She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 306: Mr. Qi, your face has left home

Chapter 306 Mr. Qi, your face has left home

Li Jiu looked at him and sneered, "I don't dare, I'm afraid I'll be betrayed by someone if I don't pay attention."

Qi Jingci twitched the corner of his mouth, his expression stiffened, and retorted: "How could I sell you?"

How could he be willing to give up?

Li Jiu rolled his eyes, "That's not certain."

With his small eyesight, I'm afraid he can really sell her with him.

Hearing this unreasonable tone, Qi Jingci gave a sigh of relief, walked up to her, gently put his long arm around her shoulders, and pulled her closer.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed and her body paused subconsciously, but she did not resist.

Jiexi next to him almost had his eyes popping out of his head, with three words clearly written on his face: I'm in a dream!

 Otherwise, how could the master smile so happily at the woman? And take the initiative to touch women? !

 This is very pseudo-scientific!

Bai Yuxiu couldn't bear to see Qi Jingci who met Li Jiu. He couldn't bear to close his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Jie Xi, whose expression was petrified and stunned. He sighed and walked towards him out of compassion for the same person. The person beside him said in a tone of someone who had been there before: "Let's go out first, they should have something to say."

  And should be able to speak for a long time.

If you stay here all the time, you can only survive on dog food. You should be more sensible and go out honestly.

Jie Xi was so shocked that he lost his hearing. He just nodded dumbly, not knowing how he followed Bai Yuxiu out.

  When the door of the box was closed, the expression on his face suddenly collapsed. He pointed at the box with his fingers excitedly and tremblingly, and stammered: "He, he, the two of them, this..."

Bai Yuxiu smiled gently at him and gave him the final blow in a slow tone: "Yes, it's what you thought."

Jie Xi’s blood tank was instantly cleared: “…”

 He no longer knew how to react.

 Master him! I really had an affair with Patriarch Mo!

 Moreover, this was when he didn’t know anything about it.

Thinking about this, Jie Xi felt confused and couldn't help but have a question: When did the two of them get together?

I have never heard of any contact between the master and the Mo family before. He is just like a stranger to Mo Jiu.

 Why did she suddenly change from the head of the Mo family to the matron of Organization J?

Jie Xi, who struggled for a while but still couldn't figure out the matter, asked Bai Yuxiu: "Boss Bai, how did Master and Patriarch Mo know each other?"

Bai Yuxiu was silent for a moment, glanced in the direction of the box, touched his chin and said solemnly: "Maybe I met my sister-in-law after she robbed the third brother of his wealth and sex, right?"

He is not very clear about the specific events at that time, but this is probably what he can reconstruct.

ˆJie Xi: “!!”

Inside the door, Qi Jingci still held Li Jiu in his arms without letting go. After the people in the box realized what was going on and left, he became even more unscrupulous and hugged Li Jiu directly, holding her in his arms.

With her long arms tightly wrapped around her waist, Li Jiu tried to break free, but failed.

Li Jiu rolled her eyes and said, "Let go."

Qi Jingci’s hand tightened again, “Don’t let go.”


Li Jiu laughed angrily, turned her head and said to him: "Why do I feel that you have become much thicker-skinned after I haven't seen you for a while."

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and asked, "How can you pursue your wife if you are not thick-skinned?"


Li Jiu gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Who is your wife?"


Li Jiu's face suddenly turned so dark that ink dripped from his face, and he held back a sentence for a long time: "Shameless."

 Then he quickly broke away from his arms.

As soon as he broke away, he immediately caught him back with quick hands and eyes. Li Jiu stumbled and fell directly onto his lap.

Li Jiu's body froze immediately. After reacting, his face became even more gloomy. He clenched his hands tightly and made a cracking sound with his knuckles.

"Qi, Jing, Ci! Do you think I don't dare to beat you?" Hearing this, Qi Jingci raised the corners of his lips, with a smile on his handsome face. He slowly lowered his head and leaned close to her ear. Qingqi: "If it's broken, you have to take responsibility."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Is this really Qi Jingci? ! Or was he possessed by some demon during the time they were separated?

 Are you still responsible for breaking your leg?

Li Jiu said expressionlessly: "Master Qi, look down and see, is that your Lijia face on the ground?"

A smile flashed across Qi Jingci's eyes. He deliberately leaned over and blew hot air into her ear, watching as her earlobes turned slightly red.

"Leave home when you leave home. After all, after raising it for twenty-six years, it should learn to be independent."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Which Taoist priest in the world who knows how to catch monsters should come and collect this monster!

Seeing Li Jiu becoming more and more expressionless, and the breath all over his body getting colder little by little, Qi Jingci lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes covering the expression under his eyes, and unconsciously closed his hands around Li Jiu's waist. tight.

Noticing that his strength was gradually increasing, Li Jiu frowned slightly. Just as he was about to make a move, he was forcefully pulled into his arms by this man and hugged tightly from behind.

 In an instant, everything around her was filled with his aura, wrapping her up and making her unable to escape.

Qi Jingci gently rested his chin on her shoulder, closed his eyes lightly, breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "I miss you so much."

Li Jiu’s mouth twitched, “I haven’t seen you for a few days.”

  When did this person become so slimy?

Qi Jingci pursed his lips, his tone inexplicably aggrieved, "Don't you know that every day is like a year?"

 Just after I expressed my feelings to her, they ended up breaking up. No one would be happy if this happened, right?

Li Jiu was silent. After pondering for a moment, he turned his head seriously and said solemnly: "Qi Jingci."


Qi Jingci didn’t understand why she suddenly looked so solemn.

 “Are you suffering from some terminal illness?”

Qi Jingci's face darkened for a moment, and he squeezed out two words through his teeth: "No!"

“Then why are you being dishonest when you see me, as if you have a restless disorder?”

More than being dishonest, she always felt that since he confessed to her, it was like he had unlocked the seal of the past twenty-six years, and he was a completely different person!

Qi Jingci chuckled twice and said, "That's not restlessness, it's lovesickness."

 If I don’t see her for a day, I will miss her like crazy.

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows and looked at him calmly, oh, flirting with her?

OK, let’s see who can tease whom.

Li Jiu turned his head slightly, and his soft lips were only a few millimeters away from the side of his face, almost touching him. Qi Jingci's breath was suffocated.

She raised her head vigorously, put her lips against his ear and said teasingly: "Then you dare to ask Third Brother, am I your medicine?"

Just now he was talking about Qi Jingci, but suddenly the words "third brother" came out of the blue, making him stunned for a while and unable to react.

Li Jiu looked at his reaction, chuckled a few times, and continued: "Say, you are lovesick, then am I your medicine?"

Qi Jingci's mouth trembled, his eyes lowered, and finally said: "...Yes."

  She is his medicine, the only one in this life, unique.

I have an academic exam tomorrow, everyone wishes me good luck (≧▽≦)



 (End of this chapter)

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