She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 294: Find the head of the Mo family

Chapter 294: Find the head of the Mo family

Jie Xi raised her eyes and looked at him coldly, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Mo Sang chuckled, "You will know what we want to do soon, don't worry."

Jie Xi snorted coldly, his eyes full of sarcasm, "You won't succeed."

Mossan didn’t care at all about his words and found them a bit ridiculous.

Man, even if he becomes a prisoner, he will still speak harshly.

“Mr. Jiexi really trusts Organization J, but you have disappeared for a week and they have made no move. I think they have given up on you,” Mo Sang said.

Jie Xi was not moved at all.

 Mo Sang was not in a hurry. Since he hid the person here, he would have plenty of time to spend it slowly with him.

 Jiexi is the core weapon developer of Organization J and has a lot of information in his hands. If he can be used for his own use, it will be even more powerful for him.

 Hence, after other families planned to capture Jie Xi, he tried every possible means to convince those people that they would feel comfortable leaving Jie Xi in the Mo family, in order to have more opportunities to win over him.

"Mr. Jiexi, I hope you can seriously consider what I said before. I have always been sincere towards talents like you." Mo Sang had a perfect and pious smile on his face.

Jiexi sneered and raised his hand. The cold, metallic handcuffs on his wrists made a crisp sound when they touched.

"Sincerity? Your sincerity is to inject me with anesthesia and then lock me up here?"

Mo Sang was not angry at the sarcasm in Jie Xi's words. He just smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to do things for me, nothing will be a problem."

Jie Xi was silent for a moment, narrowed her eyes, and carefully looked at his expression in the darkness, and suddenly asked, "Mr. Mo, do you want me to work for you, or for the Mo family?"

 Mo Sang raised his eyebrows and replied matter-of-factly: "Isn't doing things for me the same as doing things for the Mo family? There is no difference between the two."

Hearing his words, a glimmer of light flashed deep in Jie Xi's eyes.

 He wanted to use himself for his own purposes, rather than doing things for the Mo family. It seemed that the head of the Mo family didn't know about this.

Although he usually concentrates on doing experiments in the research laboratory within the organization, he does not know everything about the outside world.

The struggle for power between the head of the Mo family and several branches of the Mo family was known to almost the entire continent, and he had also heard about it.

He has been staying in the Mo family's dungeon for several weeks since he was arrested on his last mission. He has a general understanding of the place through conversations with people who deliver food every day.

 Something must have happened in the Mo family today, which made Mo Sang's tone a little urgent when he persuaded him this time. Although he concealed it well, he still noticed something was wrong.

 There is no one else but the head of the Mo family who could make Mo Sang so anxious.

Even though he has never met Mo Jiu, since she and Mo Sang are not from the same place, as long as he can see her and explain the situation, he still has a good chance of contacting the boss.

Almost instantly, countless thoughts flashed through Jie Xi's mind, and the plan in his mind took shape. He calmed down and warned himself not to be impatient. Mo Sang, an old fox, was very cunning. Before he could find a way to meet Mo Jiu, , absolutely cannot make him suspicious.

 Otherwise he will definitely move himself somewhere else.

Thinking like this, Jie Xi calmed down a lot and stopped paying attention to Mo Sang's words. He leaned against the wall behind and slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing that he still looked indifferent, Mo Sang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anger. Finally, he glanced at Jie Xi with a gloomy look and turned around to leave.

Mo Yuanrong was right. When Li Jiu suddenly returned to Mo's house, she must be preparing to do something. If he didn't understand what she was going to do, he couldn't act rashly.

Although it is very risky to lock Jie Xi here, and many people in the Mo family know about this dungeon besides him, there is nothing that can be done. Li Jiu is now in the Mo family, and there is no way he can secretly imprison Jie Xi under her nose. To transport him away, we can only continue to keep him here. But if this continues, there will still be great risk exposure. If Li Jiu knows what he has done...

 Mo Sang’s eyes were sharp, so don’t blame him for being ruthless.

After Mo Sang left the dungeon, Jie Xi opened his eyes suddenly. After confirming that he would not come back, he lowered his head and took out a piece of wire from his breast pocket, and easily unlocked the handcuffs.

 The metal handcuffs fell to the ground with a clang, and the chains on his body were also untied.

Jiexi stood up, moved his wrists and ankles, and looked at the things on the ground with a mocking look.

 You still want to trap him with all this? That's ridiculous!

The anesthetic on his body had been drained off as early as the second day after he came in. Do you really think he didn’t notice that the food delivered every day was drugged?

 The reason why he did not leave was because he did not understand the specific situation of the Mo family. Even if he escaped from the dungeon, it would be of no use if he could not escape from the Mo family.

 Secondly, he also wants to know what the **** Mo Sang and other families want to do to their J organization!

"How about it?"

Li Jiu was sitting on the sofa. Bai Muyou had just come back from the door and placed the document in his hand in front of her.

“Everything Mo Sang has done recently is here, which is very strange.” Bai Muyou frowned.

Li Jiu reached out and flipped through it, quickly browsing through it, "They are all everyday things, nothing strange at all."

 “This is the biggest strange thing, how could Mo Sang be so content?”

Li Jiu put the document back on the table and said with a smile: "You think so, and so does he."

Bai Muyou frowned, not understanding what she meant, "What?"

"You suspect that Mo Sang is doing something behind our back. He just wants us to think so, and then it will be logical for us to investigate where he has been and what he has done recently."

 “Shouldn’t it be?”

Li Jiu said: "Indeed, I should, but I always feel that he is causing trouble in the Mo family. For example, when we come back this time, don't you think he is a little too attentive?"

Bai Muyou thought about it carefully and nodded, it was true.

Since they came back, Mo Sang has been sending people over, and they are a bit over-the-top and completely inconsistent with his previous style. At first, she thought he was just trying to show off in front of others.

Now it seems that he has evil intentions at all.

“In addition, after you cleared away the cameras in the room, I found a lot of hidden cameras nearby. These cameras cover all my activity routes.”

It was obvious that he wanted to spy on her.

And I have to admit that if she hadn't used her powers, she might not have been able to pull out all the cameras.

 There must be something fishy about monitoring her actions in Mo's house with such great efforts.

Li Jiu tilted his head, tapped his thigh lightly with his fingers, narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "Go to Uncle Mo and ask him if Mo Sang did anything unusual when I was away."


 (End of this chapter)

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