She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 287: Boss, you still need to work hard

Chapter 287 Boss, you still need to work hard

Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth, suddenly retracted his hand, and glanced at Qi Jingci with a strange look, not understanding what he wanted to do.

Qi Jingci was glared at by Li Jiu, his expression remained calm and calm.

Li Muye shut up angrily, not daring to talk nonsense anymore.

Until Li Jiu and Qi Jingci left the Li family, Li Muye was in a lack of interest as if he had been shocked.

On the way back to Jingyuan, the two of them were silent, and the car was silent for a while.

Suddenly, Li Jiu asked: "Why did you do that just now?"

Qi Jingci stared straight ahead, pretending to be confused and said, "What kind?"

Li Jiu turned to glare at him, gritted his teeth and asked, "Why did you hug me just now?"

Qi Jingci looked at her, raised his lips and chuckled, and asked, "What if? Is it possible that your second cousin will question us?"

 That's not what he wants.

Li Jiu made a sound, "If you doubt it, just question it. It's not true anyway."

 The relationship between the two of them is only superficially engaged, and Li Muye's doubts are correct.

Qi Jingci's eyes darkened slightly, he glanced at her, then slammed on the brakes and stopped on the side of the road.

Li Jiu leaned forward due to inertia, and quickly grasped it. He frowned and looked at Qi Jingci, "What are you doing?"

Qi Jingci pulled down the handbrake and put one hand on the steering wheel. He tilted his head and looked at her with deep eyes. Li Jiu felt that she had fallen into a deep and unpredictable pool, which made her eyelids twitch.

"not real?"

Qi Jingci's last word was raised, he looked at her meaningfully, and suddenly leaned down. The distance between the two suddenly narrowed, and he could feel the other's warm breath spraying on his face.

Li Jiu's heart skipped a beat, and she subconsciously wanted to hide back. However, there was the car door behind her, and she was unable to move forward or retreat.

Qi Jingci's cold eyes met hers, and she was clearly reflected in them, with an extremely serious expression.

 “Is this how you define our relationship?”

Li Jiu was stunned and asked, "What else?"

 Isn’t their relationship just that of good friends? What more definitions are needed?

Is it possible that he doesn’t want to be friends with her and wants to be her mortal enemy?

Qi Jingci looked at her silently for a while, then lowered his eyelashes for a long time. He couldn't tell his emotion, "You and your two brothers are really alike."

 They are all the same wood.

Li Jiu frowned, not knowing why, "How do I resemble them?"

No matter in appearance or personality, they are not very similar.

Qi Jingci did not answer her. He just smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes. Before she could ask clearly, Qi Jingci straightened up and looked away.

Li Jiu noticed that his mood seemed to be getting a little bad, and frowned, but did not ask.

"By the way, my house is almost finished. I will move out after a while and I won't bother you anymore." Li Jiu said.

Qi Jingci tightened his grip on the steering wheel, took a deep breath, his eyes darkened slightly, and said in a deep voice, "You can continue to live in Jingyuan."

 “No need.”

“Is it inconvenient for you to live in Jingyuan?”

Li Jiu shook his head, "No."

To be honest, she quite likes the environment of Jingyuan, and the surrounding area is relatively clean.

 “Then continue to live.”

"Then don't you feel uncomfortable?" Li Jiu asked with a frown.

 After all, it would be somewhat uncomfortable for a man and a woman to live together.

 And when she first moved in, Qi Jingci seemed not used to it.

"No." Qi Jing said, "I used to live alone, but now I'm used to you. If you move out again, I might feel even more uncomfortable." Li Jiu's eyes twitched. What's the reason for this?

But thinking about it carefully, it didn't matter if she continued to live there. She was mainly afraid that Qi Jingci would be uncomfortable, so she wanted to move out. Since he said so, she wouldn't move if he didn't want to move.

"Okay, I'm used to your breakfast here, so I won't move."

Qi Jingci glanced at her, was breakfast the only thing that attracted her to Jingyuan?

What’s so delicious about that kind of takeout food!

Qi Jingci pursed his thin lips and his breath suddenly dropped.

Li Jiu glanced at him inexplicably, feeling that this man had been very fickle recently.

Arrived at Jingyuan, Li Jiu immediately rushed to the bed in the bedroom, not even seeing the increasingly livid face of Qi Jingci behind him.

 She is so heartless that she is still drunk!

Qi Jingci suppressed the sullenness in his heart and felt that he might need to calm down, so he went into the study to deal with documents.

Li Jiu, who was lying on the bed, was looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

 Actually, she is not that slow, nor is she wooden.

She has seen more or less the changes in Tianqi Jingci, and the interlocking of fingers just now confirmed her suspicions.

Thinking of this, Li Jiu's eyes were full of irritation, and he covered his face with a pillow, feeling extremely depressed.

She really didn’t expect that Qi Jingci would actually fall in love with her!

I go!

   ! !

Li Jiu’s expression went blank for a moment, not knowing what to do.

 When she came to Imperial Capital, she had taken care of everything except this matter.

She knew that getting engaged to Qi Jingci was not a good thing.

It's good now, he took it seriously and was tempted. This really made her depressed to death.

Qi Jingci, she thought of him as her enemy at first, but later he helped her a lot, and she naturally regarded him as a friend.

 As a result, now, she regards him as a friend, but he wants to have **** with her?

Her mood now is very complicated, a complete mess.

The original plan was to return the identity to Shan Mingxi and Shan's mother after investigating the truth of the year, and leave the Imperial Capital after the matter was properly handled.

 But now her identity as the illegitimate daughter of the Li family involves more and more things, and it is getting deeper and deeper. If this continues, it will be impossible to go according to plan.

Moreover, now there is a huge bug in her plan.

She knew very well that so far her feelings for Qi Jingci had not reached the point of liking him, so she could only pretend not to understand what he meant just now.

Li Jiu sat up and took out his mobile phone.

    三, If one day you find that the person around you likes you, what will you do? ]

 He Yao replied instantly.

   [Xiao San: Boss, has Third Uncle confessed his love to you? ]

Li Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth.

       How do you know it’s him I’m asking? ]

                                please take it a step further. ]

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes.


[Xiao San: Boss, seriously, haven’t you noticed that you have become more and more peaceful since you met your third uncle? ]

  It was like a tyrannosaurus being smoothed. People like them who were usually tortured had a very comfortable time.

 These are all attributed to Qi Jingci.

    小三:Seventh sister has already said that your condition should not be irritable or irritable. Isn’t it good now? Boss, why don't you try it with your third uncle? Fall in love without suffering any loss. ]

Li Jiu looked at her words and suddenly realized something was wrong.

                         Third Uncle? Where have you and Qi Anyan progressed? ]

                      Hey, brother An Yan promised to fall in love with me when I grow up. Boss, you still need to work hard. ]

 Li Jiu: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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