She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 298: You are so brave!

Chapter 298 You are so brave!

 Bai Muyou noticed something was wrong when he arrived near Mo Sang's residence. The security guards around him were obviously looking for something. These people were all Mo Sang's cronies. They were security guards in name, but in fact their armed skills were comparable to those of mercenaries.

She didn't startle them, she just secretly observed them in the dark. She guessed that the imprisoned person might have escaped, but she still needed to be sure.

When Bai Muyou saw someone coming towards her, she quickly climbed up a nearby tree, using the dense branches and leaves to cover her figure.

 “Haven’t found it yet?”


 “I don’t have one here either.”

Several people wearing security uniforms and holding real guns met together. One of them, who seemed to have a higher position, cursed: "Damn it! Don't let me catch those two bastards!"

“Brother, have they run out already?”

“Impossible, the Mo family manor is surrounded by high-voltage power grids and sensors. If someone runs out, an alarm will sound.”

And now the alarm outside has no response, which can only mean that people are still at Mo's house.

 “Look! Find it for me! I don’t believe we can’t find these two people even if we dig through the Mo family!”

Several people responded and scattered in all directions.

 After they left, Bai Muyou jumped lightly from the tree and landed steadily on the ground.

  While everyone was looking for someone, she took the opportunity to enter Mo Sang's study from the balcony on the second floor.

 According to Uncle Mo, the entrance to Mo Sang's dungeon is in his study.

This old guy is very thief. The passages of the dungeon are set up in all directions. There is more than one entrance and exit, which may not necessarily be in any corner of the Mo family.

She knew all this from the dungeon floor plan she found in the dark space on the wall of the study.

As for why Mo Sang did such a stupid thing as drawing the floor plan of the dungeon and putting it in the study, the reason is most likely because he has a problem with his memory.

Perhaps he was too confident in the security system of his study. Almost all the materials he usually read and memorized were placed openly on the table, allowing people to see them at a glance.

 From some detailed information in the study, it can be seen that Mo Sang's memory has declined severely, to the extent that he needs a notepad.

 The notepad is placed on the right side of his desk, a place that can be reached frequently.

 So Bai Muyou had to suspect that Mo Sang did all this because there was something wrong with his body.

 Draw out the floor plan of the dungeon because he might not be able to remember the way inside.

Of course, everything is just speculation, there is no substantial evidence, and that is not what should be considered now, so Bai Muyou only had a little doubt in his heart and immediately entered the dungeon as marked on the plan.

 After confirming that the people inside had really escaped, Bai Muyou walked back and forth twice where Jie Xi had been imprisoned, and then deduced his final escape route from the dungeon.

It has to be said that Jiexi's anti-tracking ability is very high. All the surveillance equipment along the way has been destroyed, and the human traces have been basically cleaned up. The conditions of all exits are similar, and it is impossible to tell which way he took.

At this time, Bai Muyou's advantage as a superpower became apparent. She closed her eyes, concentrated her mind, and released every bit of her mental power to examine carefully.

After a moment, she opened her eyes, a smile appeared on her lips, and she walked in one direction.

In her eyes, the scene was very different now. The places where Jie Xi walked were covered with a layer of light blue light by her spiritual power. The light blue light continued to wind into the distance. There is no end in sight, and some places even overlap.

 This is the trace of Jie Xi.

Following her mental power, Bai Muyou walked the route that Jie Xi had taken again, and finally stopped at the place where her mental power disappeared.

Bai Muyou's face didn't look good. The layout of the surrounding scenery was so familiar to her because she came out of here an hour ago.    This is Li Jiu's residence.

The reason why her mental power disappeared after being traced here is because Li Jiu's mental power covered a radius of one kilometer. This was just caused by the mental power she inadvertently leaked.

 There is no way, Li Jiu is not only one level higher than her, her mental tracking is invalid in her territory.

However, what made Bai Muyou look grim was not because of this, but because Jie Xi and his wife were near Li Jiu's residence at the moment.


Her mental power disappeared after catching up here instead of returning to other places. This can only mean that Jie Xi and the others did not come out after breaking in here.

This made her very irritable. She didn't know who Jie Xi was, whether he broke in here accidentally or for other reasons, but this was Li Jiu's lunch break. If they disturbed her sleep, Bai Muyou felt that she would probably Welcome to the affectionate training package of the dear boss from home.

So Bai Muyou cursed in a low voice and quickly looked for the two fools who dared to disturb Li Jiu's sleep without fear of death.

Two idiots were squatting under the balcony of Li Jiu's second-floor bedroom, discussing what to do next.

 “Let’s go up quickly.”

Jiexi raised his head and visually measured the distance. He felt that he was fine. He was about to jump up, but Cui Yinbing grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

"What's wrong?"

Cui Yinbing looked up at the second-floor window, swallowed, and advised: "I think we should not act rashly first."

Jie Xi was puzzled: “Why?”

Cui Yinbing couldn't tell, but when she got close to Li Jiu's residence, she couldn't help but tremble in her heart. It was animal encountering a natural enemy. The powerless fear made her very palpitating.

“I think it’s very dangerous inside, so it’s better not to be reckless.”

Jie Xi frowned, brushed her hand away, and said, "Don't worry too much. Didn't we check outside just now? There is no one in the bedroom."

When they came in, they climbed up the tree outside. From there, they could easily see the situation on the second floor. There was no one inside, which meant that Li Jiu was not there.

If they go in now, they might be able to wait until Li Jiu.

 “But I really feel flustered.”

Cui Yinbing's expression became a little frightened, and she was extremely flustered. She didn't know why she was like this. In short, ever since she stepped in here, she felt like a heavy stone had been pressed on her heart, and she couldn't breathe.

  "Then you stay here first and I'll go up by myself."

Jiexi gave her instructions, and then jumped up. The height of the second floor was not too difficult for his height of about 1.8 meters. With his amazing jumping ability, he grabbed the railing of the balcony with both hands.

Then he tried hard with both hands to climb onto the balcony, but the next second he heard an exclamation from below: "Be careful!"

As the sound of breaking through the air approached in his ears, in an instant reaction to the danger, Jiexi turned to one side, subconsciously relaxed his hands, and fell from the top.

He was able to steady himself and took a closer look. He found that it was a branch, and it had been broken off from the tree.

The tail of the pointed branch was sinking deeply into the wall. If he hadn't dodged quickly just now, it would have been his back that was pierced.

Jie Xi was silent for a moment, then raised his head to look at the person coming.

 Bai Muyou was dressed in black and the cold wind was blowing. He wore a metal mask on his face with a cold sheen. His voice was cold and gloomy: "You are so brave! How dare you break in here without permission!"

 (End of this chapter)

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