She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 293: Don’t underestimate Mo Jiu!

Chapter 293 Don’t underestimate Mo Jiu!

At this time, in another room, Mo Sang and others gathered together in a solemn atmosphere.

"The head of the family came back suddenly. Did you hear something?" Mo Yuanhua looked worried.

His words were rejected as soon as he said them.

“Impossible, it’s been less than a few hours since we caught the person, how could she receive the news so quickly?”

The man looked very determined and continued: "Besides, I did this myself, and no one else will know."

 He turned around and assured Mo Sang, who had never shown any expression: "I promise there will be no problem."

"Even so, if she comes back at this time, she must be coming with bad intentions."

He never believed in coincidences. Li Jiu came back this time and caught them off guard. Before that, no one had received any information. This was the most noteworthy thing.

Mo Yuanrong frowned and raised the key to the problem: "We had no prior knowledge of Mo Jiu's return. Her influence in the Mo family is much deeper than we thought."

They are basically the people who have access to the core of the Mo family, but they are always ambiguous about Li Jiu's sphere of influence in the Mo family. This is why they have been afraid of Li Jiu in recent years even though they want to dispose of her.

After all, no one knows what she got from the previous head of the family.

 So these years, they have not dared to act rashly.

Mo Sang, who had been silent, put down the string of sandalwood beads he was playing with, looked out the window with gleaming eyes, and coldly snorted: "Just right, I also want to see what she is capable of."

Hearing his disdainful tone towards Li Jiu, Mo Yuanhua frowned for a moment, disapproval flashed across his eyes, "Mo Jiu has always had a deep mind, otherwise he wouldn't have been evenly matched against us after fighting for so many years. You'd better Don't underestimate her."

 “Look down on her?”

Mo Sang sneered twice, "You misunderstood, I never dare to underestimate her."

“It’s just that this time, I am fully confident that no matter how deep her thoughts are, she will still be vulnerable to absolute strength.”

His tone was meaningful, and his words seemed to be sure that Li Jiu would lose, leaving the two of them confused.

Mo Yuanhua and Mo Yuanrong looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

 “What do you mean?” Mo Yuanrong couldn’t help but ask.

"I'm warning you, if you do anything bad to the Mo family, I will never agree to it!" He said firmly.

 In fact, the reason why they attached themselves to Mo Sang and cooperated with him to deal with Li Jiu was entirely because they did not want the Mo family's property to fall into the hands of a foreigner for no reason.

I think back then, the old head of the Mo family was seriously ill and almost unable to survive. They were already preparing for the funeral and inheritance distribution. Unexpectedly, the old head suddenly brought back a young woman and claimed that she was his long-lost wife. daughter, and handed her the Mo family's shares and all the Mo family's overt and covert properties.

The handover was completed almost at lightning speed. They didn't even react, and the old family leader passed away.

Before he died, in front of a group of people who had followed him for decades, he told them to obey the new head of the family, and everything would be based on her orders.

 But how is this possible?

There are still many doubts about Li Jiu's identity. Even if the old family owner took out a paternity test, it is still unconvincing. Her experiences in the past ten years and how she recognized the Mo family are still a mystery. No one knows where she came from, as if she fell from the sky, but the old head of the Mo family trusted her very much and responded to her requests. He even changed his will just before his death and handed the Mo family to him.

If they could predict the old patriarch's thoughts in advance, they might be able to stop him in time, but who made him actually make all preparations? Lawyers and notaries were present, and there was no flaw. It was as if... he was specially paving the way for Li Jiu. .

 But why?

Mo Yuanrong still can't figure out why the old head of the family handed over the huge Mo family to a little girl before he died?

This is really chilling to people like them. He cannot accept that the Mo family is controlled by someone who is not sure whether he is a Mo family member or not.

 So even if Mo Sang and he have always been at odds, and he has always been dissatisfied with Mo Sang's behavior, he will never let the Mo family fall into Li Jiu's hands!

Mo Yuanrong's eyes flashed with a hint of gloom.

“Let’s leave first. Mo Jiu will be suspicious if we stay too long. Mo Sang, I’ve warned you. Pay more attention to Mo Jiu. She must be well prepared this time.”

Mo Yuanrong stood up, narrowed his eyes, and reminded Mo Sang kindly again.

 The latter waved to him, looking indifferent.

Mo Yuanrong sighed, opened the door and left.

Mo Yuanhua followed him. Seeing that he was always downcast, he couldn't help but comfort him: "Brother, don't worry too much. Maybe you are overthinking?"

Mo Yuanrong shook his head, his eyes darkened, and he said in a serious tone: "No, I have a hunch that things may change in the Mo family, but..."

He turned around and glanced at Mo Sang's room. He suddenly felt a little powerless and could only sigh and said: "I don't know if my original choice was wrong."

 After all, Mo Sang may be more harmful to the Mo family than Li Jiu.

But he has no regrets. The situation has reached this point, and he cannot regret it anymore. He can only move forward!

After the two Mo Yuanrong brothers left, Mo Sang was the only one left in the huge room, and it suddenly became extremely quiet.

Suddenly, he stood up, walked somewhere, stretched out his hand to find a switch, and pressed it gently. The next moment, there was a heavy collision sound on the floor, and a secret passage appeared in front of him.

Mo Sang dodged into the dark passage. It was extremely dark inside because it was underground, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of dampness and mold.

But his expression remained unchanged, he picked up the flashlight he had put aside and walked slowly down the steps.

Gradually, in the darkness in the distance, the vague clanking sound of iron chains can be heard, and there is also the creeping sound of gnawing like insects and rats.

Perhaps when he heard Mo Sang's footsteps, he was handcuffed and leaned against a pillar, his body was bound by several thick iron chains, and his whole body was almost covered with wounds of varying degrees. The man slowly raised his head and laboriously pulled the The eyes opened a crack.

His face was swollen to the point of being swollen, and dirty blood and unhealed hideous scars crisscrossed his face, making it impossible to tell what his expression was at this time.

 The chains on his body made a soft sound as he moved slightly, which was particularly clear in the closed and dark space.

He opened his lips and squeezed out a word through his teeth. His eyes were as fierce as if he wanted to tear Moissan's bones into his belly, but the voice he spat out was hoarse like a broken gong.

 “Mo! San!”

Mosang looked at his embarrassed look, smiled contemptuously, and greeted him: Good morning, Mr. Jiexi. "

 (End of this chapter)

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