She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 301: Think about the number of people in the team

Chapter 301 Consider the number of people in the team

Cui Yinbing's pupils trembled slightly, he lowered his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "Me, my hearing is different from others."

 “How different is it?”

Cui Yinbing thought for a moment and said after careful consideration: "I can hear footsteps dozens of meters away, and I can even hear the sound of blood flowing in the human body."

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows slightly and continued to ask: "When did it start?"

 “Probably last month.”

 She can’t remember clearly either.

From that time on, she discovered that her hearing was different from ordinary people. When she told her friends, no one believed her. Instead, she was laughed at. Over time, she no longer took the initiative to mention her changes and kept the matter in her heart. .

However, her extraordinary hearing caused trouble. It was like a large loudspeaker was installed in her ears. Even the smallest sound reaching her was enough to make her head dizzy.

Gradually, she fumbled little by little, and was finally able to control this ability. Originally, she thought that her special ability was higher than others, and she could use it as a life-saving charm if necessary in the future.

But now, Cui Yinbing realized very clearly that the life-saving means she was so proud of might be vulnerable to Li Jiu.

Although she didn't understand Li Jiu's strength at all, judging from the overwhelming fear she could feel just standing in front of her, Li Jiu might be far more terrifying than she imagined.

 “Last month? Are you sure?”

Cui Yinbing nodded.

Li Jiu leaned back slightly, folded his hands behind his head, his eyes were half-squinted, and his expression was thoughtful.

 “Do you know how your special ability came about?”

Cui Yinbing shook his head.

"have no idea."

Li Jiu looked at her quietly and suddenly laughed, "You are really lucky."

Cui Yinbing was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with confusion, "Huh?"

 How is her luck?

 What does “house master” mean?

 Just one sentence left Cui Yinbing confused.

However, Li Jiu had no intention of giving her an answer, as if it was just an insignificant sigh.

The atmosphere returned to silence again. Li Jiu sat there without speaking, just sipping the water in the cup and moistening his slightly dry lips.

Cui Yinbing now has a lot of questions in her heart, but she hesitates and does not have the courage to ask out loud.

It wasn't until Bai Muyou pushed the door open that the silent atmosphere was broken.

Li Jiu put the cup aside, and the bottom of the cup hit the glass table, making a slight crisp sound.

“Master, we have already taken him to Uncle Mo,” Bai Muyou said.

Li Jiu said "hmm" and said, "Lao Liu, is your bracelet here?"

Bai Muyou was stunned when he heard this, and then looked in the direction of Cui Yinbing as if he was aware of it. He looked around her confused face and nodded, "I'm wearing it."

Li Jiu raised her chin in the direction of Cui Yinbing and said, "Test her."

The corners of Bai Muyou's mouth raised slightly, and he immediately understood her intention. He raised his arm and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a white wrist with a black bracelet on it, and the same dark inscription as the previous ring was engraved on it. Pattern.

 She took off her bracelet, walked up to Cui Yinbing and said to her: "Raise your hand."

Cui Yinbing didn't understand what she was going to do, but he obeyed her instructions and stretched out his hand.

 Bai Muyou grabbed her wrist with his left hand, and tapped the bracelet with his right hand. He only heard a very subtle "beep" sound, as if some mechanism was turned on.

 Bai Muyou placed the bracelet on her wrist and swept it back and forth a few times, then put down her hand and read out the data on it while staring at the bracelet.

"The differentiation rate is 86%, the purity is 60%, the power is too low, and the level cannot be measured." After reading, Bai Muyou was silent for a moment, then turned around and asked, "How old are you this year?"

 Cui Yinbing listened to the bunch of numbers that Bai Muyou read out, and his head became even more confused. Are these things really on that little bracelet? Or is this just something she made up?

 In addition, what are the differentiation rate, purity, and grade that she has never heard of before?

At first hearing Bai Muyou's question, Cui Yinbing's expression stiffened slightly, and he finally reacted and replied: "Ten, nineteen years old."

After hearing this, Bai Muyou pondered for a moment and said, "I'm a bit older, but my qualifications are really good."

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Since it's good, let's accept it."

 It just so happens that there hasn’t been a new member in the team for a long time.

Hearing her sudden words, Bai Muyou's eyes twitched and he asked in disbelief: "Are you serious?"


Bai Muyou's expression suddenly seemed a little hard to explain: "..."

Li Jiu didn't see her expression and said directly to Cui Yanbing: "From today on, you will stay with me, are you willing?"

Cui Yinbing’s eyes lit up, and his eyes were immediately filled with joy, “Yes!”

Being with Li Jiu was something she couldn't even imagine.

She helped Jie Xi escape. Mo Sang would definitely not let her go when he came back, but now, Li Jiu was actually willing to let her stay with him.

Although she didn't understand what was going on, such a good opportunity fell in front of her, and she would be a fool not to seize it!

"Then you go and clean up." Li Jiu said.

Cui Yinbing nodded and went out happily.

 The door was closed, leaving only Bai Muyou and Li Jiu.

Bai Muyou couldn't help it any longer and asked: "Boss, have you thought about it? Do you really want to recruit her into the team? A superpower with a superpower level approaching zero? And she has just begun to awaken, and she is not fully awakened at all. Differentiation.”

Li Jiu didn't care about this. Her strength was never what attracted people.

“You also saw the results of the test just now. She meets the team’s standards.”

The corner of Bai Muyou's mouth twitched. Indeed, the three recruitment rules for their team are that the differentiation rate should not be less than 80%, the purity of mental power should not be less than 60%, and the age should not be more than 20 years old.

Even if all the superpowers in the current association and the awakened ones selected every year are added together, there are only twenty who meet these standards.

 Hence, the number of members of their second team has always been at the bottom among all the supervision teams of the association from the time they were established until now.

 Bai Muyou was helpless. What did her boss think of this approach of "not wanting anyone selected by the association, but relying on picking up all the new guys in the team"?

“Boss, you should seriously consider recruiting new people into the team. For this year’s selection, I heard that one team has recruited dozens of people, which is more than the total number of people we expected.”

Li Jiu said casually: "It's just a waste of money."

Bai Muyou: “…”

Bai Muyou was speechless and raised his forehead, "Boss, they are all the best seedlings carefully selected."

 How can the members of the first team be selected into the inspection team if they are not stupid but have insufficient qualifications?

"The people in the supervision team are not expensive. Our duty is to supervise the association and all superpowers, not to form a team to fight." Li Jiu snorted coldly.

“However, the number of people in our team is really pitiful!”

 Bai Muyou was almost on the verge of collapse.

The first team recruits people at the association selection, but their boss doesn't even pay attention to them. No one participates in the annual selection and friendly competitions. If this continues, the second team will really wither!

 (End of this chapter)

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