She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 296: Take me to see your master

Chapter 296 Take me to see your master

 In the dark dungeon, the maid looked at Jie Xi with horror in her eyes, her heart beating rapidly.

"What do you mean it was not discovered on purpose, huh?" Jie Xi asked with an upward pitch.

"I, I just...heard your footsteps." The maid was startled by his tone and stammered back.


Jie Xi then looked at her seriously, but he couldn't tell that this person had a pretty good ear.

"Do you know who I am?"

 The maid shook her head, "I don't know."

 “Then do you know why Mo Sang wanted to arrest me?”

"have no idea."

Jiexi's eyes flashed, "How long have you been at Mo's house?"

The maid replied in a low voice: "Half a month."

 She was bought back from the slums by the Mo family half a month ago.

After Jiexi thought for a while, she felt that she was not familiar with the Mo family and needed a guide. Although this person seemed a little timid, she was quite smart, so she was the one.

He suddenly stepped forward and approached her. Seeing his movement, the maid was startled and took a few steps back unconsciously.

Jiexi raised the corners of his lips, looked at her with a half-smile and said, "You have also seen this scene, don't you have anything to say?"

The maid kept retreating until her back was pressed against the cold wall, which made her tremble, her legs became weak, and her voice began to tremble: "I..."

Jiexi raised his eyebrows and continued: "Originally, I planned to get rid of both of you."

Although his tone was very calm in the last four words, she still heard a murderous intention from it for no reason.

The maid's heart was about to jump into her throat. She was not stupid. Of course she knew that the person who could be locked up in the dungeon by Mo Sang could not be a simple person. Looking at it now, it was impossible to escape from him. of.

 But she doesn’t want to die. She still has her parents and sister to take care of. She must not die here!

 Almost instantly, the maid's mind was spinning rapidly, desperately thinking of any way to save herself.

Jie Xi saw that her face had turned pale, and he knew that his intimidation had achieved its effect. He was about to force her to lead him, but before he could speak, he heard her shout first.

"Don't kill me! I can show you the way and let you escape!"

Jiexi's prepared words suddenly got stuck in his throat. He was stunned by what she suddenly blurted out.

The surprise in his eyes flashed away, and Jie Xi's eyes suddenly became interested, and he began to look at her seriously, not missing her every expression.

“Do you know what the consequences will be if you take me out?”

The maid's eyes trembled, the color on her face faded, and she responded, "I know."

 “But I want to live.”

She raised her head, and a gleam of light suddenly burst out from her eyes, a strong and stubborn light that belonged exclusively to survival.

Jie Xi raised his eyebrows, looking at her eyes, he suddenly remembered some of his earlier experiences, and subconsciously softened his heart. After he escaped, he would also make arrangements for her.

 Even if he had no intention of having this maid in the first place.

 “Okay, deal.”

Seeing that Jie Xi finally agreed, the maid finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, before she could relax, her heart was in her throat again when her eyes touched the man lying on the ground.

 “Then what should she do?” the maid asked cautiously.

 “Get her out and find a place to hide and tie her up.”

"But if Mr. Mo finds out, she will die." According to Mo Sang's temperament, if he finds that there is no one in the dungeon, he will definitely trace it to the end. By then, the two of them who entered the dungeon at the end will definitely be killed by him. Never let go of mistakes.

The maid bit her lip and lowered her eyes to the ground with a little pity.

Jie Xi sneered and said in a nonchalant tone: "What does her life and death have to do with me?"

 He is not the Holy Father, and he has to take care of everyone’s life.

The maid was silent for a moment, lowered her eyes, then raised her head and said to him: "Well, let's go, it will be very dangerous if we stay any longer."

Jie Xi glanced at her in surprise and asked, "You... don't want to save her?"

 He pointed to the thin maid on the ground.

She said: "As you said, what does her life and death have to do with me? Bringing one more person with you means more danger. Neither you nor I know whether we can escape. She will only be a drag."

Jie Xi looked at her steadily, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and asked, "What's your name?"

The maid was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that he would ask such a question at this time.

 “Yin Bing.” She replied: “My name is Cui Yin Bing.”

 Her father is from the Empire and can be considered half of the Empire's blood. Her mother is illiterate and the name was given by her father.

Jie Xi chuckled and complained: "How come there is a girl with this name?"

"But..." he paused, "I have been drinking ice for ten years, and it's hard to cool my hot blood. You have a good name."

Cui Yinbing paused and finally said: "Thank you."

 “Okay, no more nonsense, let’s go quickly.”

Jiexi turned around and was about to leave, but Cui Yinbing stopped him: "Wait a minute!"

 He turned around and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Cui Yinbing pursed his lips and said: "There is surveillance at the entrance to the dungeon."

Jiexi smiled and said, "Not only the entrance to the dungeon, but also surveillance inside. Do you think that old guy Mo Sang would take it so lightly?"

Cui Yinbing frowned and his face changed slightly. Wasn't their conversation just heard by Mo Sang?

 No, she didn’t hear any sound similar to electronic equipment when she came in just now. Could it be that her ability was malfunctioning?

Seeing her frightened face, Jie Xi said, "I have already taken care of all those cameras. It is estimated that it will still be ten minutes before Mo Sang realizes something is wrong, so can we talk while we are walking?"

Hearing this, Cui Yinbing immediately followed Jie Xi.

Since time was tight, she directly led Jie Xi down a path that only she knew.

 “Where are we going?” Jie Xi asked.

Cui Yinbing led him to a trot. As he ran, he pointed ahead and panted: "I discovered this road by accident. There is a wall in front of it, and there is a sewer outside. You can get out from there."

When she was bought into the Mo family, she often passed through the wall, secretly climbed out and returned to her home in the slum, and gave the money she earned to her parents, so she was very familiar with it.

 “Is there no one there watching?”

As far as he knows, the guards of the Mo family have always been very strict.

“That place is dirty and smelly, no one will go there, don’t worry.”

The two of them sped up and were about to reach the corner of the wall in front of them. However, Jie Xi gradually stopped for some unknown reason.

Cui Yinbing stopped when he noticed the footsteps following him. He also slowed down, looked back, and asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Jie Xi stood there and frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he raised his eyes to look at Cui Yinbing, his eyes were more serious than ever before, and said in a deep voice: "Cui Yinbing, take me to see your master, Mo Jiu."

 (End of this chapter)

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