She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 297: The reason why the Mo family was handed over to Li Jiu

Chapter 297 The reason for handing over the Mo family to Li Jiu

Cui Yinbing couldn't believe what she heard, "What?! You're crazy!"

Mo Sang has probably discovered that he has escaped. Now he is looking for Mo Jiu. Maybe Mo Sang is next to Mo Jiu. Isn't this a trap for himself?

"Can't we wait until we get out to talk about anything?" she said.

Jie Xi was very determined, "No, take me to see your master now."

His tone was unreasonable, and before Cui Yinbing could react, he turned around and walked back with her.

 “Hey! What’s going on? Why do you have to go see the head of the family?”

Cui Yinbing was pulled by him and could hardly keep up with him, staggering.

Jie Xi's face was very solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "Because I suddenly figured out something."

When he was locked in the dungeon these days, he thought a lot, but his mind was still blocked like a mess. When he came out of the dungeon just now, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of something very important.

"What's the matter?" Cui Yinbing asked subconsciously and curiously.

Jie Xi did not answer her, but looked at her with a serious look and said sternly: "Take me to see Mo Jiu quickly!"

 It’s too late!

 “Oh okay, follow me.”

 She was stunned by the yelling and quickly took Jie Xi to Li Jiu's residence.

However, before I had walked a few steps, I heard the sound of messy footsteps coming from around me. Someone said, "Quick! Mr. Mo said, don't miss any place, search carefully for me!"

Seeing the group of people getting closer and closer, Cui Yinbing felt a thump in her heart and quickly turned back to look at Jie Xi, "He noticed that you are not here anymore."

But Jie Xi was very calm and pulled her to the side corner. Due to the angle of view, he easily dodged it.

After those people left, Cui Yinbing breathed a sigh of relief, but still had some lingering fears.

"No, Mo Sang has already discovered you. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave. Don't look for the owner of the family. Leave quickly!"

Cui Yinbing didn't expect Mo Sang's people to be so quick. The situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable for them, and it was not suitable to take risks at all.

Jie Xi gave her a reassuring look and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, Mo Sang is not at Mo's house."

His tone was not speculation but certainty, as if he knew where Mo Sang had gone.

Cui Yinbing was stunned and asked blankly: "How do you know?"

Jiexi raised his lips and sneered, "That old fox... is really courageous!"

He almost squeezed the last few words out from between his teeth. His eyes were so sad that Cui Yinbing's eyelids twitched.

 In the end, she couldn't defeat him, so she had to take him to find Li Jiu. On the way, the two of them knocked out several people who found them.

He was hiding from Mo Sang's people while looking for Li Jiu. On the other side, Bai Muyou was standing in the pavilion in the back garden of Mo's house. Opposite him sat an old man with a thin back and a stooped back. Neither of them spoke.

Around the pavilion, ponds, rockeries, flowers and plants are integrated, which is pleasing to the eye. The breeze blows and feels relaxed and happy.

“Uncle Mo, I didn’t expect you to be able to create such a beautiful place in Mo’s house.”

Bai Muyou looked at the peaceful scenery around him and couldn't help but admired it.

“Sixth Miss is ridiculous. I am a gardener myself. It’s just my job to decorate the courtyard with flowers and plants.”

Bai Muyou raised her lips and looked back at him, saying, "Uncle Mo, with your qualifications in the Mo family, how can you be just a gardener? You are too arrogant to belittle yourself."

Uncle Mo raised his eyes, looked at her, and then suddenly laughed: "Stop complimenting me, old man, I know how much I have, tell me, what does the master want from me?"

Bai Muyou is Li Jiu's spokesperson in the Mo family. As long as she appears, it means that Li Jiu must have something to convey. There is no doubt about this. In fact, he had already expected that Li Jiu would look for him after returning to Mo's house, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Bai Muyou smiled, stopped beating around the bush, and went straight to the point, "The head of the family asked me to ask you, has Mo Sang been honest during her absence?"

 There was a brief silence in the atmosphere.

Uncle Mo looked at her with dark eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

Bai Muyou still had a smile on his face, but his tone became much darker, "I don't think it's possible."

Uncle Mo sighed, his eyes seeming to hate Mo Sang so much, "It's really impossible."

 “So what did he do?”

"I don't know the details. His interactions with other family heads are secret, and I can't find out. But he suddenly brought someone back a few days ago and put him in a dungeon."

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows, "Dungeon? The one in his convenience?"


Mosang's dungeon is no secret in the Mo family. When he was still following the old head of the Mo family, he was responsible for torture. He was responsible for handling spies sent by other families.

For the sake of convenience, he directly asked someone to open up the underground of his house and build a dungeon. Unexpectedly, he is still using this dungeon.

 “Who is that person?”

 Since Mo Sang can be brought back in person, it is definitely not an easy role.

 Uncle Mo shook his head and said he didn't know.

“He monitors that person very strictly and doesn’t let anyone get close to him. Even if he goes to deliver food to that person, he is his servant.”

Bai Muyou narrowed his eyes and sneered. The more this happens, the more important that person is.

And the people locked up in the dungeon must be related to the demon Mo Sang made during this period!

Thinking of this, Bai Muyou decided to go and see for himself.

Before leaving, she did not forget to say thank you to Uncle Mo, "Thank you, Uncle Mo."

Uncle Mo looked at her until he could no longer see her back, and then he looked away. He sighed heavily, with a long tone, as if he was about to be blown away by the wind.

 “What are you thankful for? This is all I can do now.”

 After saying that, he stretched out his hands to rest on the stone pillar next to him, picked up the crutches placed at his feet, and slowly stood up straight.

 The trouser leg on the left side is empty.

He used crutches and slowly moved himself to the wheelchair. He didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes suddenly became sore.

Since the accident, he can only sit in a wheelchair every day, helplessly watching the Mo family decline day by day, watching the Mo family members dig a grave for the Mo family and themselves one by one.

It’s so confusing! It’s so confusing!

As a member of the Mo family, I was actually blinded by power, and fell to where I am today by mistake step by step.

Even Li Jiu, who is only in his early twenties and not from the Mo family, can see this. Why can’t they, people who have lived for decades, not understand it?

Since ancient times, big families must rise and fall. The generation from the Mo family to the old head of the Mo family has come to an end. The old head spent his whole life just to preserve the last bit of the Mo family's foundation, hoping that future generations can at least retain some of it. .

 But the people of the Mo family didn't understand his painstaking efforts at all, and they just rushed forward blindly, which put the Mo family in the situation they are in today.

 O master of the house! It must have been for this reason that you handed over the Mo family to Li Jiu back then!

 Uncle Mo raised his eyes to the sky with a complicated expression.

 You want Li Jiu to help you save the Mo family and clean up the garbage, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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