She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 295: I didn't find you on purpose!

Chapter 295 I didn’t find you on purpose!

“Hey, who do you think is locked up in the dungeon?”

On a remote path in Mo's garden, two women dressed as servants were holding some food in their hands and quietly discussing things they did not dare to say openly.

“I don’t know, Mr. Mo looks so serious, he must be a very important person, right?”

“I heard that the man was vicious and had blood on his hands.” One of the thinner maids shrank.

The other person said "Ah" without any change in his expression, and said calmly: "So what? I think Mr. Mo is much scarier than the people in the dungeon."

Only those who work under Mo Sang know what kind of devil Mo Sang is!

Mo Sang didn't like others to know him too well, so he had to change his servants every half a month, and every time he changed servants, there would always be a few fewer servants serving him before, and the few servants would no longer be there. When he showed up at Mo's house, everyone knew where he went.

In his eyes, human life is worthless at all, and people with low status like them, in continent S, a place with imperfect laws and exclusive power of the aristocracy, do not have much chance of survival. They can only live one day longer.

 The two of them have been with Mo Sang for a week. As long as they are lucky enough, they can be transferred out to work elsewhere soon.

 Unexpectedly, he was suddenly sent by Mo Sang to deliver food to the people in the dungeon.

The maid looked at the food in her hand, with a trace of worry in her eyes. Mo Sang's dungeon can be said to be an extremely confidential place. Normally, it is not the servants like them who know about it, but today he asked two of them to deliver it. I don't know if anything bad will happen.

 “Hey, hey, hey!”

When the thin maid heard her words, her expression immediately changed. She quickly glanced around, and when she saw no one was around, she quickly whispered: "You are crazy! You dare to say that to Mr. Mo, there are cameras everywhere here! You Aren't you afraid that he will hear us? We won't be able to walk around in a hurry!"

 The maid was relatively calm, "Don't worry, he can't hear me."


 “Because there are no cameras here.”

"how do you know?"

 The thin maid suddenly opened her eyes wide, her mouth half-opened, and looked at her in surprise.

 How did she know there were no cameras nearby?

The maid stopped, frowned, pursed her lips, and looked very confused.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the thin maid touched her with her shoulder and said, "Speak."

 The maid looked at her with complicated eyes, and then said, "I'm telling you something, but don't think I'm crazy."

"you say."

 “I...seem to have super powers.”

 The thin maid was silent for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Do you have super powers?" She glanced at the maid up and down, and said mockingly: "If you have super powers, then I will still be an alien."

The maid, who had long expected this outcome, dimmed her eyes for a moment, lowered her head and said nothing.

 Sure enough, no one believed her.

Since a month ago, she has noticed subtle changes in herself. For example, her hearing is getting better and better. Many times, she can clearly hear other people's voices even through the door.

 Originally, she was very scared and troubled by this uncontrollable ability, but recently, her ability seems to be under her own control, and her hearing has become so strong that she can even hear the sound of electricity flowing!

 This is really incredible!

She once thought she was hallucinating, but she wasn't. That was the fact. But when she told others about it, others either didn't believe her or laughed at her, just like the skinny maid.

Over time, she didn’t care anymore. No one would believe it anyway, so she just regarded it as a joke.

"Okay, stop laughing, bring the food in quickly, and then go back to Mr. Mo's place for business." The maid rolled her eyes at the thin maid, ignored her trembling smile, and walked straight past her towards the dungeon.

 “Hey, wait for me!”

The thin maid quickly followed. The two followed Mo Sang's instructions, opened the dungeon's mechanism, and then cautiously entered through the entrance.

  No matter how joyfully she smiled just now, the skinny maid also looked extremely nervous now.

Firstly, it's because it's too dark and dark, and it can give people chills down their spines. Secondly, there are countless surveillance devices in this dungeon. If Mo Sang knew that they had done something wrong, the consequences would be waiting for them. Unthinkable.

Thinking of this, the skinny maid couldn't help but turn paler, and her steps slowed down. She started walking in front and then gradually fell behind.

 Suddenly, the maid in front of her stopped, causing her heart to skip a beat.

"What, what's wrong?" the thin maid asked with trembling lips.

The maid closed her eyes. Because the dungeon was too dark, it was impossible to see her expression clearly. She only heard her seem to take a deep breath and say: "It's okay, let's go."

At the same time, out of sight, the maid's hands holding the tray tightened slightly.

The two of them groped their way to the place in the darkness. However, when they saw the scene in front of them, the thin maid opened her eyes wide, took a breath, and screamed horribly: "The people here—"

Before she could finish her words, there was a "pop" sound, and the tray in her hand hit the ground and shattered into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound like a heavy object falling to the ground.

The maid's hand holding the tray couldn't help but tremble. She turned back tremblingly, and her fearful eyes met Jie Xi's cold eyes.

He was still holding a piece of iron chain in his hand, and the thin maid was already lying unconscious at his feet, and she didn't know whether she was dead or not.

“Don’t worry, she’s still alive.” Jie Xi said hoarsely, her voice thickened because she hadn’t breathed fresh air for too long.

The maid's pupils shrank, she took a few steps back suddenly, swallowed, and looked at him warily and fearfully, worried that he would do the same to her soon.

However, Jie Xi had no such intention. He threw the chain to the ground, making a loud clanking noise, which was particularly abrupt in the silent dungeon.

 The maid's heart trembled.

 “I won’t touch you.”

Jiexi made a promise, but she had no intention of believing it.

He smiled and didn't care. He just looked straight at her, looked at her carefully, and asked, "Did you just notice me?"

˜Although it is a question, it has an affirmative tone.

When she came in just now, she deliberately paused and let the thin maid stand closest to him, thus escaping the disaster.

 The only explanation for this is that she discovered herself a long time ago.

Jie Xi's eyes darkened and he stared at her closely, feeling wary in his heart.

"No, no, I, I didn't mean to find you." Seeing his expression change, the maid's heart trembled, the tray in her hand fell to the ground, and she quickly waved her hand to explain.

Jiexi narrowed his eyes, didn't he notice it on purpose?

 (End of this chapter)

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