She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 302: underground dueling arena

Chapter 302: Underground Dueling Ground

Li Jiu, however, remained calm and indifferent.

“The team will also recruit new players from time to time, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

It's okay if she didn't say anything. When Bai Muyou mentioned this, his expression suddenly became speechless, "Boss, can you not accept everything? We already have enough weirdos in the team."

Just like that maid just now, a auxiliary superpower with no offensive power, but the differentiation rate is as high as over 80%, which is higher than some superpowers suitable for combat. It is really weird.

“What’s more, there is no shortage of auxiliary superpowers in the team,” she said.

Li Jiu snorted softly and rolled her eyes in disapproval, "How do you know that she must be an auxiliary superpower before she is completely differentiated in the end? Wasn't the third child the same as her back then? What's the result?"

 Haven’t you become an offensive superpower?

And when He Yao first started to differentiate and awaken, they thought her powers were useless. Who would have thought that her powers would evolve later.

“This Cui Yinbing has good talents and qualifications. She is better than most of the people selected this year. As for the level of abilities, I guess she did this without deliberate guidance.”

Most of the superpowers' superpowers are inherited from the previous generation. There are very few ordinary people who can awaken superpowers, and even fewer have such high purity of spiritual power after awakening.

 She has good luck, so naturally she will not let it go.

Bai Muyou smiled helplessly and suddenly became speechless, "Yeah, I can't speak to you."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, looked at her and said, "I know what you mean."

She paused and sighed, "But we don't need to compare with others."

Bai Muyou lowered his eyes, "I understand."

 Since she said so, let it be.

There should be fewer people if there are fewer people. According to Li Jiu, it is not like the other teams who are just trying to make up for the loss.

"You will notify the people at the base later to pick up Cui Yinbing and send him to training." Li Jiu ordered.


Li Jiu nodded, suddenly stood up from the sofa, stretched his body, stretched his muscles, and said in a lazy tone: "Okay, I have no desire to take a nap anymore. Let's go with Jie Xi to see where Mo Sang is. What the hell?"

 At this time, J organization headquarters.

There was silence in the huge conference hall, and you could hear a pin drop all around.

No one dared to take a deep breath, tremblingly wiping the sweat on their foreheads, and communicating with trembling eyes from time to time.

 Suddenly, there was a "pop-" sound, and the black square box was thrown heavily to the ground, making a dull sound.

 Everyone's hearts trembled in unison.

"This is what you brought back to me? Where are the Jiexi people?"

Qi Jingci sat there with a sullen face, his eyes turned to ice, shining with a sharp cold light. The aura around him was so overwhelming that it felt like a big net was wrapping around his whole body, making him unable to breathe.

Seeing the surrounding temperature getting lower and lower, someone timidly said: "Mr. Jiexi...he is missing."

"Missing?" Qi Jingci's tone was as serious as if he wanted to kill someone. His stern eyes swept underneath, and everyone quickly lowered their heads for fear of hitting the muzzle of a gun.

"Of course I know he is missing, otherwise why would I come back? Do you have anything to do?"

"I've been missing for so long and you can't even find any useful information. What's the use of you!"

 Everyone trembled three times.

 Why do they think the boss is in a bad mood? Even when you first received the news that Jie Xi was missing, you weren't so angry?

Everyone was confused and couldn't help but focus on Bai Yuxiu, who came back with Qi Jingci and stood silently aside.

These calls for help were so hot that it was difficult for Bai Yuxiu to ignore them. He put his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, saying: "Third brother, don't be too angry. Although Jie Xi is usually keen on research, he is not a vegetarian. Yes, everything will be fine." The reason why Qi Jingci was in a bad mood had something to do with Li Jiu. After all, the depression on his face on the plane was not fake.

And these people who are not doing things well naturally become his punching bag.

Qi Jingci sneered, glanced at him, and said solemnly: "If someone else gets the things in Jie Xi's hands, have you thought about the consequences?"

Bai Yuxiu choked and said uncertainly: "Third brother, don't be too worried. Even if others get it, they may not be able to use it, right?"

Qi Jingci looked at him with a serious look, and the dry smile on his lips was almost unbearable.

Bai Yuxiu coughed awkwardly in his silent eyes and said, "I know, I will try my best to find him. I will dig up the ground and turn the whole island upside down to find Jie Xi."

“Finding Jie Xi is the second priority. Find me the things first.” Qi Jingci said calmly.

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

 Everyone: “…”

Jiexi will probably cry if she finds out about this.

 “A sneeze!”

Jiexi sneezed violently in the car. She felt the wind coming in from the window was a bit cold, so she raised the window.

"What's wrong?" Bai Muyou, who was sitting in the back seat with Li Jiu, asked when he saw this.

“It’s nothing, maybe someone missed me.” Jie Xi touched his nose.

Bai Muyou chuckled and teased him, "It's not that little maid, is it? I think she treats you very differently."

Jie Xi frowned and did not take Bai Muyou's words seriously, "Miss Mo was joking. I have nothing to do with her."

He and she only have a temporary cooperative relationship. After repaying her life-saving grace, there will be no other interactions.

Li Jiu looked at the scene flying backwards outside the window, and suddenly asked: "Where is Mo Sang now?"

Jie Xi pondered for a moment, "I guess it should be in the underground duel ground in S continent."

Li Jiu turned around and narrowed his eyes, "What do you think?"

 It sounds like he’s not sure what he means? Play with her?

 She only considered helping him because it involved the association, and now he is telling her that she doesn’t know?

“The underground dueling ground is the most likely, because if Mo Sang doesn’t want you to notice it and can still meet other families, that’s the only place that’s most suitable.”

The underground dueling ground has a very long history in Continent S. It is a mixed bag of good and bad, and contains almost all the forces in Continent S. It is the best place to hide people's eyes and hide secrets. In recent years, it has become a secret transaction for the major forces in Continent S. place.

 “Hasn’t Mr. Mo been there?”

Jiexi looked at Li Jiu with an expression that didn't look like he had been to an underground duel, and there seemed to be disgust in his eyes?

"Never been."

Li Jiu tilted his head slightly, supporting his chin with his hand and looking at the scenery outside the window. Why would he go to a place with so many people, things, and troubles when he had nothing to do? Are you hungry and looking for something to do?

Jiexi was surprised. Almost all people from continent S, as long as they had some ability, had been there once or twice. Even their boss, who was so obscenely mysophobic, had been there once or twice, even though he ended up with a sullen face for two or three days under heavy pressure.

And as the head of the Mo family, she has never been there even once?

 (End of this chapter)

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