She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 286: These two sons are just wood

Chapter 286 These two sons are just wood

Li Chen expressed disappointment with Li Tingzhi's speed. His eldest son was simply a piece of wood.

He could tell that Ji Yunshu had no idea about Li Tingzhi. The relationship between the two of them was very ambiguous now. As long as they worked harder, maybe it would work out.

 But his son was as if the fire suddenly went out and he never made any move.

 If the ink goes on, maybe people will run away.

Li Chen sighed and said to Li Tingzhi: "Tingzhi, please send Dr. Ji off."


 The two of them walked out of the gate of Li's house. Li Tingzhi asked: "Shall I drive you back to the clinic?"

Ji Yunshu shook his head, "No, I'll go directly to the patient's home. It's not far from here. I can just walk there."

Li Tingzhi said oh, and then remained silent for a long time. He pursed his lips and said, "Then let me stay with you for a while."


 The two of them walked side by side on the street. No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere became very silent.

"You..." Li Tingzhi cleared his throat and said, "Have you decided how to handle the matter with the Yun family?"

He had just learned about her relationship with the Yun family, and he was really surprised. The circle in the Imperial Capital was not large, and he had heard a little about the Yun family, but he felt that the Yun family was simply crazy.

Now that I know that Ji Yunshu is the girl that the Yun family wanted to imprison back then, I feel even more distressed.

Ji Yunshu lowered his head, casually picking up the stones on the road with his toes, and said nonchalantly: "You have to deal with it slowly and teach them a lesson all at once. It's not enough."

  Slowly use the knife to make the body feel the pain more.

Li Tingzhi stared at her side face, feeling that his worries were unfounded. She was a ghost doctor, and she would retaliate even when she was most angry. How could she let herself suffer a loss?

Rather than worrying about her, it is better to pity the Yun family who are about to suffer misfortune.

“So you came to Imperial Capital just for the Yun family?”

 “What if?” Ji Yunshu asked.

Li Tingzhi curled his lips and felt slightly unhappy.

 He originally thought that she was accompanying him to the Imperial Capital.

 Thinking about it now, it is indeed a bit pretentious.

  Li family.

After Li Tingzhi took Ji Yunshu away, there was no one else left in the living room. Li Chen finally focused on Qi Jingci, squinted his eyes, and suddenly turned to Li Jiu and asked: "Xiaojiu, are you living with him now?" Together?"

Li Jiu was stunned for a moment, wondering why he suddenly asked this, and nodded.

Li Chen glanced at Qi Jingci and said, "Although it is true that you are engaged, you are not married after all. It is a bit hasty to suddenly live together."

“I know it was your grandfather who asked you to move there. He wanted to bring you two together. He had good intentions, but if you feel that you and Mr. Qi are not suitable, then living together is not a good idea.”

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at Li Chen.

Li Chen looked back without showing any weakness.

 The eyes faced each other, and fire was splashing in all directions.

Li Muye on the side twitched his lips and moved away silently.

Li Jiu didn't seem to notice the intense look in their eyes, and nodded, thinking that what Li Chen said made sense, "I understand what you said, uncle, I'm just staying in his house now, and the house outside is being renovated. , I will move out in a few days.”

Qi Jingci's eyes changed, and he looked at Li Jiu sharply, with an imperceptible gnashing of teeth on his face.

Li Chen curled his lips, feeling a sense of victory, and said, "That's good if you think so. After all, your relationship with Mr. Qi San is not good enough to live together. Your grandfather was really messing around before."

  “I think it’s you who is fooling around!”

A strong and angry voice came from the stairs. Li Chen's face froze, feeling embarrassed as if he had been caught saying bad things behind his back.

Mr. Li looked at Li Chen coldly and said angrily: "Xiaojiu and Xiaoci are an unmarried couple. Is there any problem in living together and cultivating a relationship?"

Li Chen retorted: "But dad, they are not married yet, this is a bit too soon."

“Why is it so fast? Someone else’s child was born not long after they got engaged, so why are they so fast just by living together?”

Li Chen: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Child, child?

Li Jiu's eyes suddenly looked at Mr. Li in horror. What has he been thinking about all day? Why did she and Qi Jingci discuss the child?

Li Chen was helpless and speechless, "Dad, you are... simply unreasonable."

Mr. Li glared at him, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Don't target Xiao Ci again, do you hear me?"




  That’s true, old man. Why are you threatening and tempting me?

Mr. Li hummed twice and said: "Xiaojiu is the youngest, but he was the first to get engaged. He is much better than the two boys you gave birth to. They have lived for more than twenty years and have never even held a woman's hand. You This father doesn’t even think about it.”

   It is good for him to arrive, but his own son does not care, but instead comes to provoke Xiaojiu and Xiao Ci!

Li Chen was speechless, what could he reflect on? He was also helpless with the emotional intelligence of his two sons who had been bitten by dogs.

I remember that when he first pursued Wen Wen, he used all kinds of tricks in an endless stream, and he was different every day, making Wen Wen very happy.

 When the two of them came here, they were like old wood, not enlightened at all.

He also wondered that none of the two children followed him. Could it be that... they followed their mother?

The corner of Li Chen's mouth twitched, and he muttered twice in his heart, "I'm sorry, my wife." He didn't mean to say bad things sincerely. Don't scold him in his sleep!

Li Muye listened to Mr. Li's disgusting words and said rather unconvinced: "Grandpa, I'm single because I like freedom and don't want a woman by my side. If I want to find a girlfriend, I just have to wave and she will definitely find her." People are chasing me."

Mr. Li snorted coldly, "Wave? If you wave, you will only attract flies. If the cowhide is blown too much, it will be easily broken."

Li Muye's soul received a critical blow. When the critical blow came from his own grandfather, it unfortunately doubled, causing him to fall backward on the sofa with a cry, suffocate his face with a pillow, and shut himself up.

Mr. Li still didn't want to let him go, and continued: "Look at Xiaojiu, and then look at you! I haven't been able to show up for a whole day, but why don't you find me a granddaughter-in-law?"

Li Muye sat up suddenly, pointed angrily at Li Jiu and Qi Jingci, and asked, "How do they look like a couple? From the moment they entered the house, they never held hands or hugged each other. What kind of love is that?" —”

His words suddenly stopped, and the last word disappeared in his throat. His eyes suddenly opened wide, and he watched in disbelief as Qi Jingci suddenly stretched out his hand, intertwined his fingers with Li Jiu, and then took her in his arms in front of them. Into the arms.

Li Jiu was stunned: "...?"

Li Chen almost choked: "..."

Li Muye was dumbfounded: “…”

 Only Mr. Li smiled with satisfaction and asked Li Muye: "What did you want to say just now?"

  Li Muye closed his eyes that were blinded by the flash, "I'm sorry for disturbing you."

  Everyone, yesterday’s chapter has been revised and is ready to be read. In addition, school has started, and I have to update it once a day...



 (End of this chapter)

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