a moment, and he immediately interrupted him.

  It is said that the second son of the Li family is free-spirited and uninhibited. Now it seems that he is just talking nonsense.

 How can anyone teach his sister to sleep with a man?

It's a good thing she's not his biological sister, otherwise she would definitely beat him to death!

"Xiaojiu, I'm serious. Although Qi Jingci is a little worse than your brother, you won't suffer any loss if you try." Li Muye raised his eyebrows at her, looking very proud.

Li Jiu pried off the hand that was on his shoulder, sneered at him twice, returned to sit next to Qi Jingci, and ignored him.

Li Muye was a little confused and didn't know what he said wrong. However, due to the murderous look in Li Jiu's last look, he didn't dare to say any more and could only go back and sit down angrily.

 “You second brother…”

Qi Jingci picked up the tea cup, his eyes darkened slightly, as if he was thinking about what words to use to describe Li Muye, but found nothing.

Li Jiu paused for a moment, his eyes flashing slightly, "What second brother? He's his second cousin. Don't call him like he's a relative."

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows. He saw that when she called her Li Tingzhi, she was calling her "big brother" in a very affectionate manner. How come the polar opposites were reversed when she arrived at Li Muye?

It seems that Li Muye really **** her off.

A hint of smile flashed in Qi Jingci's light gray eyes.

While the two of them were talking, Ji Yunshu raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and said to Li Chen, "Uncle Li, I still have patients waiting for me, so I'll take my leave first."

Li Chen frowned, "You won't have a day off today, Saturday?"

Ji Yunshu smiled and said, "In a small clinic, you have to take in more patients to make a living."

Li Shen pondered for a moment, then secretly turned his eyes to Li Tingzhi, why is this kid moving so slowly? The whole family knows that he likes Ji Yunshu, but he still hasn't taken her down yet.

Listen to what he said, doesn’t it hurt him at all that he has to go out to work on a day off?

You should chase her down and give her your salary card!

 (End of this chapter)

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