She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 292: Hello, owner!

Chapter 292 Hello, Master!

On the tarmac of a private estate in China, a group of people stood ready, led by a mean-looking man with white hair.

 “Mosang, the master of the house will be here soon, what should we do?”

A person next to him quietly approached him and asked, with a very worried tone.

Li Jiu has not been back for half a year. In the past six months, all the affairs of the Mo family have been handled by them, and they have also handled the property. I am afraid only they themselves know how much they have made.

Furthermore, this time, they also secretly formed an alliance with other families and wanted to annex Organization J. Unexpectedly, Li Jiu would come back just after the plan was implemented.

Mo Sang stood there, patted the dust on his sleeves, and replied casually: "What can I do? Let's drink it cold."

"But if she knew what we were doing in private..." The man felt guilty. After all, Li Jiu's methods were very cunning, and they were simply not something old bones like them could withstand.

 “She won’t know,” Mo Sang said with a sneer on his lips, “Having been away for half a year, you still hope that the Mo family will be of the same mind as her? Ridiculous.”

Since she left the Mo family alone, don't blame him for taking action.

  A glimmer of light flashed in Mo Sang’s pupils.

Suddenly, the sound of a helicopter propeller piercing the air was heard not far away, and a black spot slowly approached from far away.

The propeller rotated rapidly, creating a gust of air that lifted everyone's clothes. Everyone was almost blinded by the dust and could only squint as the helicopter landed slowly.

The cabin door opened, and a pair of slender and straight legs stepped out. The short boots clicked crisply on the steps. Li Jiu was dressed neatly in black. The hem of the windbreaker was blown up by the wind, revealing a thin waist.

She held the cabin door with one hand, glanced at everyone present expressionlessly, and took off the sunglasses on her face.

Everyone bowed in unison in an instant, and their voices echoed on the tarmac: "Hello, Master!"

Li Jiu ignored them, stepped off the helicopter, and threw the sunglasses in his hand straight back.

Bai Muyou, who was following Li Jiu, reached out to catch the sunglasses, put them into his pocket, and followed Li Jiu silently, like a bodyguard.

 In fact, her current identity is Li Jiu's bodyguard, that is, Mo Liu, the bodyguard of the head of the Mo family.

At this time, she had put on a human skin mask and disguised herself as another person. Even if Bai Yuxiu stood in front of her now, he might not be able to recognize her.

Although not many people in Continent know the female star Bai Muyou, it is always better to be cautious.

Bai Muyou followed Li Jiu and stopped with her in front of Mo Sang and the others.

 “Master Mo, long time no see.” Li Jiu looked at Mo Sang and said hello.

Mossan had a flawless smile on his face, and his expression was very enthusiastic.

“Master, you are back. We all miss you.”

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

 She looked at the others inquiringly and asked uncertainly: "You all miss me?"

 Everyone immediately agreed: "Yes!"

"of course!"

"Master, you are back!" Looking at the hypocritical people in front of him, Bai Muyou sneered from the side and said, "Hey, I said, the master has been catching a flight for a few hours, why don't you let her rest quickly? What are you doing here?"

The expressions of several people stiffened and they looked at Bai Muyou. At that moment, everyone was thinking: Why hasn't the head of the house replaced this disgusting bodyguard?

Bai Muyou has always appeared in the Mo family as Li Jiu's bodyguard, and Li Jiu's character set for her is that of a venomous person. Therefore, when she was in the Mo family, almost everyone at the top and bottom of the house was personally controlled by her. She used her words to "teach a lesson" to the point where she was hated by everyone.

Most of the Mo family wanted to kill her, but unfortunately she was very skilled in martial arts and had been following Li Jiu around, so there was no room for them to do anything.

Mo Sang was the first to react and immediately smiled, "I'm really sorry, Master. It's my old fool who didn't make the arrangements properly."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Li Jiu could say anything, Bai Muyou sneered: "I thought it was Mr. Mo who was deliberately trying to intimidate the head of the family."

Mo Sang’s face froze and he said, “Why, how could it be possible? I’ll ask someone to prepare it right now.”

 He waved his hand behind him and ordered people to prepare the room.

Mo Sang glanced at Bai Muyou secretly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a coldness in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

Li Jiu flew from the Imperial Capital to S Continent and took a flight for several hours. Now she is so sleepy that she is extremely irritable and depressed. No one dares to get close to her.

Mossang and the others sent her to the prepared room and left, saying they wanted to clean her up, but in fact they didn't know what the trouble was.

Bai Muyou checked everything inside and outside the room, found several mini bugs and destroyed them all.

"I knew these old guys were evil." Bai Muyou couldn't help but sneer as he looked at the pile of bugging remains in front of him.

She looked up at Li Jiu, who was sitting on the sofa with his head propped up on his hands and eyes closed, and asked: "Boss, it seems they have done a lot behind your back."

 Otherwise, why would you take such a big risk to monitor her every move?

But that’s just it, a little too childish.

As if he guessed what she was thinking, Li Jiu opened his eyes and glanced at the pile of debris, "You think this is child's play, they think so too, and all they found are for us to see."

These obvious surveillances were deliberately left for them to discover. There must be more hidden in the dark.

 “What should we do?”

Li Jiu said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I turned on the shield."

Bai Muyou made a sound and gave her a thumbs up for her foresight. Seeing that she was really sleepy, he said, "Boss, please go get some sleep first. I'll watch over you outside."

Li Jiu pressed her eyebrows and felt that her head was about to explode. She said tiredly, "Okay."

 She stood up and walked into the bedroom, locked the door, took out a bottle of medicine from her luggage, poured out two pills, swallowed them, closed the lid and put them back.

Ji Yunshu was right. She couldn't sit on the helicopter in her current condition. From the moment she got on the helicopter until now, her head has been buzzing, like hundreds of millions of mosquitoes flapping their wings in your ears.

 The key is that she has no sense of taste and is not sensitive to pain, but her hearing and vision are okay, which makes her feel dizzy now.

Li Jiu was lying on the bed, frowning, her dark eyelashes trembling slightly. For some reason, she couldn't help but think of Qi Jingci's face.

Aware of this, Li Jiu raised a self-deprecating smile on her lips. Is this being hypocritical?

Outside, Bai Muyou was guarding Li Jiu's room attentively, not letting anyone get close. Although this was the territory of the Li family and they had many people of their own, most of the people in the manor were brought by Mo Sang and the others. People, even if they think about it, it’s not safe.

 (End of this chapter)

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