She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 299: Is Jing Junyue in Organization J?

Chapter 299 Is Jing Junyue in Organization J?

Cui Yinbing was shocked by her words and quickly hid behind Jie Xi.

 Bai Muyou's face behind the mask was extremely gloomy. He stepped closer and glanced at the second floor almost imperceptibly from the corner of his eye. After confirming that Li Jiu had not noticed, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Fortunately, I almost came one step later. These two people were really enough. Do you know that Li Yan who was asleep did not dare to mess with?

Even if you want to die, don’t get her involved!

Thinking of this, Bai Muyou's voice became even colder, "Who are you? Do you want to die if you break in here without permission?"

Jie Xi looked at her calmly, and then replied: "I want to see the head of the Mo family."

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows and uttered a puzzled syllable, "Meet the head of the family?"

 She raised her chin upwards, her meaning obvious, "Is this your attitude? Climb onto the balcony?"

I was not afraid to be solved by Li Yan before entering.

Jiexi's face froze and he looked embarrassed for a moment. He also knew that this was not polite, but he had no choice but to obey the emergency.

"Well... I'm sorry, but the situation is urgent, so I can only do this." He coughed lightly.

"But I am really in a hurry and want to see the head of the Mo family."

Jiexi looked anxious.

Bai Muyou frowned. This man was brought back by Mo Sang. His origin was unknown. The first thing he did when he ran out of the dungeon was not to escape from Mo's house but to find Li Jiu. This purpose is somewhat intriguing.

To be cautious, Bai Muyou refused, "The head of the family is not here."

Jiexi frowned fiercely, a flash of disappointment flashed across his eyes, why was Mo Jiu not there?

 If she is not here, is there anyone in the Mo family who can suppress Mo Sang?

 If not, then the matter is serious, because he already knows Mo Sang's plan, and what he has to do now is to stop him as soon as possible.

Just when he was at a loss what to do, someone suddenly tugged at the corner of his clothes from behind.

Jie Xi tilted his head slightly, and Cui Yinbing whispered in his ear: "The master of the house is inside."

 Her tone was full of certainty.

Jie Xi glanced at her with surprise, only to see her nodding towards him steadily.

Although Cui Yinbing's voice was not loud, Bai Muyou could still hear it clearly with her sharp ears. A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

How does this person know that Li Jiu is inside?


Bai Muyou's eyes suddenly fell on Cui Yinbing, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

Just now she was hiding behind Jie Xi, but she didn't pay attention. Now that she took a closer look, there was something really wrong with this person.

How come there are traces of mental fluctuations on her body?

 It stands to reason that both superpowers and ordinary people will have mental fluctuations, but the frequency of fluctuations of superpowers is significantly greater than that of ordinary people, which also allows them to sense things that ordinary people cannot.

 In her eyes, the fluctuations in Cui Yinbing’s mental power were very weak by the standards of superpowers, but for ordinary people, they were a bit unusual.

Bai Muyou stared at Cui Yinbing closely and fell into deep thought for a short time.

Seeing Bai Muyou's silence, Jiexi immediately understood that what Cui Yinbing said was most likely true, and explained anxiously: "I really have something urgent to see Patriarch Mo!"

Bai Muyou raised her eyes and glanced at him lightly, and said calmly: "Sorry sir, you are a person who just escaped from the dungeon after being locked up by Mo Sang. Your identity is unknown. Do you think I can let you see the head of the family?"

 “I really don’t mean any harm!”

"Whether there is any malice or not is not just what you say." Bai Muyou narrowed his eyes, "I told you that the head of the family is not here, please leave immediately! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Jie Xi didn't believe him no matter how he explained it, and the hand she showed just now made him understand that it was impossible for him to break in under her nose.

Even if he really succeeded in breaking in, I might not be able to convince the head of the Mo family with just his mouth. Jiexi gritted his teeth, his expression angrily, his eyes filled with reluctance. He must not let Mo Sang succeed!

So, he closed his eyes as if he had made up his mind, and regardless of how dangerous the situation he was in, he directly revealed his identity.

“I am Jie Xi from Organization J. I have something very important. Please let me see Patriarch Mo.”

 Bai Muyou was stunned for a moment, Organization J?

Before she could react and ask anything, she heard the slight sound of the door opening coming from the balcony on the second floor.

 The three people present raised their heads subconsciously.

Li Jiu was wearing slippers and silk pajamas. She looked at them with her eyes lowered and calmly said two words in a cold voice: "Come in."


Since Li Jiu had spoken, Bai Muyou naturally would not stop him anymore. After saying yes, he led Jie Xi and Cui Yinbing in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Li Jiu sitting on the sofa with an expressionless face, his eyes filled with obvious anxiety and irritability that he had not woken up from.

Bai Muyou paused.

“…Boss, aren’t you sleeping?”

Li Jiu raised her eyelids and glanced at her coldly, "You woke up when you threw the branch."

Bai Muyou: “…”

Yes, she wants to finish.

Knowing what would happen if she disturbed Li Jiu while sleeping, Bai Muyou didn't dare to get in front of her anymore. He stood aside and exposed the two people behind him in front of Li Jiu.

Li Jiu glanced at them indifferently. When his eyes fell on Cui Yinbing, he paused for a moment and then moved away without leaving a trace.

"You just said that you are from Organization J?" Li Jiu looked at Jie Xi and slowly opened his lips and asked.

Jie Xi was still in shock that "the head of the Mo family is such a young woman". He was stunned when he suddenly heard her ask, and then nodded quickly, "Yes, head of the Mo family, I am from the J organization." Jie Xi, when I was on a mission before..."

Li Jiu was not interested in hearing what happened to him and interrupted directly: "Where is Jing Junyue? Is he in J organization now?"

Jiexi's eyes suddenly widened. She actually knew her master?

 How come he has never heard of it?

"Master Mo, do you... know our master?"

Li Jiu glanced at him displeasedly, and the coldness in that glance made him shut up immediately, and replied obediently: "My master was not here before I was captured, but I have been missing for so many days, so he must be back."

If he disappears, the things he studies may also fall into the hands of others, and the master cannot ignore it.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, looked up at him for a few seconds, and said something unclear: "You take yourself very seriously."

  actually thought that Qi Jingci would organize J to find him.

But after thinking about it this way, she understood that he was on a business trip for a long time and it turned out that he was going to rescue his subordinates.

Yesterday he confessed his love to her, but the next day he ran to save his subordinates. It’s hard to tell that this person actually cares about his subordinates!

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes dangerously, feeling a little unhappy.

Jie Xi was confused by what she said and didn't understand what it meant, so she could only laugh awkwardly.

The displeasure in Li Jiu's eyes just flashed away. The next second she returned to her expressionless face and continued to ask: "You just said you have something urgent to do with me. What's the matter?"

 (End of this chapter)

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