She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 300: tell the truth in front of me

 Chapter 300 Tell the truth in front of me

Hearing Li Jiu's question, Jie Xi went straight to the point, "Master Mo, please help me stop Mo Sang. He took away our research results."

Originally, he wanted to say our J organization, but something suddenly occurred to him and he changed his mind.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "What research results?"

 “This…” Jie Xi was a little embarrassed.

"If you don't explain clearly, I won't help." Li Jiu said.

Jie Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry, it's related to the privacy of Organization J, so I can't tell you everything, but Head of the Mo family, if you don't stop Mo Sang as soon as possible, the Mo family and you will be in danger."

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and chuckled: "Are you threatening me?"

Jie Xi shook his head quickly, "No, I'm serious. Mo Sang took my things away when he caught me. If my calculation is correct, then he has probably joined up with people from other families and is ready to start. ”

The reason why he didn't escape as soon as possible was because of this. It was too late to return to Organization J to stop Mo Sang. If Li Jiu could take action, it might still be possible.

Seeing that Li Jiu's expression remained unchanged, Jie Xi finally dropped a piece of explosive news: "Has Patriarch Mo heard of the association?"

Li Jiu raised his eyes when he heard this.

"What Mo Sang wants to do will definitely offend the association. If you know the meaning of the word association, you should understand that stopping Mo Sang now is also saving the entire Mo family."

If Mo Sang succeeds, the association will definitely pursue the case, and the Mo family will be more or less implicated.

His voice fell, and the air fell into a brief silence.

Li Jiu lowered her eyes and pondered, not knowing what she was thinking. Bai Muyou behind her frowned and glanced at Jie Xi with unclear meaning.


After a long while, Li Jiu finally agreed to Jie Xi's request, and the latter breathed a sigh of relief.

 She took out a wooden sign from her arms, raised her wrist, and threw it over.

Jie Xi caught it with sharp eyes and quick hands. He opened his palm and saw that it was still engraved with old patterns. Due to heavy wear and tear, the original appearance could no longer be seen clearly.

Even so, Jie Xi still knew that such a small wooden sign was equivalent to half a Mo family's military talisman.

 “Hold this wooden sign, and the people of the Mo family will listen to you.”

Li Jiu turned to Bai Muyou who was behind him and said, "Take him to Uncle Mo and ask Uncle Mo to name a few people to follow him."


Bai Muyou responded and gave Jie Xi a look, gesturing for him to follow.

Cui Yinbing, who had been silent next to him, couldn't help but look happy when he saw this, and immediately wanted to follow Jie Xi. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, Li Jiu's faint voice came from behind: "Miss, please stay."

Cui Yinbing's expression froze, and he looked up at Jie Xi helplessly.

Jie Xi immediately said: "Master Mo, she..."

Li Jiu knew what he wanted to say and interrupted him directly, "I know she is your savior. Don't worry, I won't do anything to her. I just have something to ask her."

 Jiexi frowned.

After all, Cui Yinbing is still a servant of the Mo family. As the head of the Mo family, Li Jiu wants to ask her something. It's hard for him as an outsider to say anything. But at least she saved him, so he just left her alone. good.

“Master Mo, I’ll come and pick her up later.”

In this case, even if Li Jiu wanted to do anything to her, there was nothing he could do.

Li Jiu chuckled lightly, "Accept? She seems to be a servant of the Mo family. Do you want to do a good deed and redeem her?" Most of the servants of the Mo family were bought from the slums, and everyone signed The contract is equivalent to a deed of betrayal. There are generally only two ways to leave the Mo family, die, or earn enough money to pay the contract penalty and gain freedom.

Jie Xi pursed her lips and said, "She saved me, can't I help her?"

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows and slowly raised the corners of her lips, "Okay."

  I can’t tell that this Jie Xi is quite affectionate and righteous.

Jiexi saw that Cui Yinbing was fine, so he left with Bai Muyou. Suddenly, Li Jiu and Cui Yinbing were the only two people left in the huge living room. The atmosphere was silent and the air seemed to be solidifying.

Cui Yinbing stood in front of Li Jiu tremblingly, with his head lowered and his expression unclear. The fingers of his two hands were nervously twisted together, revealing his inner uneasiness.

She secretly raised her head and glanced at Li Jiu, her heart beating incessantly.

 Although she has been at Mo's house for a while, she has never seen Li Jiu before. Today is the first time.

Although it was her first time, she had heard a lot of rumors, but most of them were descriptions of the head of the Mo family with fierce methods and ruthless personality. She also thought so in her heart. After all, she could match wits and courage with Mo Sang. How can we be so good if we have been evenly matched for so many years?

Keep her here. Although I just said that for Jie Xi's sake, I won't do anything to her, but there is no second person here, so who can guarantee it?

Cui Yinbing couldn't help but feel a deep uneasiness in his heart.

As a servant of the Mo family, she helped Jie Xi escape from the dungeon and broke into Li Jiu's residence. According to the rules of the Mo family, she would not end well.

 Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time. Cui Yinbing stood there without speaking, and Li Jiu was not in a hurry. He calmly poured himself a glass of water, moistened his throat, and then said, "Why do you want to help Jie Xi?"

Cui Yinbing's nervous palms were sweating, and he had been waiting for Li Jiu to speak out to seek blame. When he heard this sentence, he didn't react for a moment.


 She opened her mouth and said: "If I didn't help him, I would die, but I wanted to live, so I helped him."

If she had been knocked unconscious by Jie Xi in the dungeon, then when Mo Sang came back and found that she had escaped, he would definitely blame her for all the mistakes and seek his methods. Her end would most likely be death.

 Instead of doing this, it is better to do something for yourself. If Jie Xi escapes, he will have a chance of survival.

Li Jiu looked at her eyes and couldn't help but become interested in her. This person really wanted to live, or in other words, she had an extreme desire to live.

 “You want to live, for yourself?”

Cui Yinbing shook his head and nodded again.

She raised her eyes slightly and said firmly: "I live for my family and myself."

Li Jiu’s lips curled up slightly, “You are very interesting.”

Cui Yinbing couldn't figure out what she meant.

Li Jiu did not intend to continue this topic and asked: "Have you felt any difference in yourself recently?"

Cui Yinbing was stunned. Suddenly, something about her hearing suddenly becoming very sensitive popped up in her mind. However, in front of Li Jiu, she did not dare to say it. She just pursed her lips and remained silent.

Li Jiu could see her concerns at a glance and said, "You don't have to be afraid of anything. I think you should feel it. If I want to do something to you, you have no chance to resist."

Cui Yinbing gritted his teeth. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was true.

From the moment she entered the door, she felt an invisible oppression hanging over her body, filling her with fear but unable to resist.

 “So, you’d better tell the truth in front of me.”

 (End of this chapter)

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