She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 291: Going to live with my sister-in-law?

Chapter 291 Going to live with my sister-in-law?

 After being depressed all night, Li Jiu couldn't think of a reason, and finally decided to avoid Qi Jingci for the time being.

However, before she could find a good reason, she saw Qi Jingci standing in front of her bedroom door dragging his suitcase and saying, "The company has something to do and I need to go on a business trip for a few days."

Li Jiu's eyes brightened slightly as her heart became a mess, "Going on a business trip?"

Qi Jingci nodded, "Well, so you take care of your home these days."

Li Jiu was so excited when she heard him talking about a business trip that she didn't even notice how ambiguous the word "housekeeping" in his mouth was.

 “I understand, let’s go.”

Li Jiu waved her hands as usual, indicating that she understood, and tried hard to hide the excitement in her heart.

Seeing that her reaction was so bland, Qi Jingci's face darkened for a moment as expected. He held the handle of the suitcase tightly, looked at her with a deep look in his eyes, and then went out without saying anything.

Seeing him come out, Jing Yi and Jing Er immediately took the suitcase from his hand.

“Sir, the people over in Szhou are already waiting. Should we go now or...?”

Qi Jingci got into the car and said with a cold face: "Leave now."

The three words    were as if frozen, making Jing Yi shiver.

 He glanced at Qi Jingci cautiously in the rearview mirror, "What's going on?" Looking so gloomy?

Jing Er in the passenger seat kicked him, and he immediately looked away, not daring to look again.

Qi Jingci took a deep breath, which caused the air pressure in his body to be extremely low. The two people driving in front of him almost froze to death along the way.

 He just doesn’t understand why there are people with low emotional intelligence like Li Jiu in this world?

 He felt like he was trying to pry open a piece of stone, or a diamond.

Li Diamond Jiu breathed a sigh of relief after Qi Jingci left. Originally, she was struggling with how to face him, but now she no longer had to worry about it.

Actually, it’s not that she dislikes Qi Jingci, it’s just that it was a little too sudden, so she should think calmly before speaking.

 After all, she and him were never the same person.

Li Jiu stood in the living room, looked around, lowered her eyes, and looked unclear. Then, she took out her car keys and drove to Bai's house.

Today not only Qi Jingci has to go on a business trip, but she also has to go abroad.

I said before that I had to deal with the Mo family's affairs and couldn't delay them any longer. Taking advantage of Qi Jingci's absence these days, I took advantage of the opportunity to deal with them.

 “Where is your brother?”

Li Jiu sat in the living room and looked around for a few times, but did not find Bai Yuxiu.

At this time, it seems it’s not time to go to work yet, right?

Bai Muyou curled his lips and said, "Going on a business trip."

"On business trip?"

Li Jiu frowned and looked at her. Was he on a business trip again? Is it such a coincidence?

“Well, you told me a few days ago, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to go to Continent S with you.”

She was injured this time, which frightened Bai Yuxiu. He wanted to stay with her twenty-four hours a day, and even when he was at work, he would call back from time to time to check on her situation.

If this trip had not been canceled, Bai Yuxiu would definitely not have gone.

But this is exactly what she wants.

"If you leave like this, your brother won't know?"

Li Jiu asked with some uncertainty. She had also seen Bai Yuxiu's sister-in-law. With Bai Muyou still injured at home, how could he not be worried? He would definitely send someone to follow her.

A hint of cunning flashed in Bai Muyou's eyes, and she smiled at Li Jiu: "So I have to rely on you." "Huh?"

Bai Muyou smiled mysteriously and didn't say anything.

“You said you were going to move to Jingyuan to live with your sister-in-law for a few days?”

On the other side of the private plane, Bai Yuxiu received a call from Bai Muyou. When he heard what she said, he frowned and subconsciously looked at Qi Jingci sitting next to him.

Hearing him mention Li Jiu, Qi Jingci put down the magazine in his hand and looked up at Bai Yuxiu.

“Xiaoyou, isn’t this good? If you live with your sister-in-law, she will have to take care of you. That would be so troublesome, haha.”

Bai Yuxiu faced Qi Jingci's heart-stopping gaze and laughed dryly, trying to make Bai Muyou give up the idea.

“Ah? My sister-in-law agreed...”

Bai Yuxiu coughed twice and glanced at Qi Jingci unconsciously. As expected, the latter's face suddenly darkened.

 The ambient air temperature suddenly drops to the bottom.

Qi Jingci's face turned slightly blue, and he felt a sudden swelling and pain in his temples.

He had only left home for a few hours, and she invited outsiders to her home?

Seeing that a storm was about to come, Bai Yuxiu immediately cut off the call as quickly as possible, "Xiaoyou, I have something else to do here so I won't talk to you anymore. You can go live with your sister-in-law, don't." Cause trouble."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and looked at Qi Jingci with tears in his eyes and said: "Third brother, Xiaoyou just lives with my sister-in-law and nothing will happen. You won't even make her jealous, right?" ?”

Qi Jingci’s eyes flashed, and after a long moment, he pursed his lips and said, “No.”

“…Can you turn down the air conditioner?”

 Really, especially since they are on a private plane now, it is really cold. If this continues, he will freeze to death!

Qi Jingci glanced sideways at him, and Bai Yuxiu immediately fell silent.

It wasn't until Qi Jingci's face gradually softened that he dared to speak, "Third brother, I know you don't want to be separated from your sister-in-law, but there are people in Szhou acting like monsters, and Jie Xi and the others simply can't survive it."

Qi Jingci uttered a few words coldly: "Then what use do I need them for?"

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

"You can't blame them. It's just that those old guys are too evil-minded and they joined forces to plot against each other. Otherwise, how could Jie Xi be captured by them?"

Qi Jingci’s eyes sharpened, and his aura suddenly dropped.

 “Put an arrest warrant on those old guys in my name.”

Bai Yuxiu’s expression froze. In his name?

 Does he know what he is talking about?

Issuing a wanted order as the head of Organization J means that this person is about to usher in the highlight moment of his life and will be tortured to death by countless top killers and Organization J like a cat playing with a mouse.

  During this period, they not only had to be on tenterhooks, but also had to evade non-stop pursuits again and again. This was not only physical, but also mental torture.

 That’s why some people say that no one should mess with Jing Junyue, the head of J Organization. If you mess with him, he will definitely let you know how many new, shocking and tortured ways to die in the world.

 Bai Muyou hung up the phone with a smile on his face and raised his eyebrows at Li Jiu beside him, "How are you doing, boss? My idea is good, right?"

Li Jiu sneered, "That's right. When we go to S State, your brother finds out that you and I are not in the Imperial Capital. By then, not only you, but I will also be implicated."

This **** girl has such a good idea, let her testify.

Bai Muyou chuckled and said, "Boss, it's okay. As long as I'm with you, my brother won't be suspicious."

Li Jiu glanced at her in disbelief. He didn't express much about this. He just raised his wrist and looked at the time and said, "Okay, it's getting late. Let's go quickly."


 (End of this chapter)

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