She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 307: I've flirted with more little brothers than you've ever seen.

 Chapter 307 I flirt with more little brothers than you have ever seen

Qi Jingci's light gray eyes stared at her steadily, as quiet as an abyss, as if he wanted to **** her soul away.

Li Jiu opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't bear it any longer, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

When Qi Jingci wasn't paying attention, she used her strength to break away from his arms, jumped far away, rolled her eyes at him, and said: "Where did you learn these earthy love words? It's disgusting. died."

 You are my medicine, I am your life.

  It sounds very sour.

Li Jiu's expression suddenly turned disgusting.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci frowned, looked at her doubtfully, and asked, "You don't like it?"

He specifically searched these words on the Internet to please her, is it possible that they don't work?

Li Jiu chuckled, "I like it, but only if I say this to others."

Earthless love words, saying to others, feel good, others say to themselves, then they are uncomfortable.

Qi Jingci keenly caught a key word in her words, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and his tone was low: "To others? Who else have you said such things to?"

Li Jiu thought for a while and said, "I can't remember clearly. There seem to be quite a few."

 “… quite a lot?”

Qi Jingci's face darkened, his thin lips pursed tightly, the word "displeasure" was written all over his face, and his whole body exuded an aura of danger that was about to come.

However, Li Jiu didn't realize this, "Hmm, I've flirted with more little brothers than you have ever seen. It's normal to say one or two earthy love words."

Qi Jingci grinded his molar teeth loudly, and a storm was brewing in his eyes.

But Li Jiu didn't notice the danger at all, and kept talking to himself: "Sometimes they are so stupid! Where did I get stupid? I beat them to the point of eating dirt - Hey! What are you doing!"

Before Li Jiu finished speaking, Qi Jingci sneered, suddenly stood up and approached her, his tall body suddenly cast a shadow, forcing her to the corner step by step, and finally there was no way out.

With the cold wall behind her and Qi Jingci’s warm chest in front of her, Li Jiu could even clearly hear his strong heartbeat in her ears. Qi Jingci forced her into a corner, supported her on the wall with one hand, and clamped her chin with the other hand, forcing her to raise her head so that she had to look at him.

 The red lips were slightly open, the long black eyelashes were trembling slightly, and he could even clearly see the fine hairs on her delicate side face.

 The breaths intertwined, and the atmosphere suddenly felt particularly ambiguous.

Li Jiu was caught off guard by his unexpected move. She was stunned for a moment. After she realized it, she was already suppressed to death. She glanced at their current posture with her peripheral vision and said in an instant: "..."

 This Bidong posture is really standard.

If someone suddenly opens the door and comes in at this time and sees them like this, then—

“Third brother, I just received news—”


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Bai Yuxiu swallowed back his hasty words in the middle of his words. After seeing everything in front of him clearly, he fell silent and said, "Sorry for disturbing you."

 Then he turned around and closed the door at such a fast speed that Li Jiu had no time to explain.

 Li Jiu: “…”

   Well, now the misunderstanding has occurred.

Qi Jingci did not have these random thoughts of hers, and only asked wholeheartedly: "How many people have you said these things to?"

 The color of his eyes was like ink, thick and deep, and his eyes were even more stormy.

 Looking at it no matter how you look at it, you are angry.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Although Mr. Jiu is said to be a sea king, don’t think about it, she is lying. She claims to be the best in seducing people all over the world. In fact, she thinks that seducing people and beating them are the same concept.



 (End of this chapter)

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