She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 308: Why is her brother here?

Chapter 308 Why is her brother here?

Li Jiu was silent for a moment, and suddenly felt like he had shot someone in the face.

Qi Jingci was trapped in a corner, and his strong and oppressive aura penetrated every inch of her skin.

The distance between them was almost zero, and the man's hot breath sprayed on his neck, making Li Jiu straighten his back very uncomfortably.

 “Huh? Let’s talk.”

Qi Jingci hummed a few words in a breathy voice, which meant he was gritting his teeth.

Li Jiu turned his head away unnaturally and said in a vague tone, "Just... so few."

 “Which ones?”

Qi Jingci narrowed his cold eyes dangerously and continued to inquire deeply.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched and said, “That’s enough.”

 If you ask me again, do you think she will beat him?

Qi Jingci's eyes suddenly darkened, and he had no intention of letting her go. The hand that was originally supported on the wall fell on her waist at some point, and gradually moved up her thin and thin back.

 “Is enough enough?”

His last note is raised, with an indescribable alluring meaning, and his voice is deep and magnetic. Compared with the usual coldness, it is particularly **** and alluring.

“I don’t know how to stop, why don’t you teach me?”

 He is going crazy now!

When he thought that Li Jiu had flirted with other men, the jealousy in his heart overflowed uncontrollably.

Li Jiu's body reaction was more sensitive than others. The unscrupulous movement of the big hand on her waist made her tense up instantly, and she became alert involuntarily, and then gradually relaxed.

There is no way. Over the years, her body has naturally formed an early warning mechanism. Whenever she senses a strange threat, she will subconsciously enter a tense state.

This state of tension all over her body made her very unhappy, especially when facing Qi Jingci. The strange feeling in her heart became more and more turbulent. For a moment, she almost couldn't control it and burst out of the ground.

Li Jiu gritted his teeth, his eyes were half-squinted, his wrists couldn't help itching, and the idea of ​​​​preparing to hit someone became more and more intense.

Just when she couldn't help but want to punch Qi Jingci's handsome face, the door of the box was pushed open again.

 It’s still Bai Yuxiu.

"Ahem... Third brother, although I don't want to disturb you, there is really an emergency this time."

Bai Yuxiu was so embarrassed that he could dig out the three bedrooms and one living room with his toes. Even if he pushed the door open and came in, he would keep his nose and nose in mind and would not dare to look where he shouldn't.

Li Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to push Qi Jingci's body, and motioned him to go away with his eyes.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and glanced at Bai Yuxiu with an unclear expression, then stood up straight and distanced himself from her.

Bai Yuxiu's eyebrows jumped at that glance: "..."

Why did he think that the third brother's look meant that if there was no real emergency, he would be dead?

Qi Jingci raised his hand to straighten his sleeves, narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Yuxiu swallowed his saliva and said thoughtfully: "I just received the news that Mo Sang is very likely to have a relationship with people from the Cha League."

After saying these words, Qi Jingci's movements suddenly stopped.

Li Jiu, who had just sat down on the sofa after breaking away from Qi Jingci's restraints, also frowned fiercely.

 Cha League, so far the only force that dares to openly oppose the association.

Like the association, most of the members of the Cha League are people with superpowers. However, in comparison, the superpowers of the Cha League are more cruel, vicious and inhumane. If the purpose of the association is to maintain the relationship between superpowers and ordinary people, If they want to maintain peace and order, then they are doing the opposite, pursuing extreme hegemonism, relying on their superpowers to be unscrupulous, and causing a lot of troubles around the world. After the suppression, they disappeared and many people thought they had disbanded.

However today, I heard this name again.

Qi Jingci frowned, "Is the news accurate?"

Bai Yuxiu nodded, "It came from the association."

  No matter how much the association falls apart internally, it still unanimously agrees with the outside world on the issue of the Cha League, so it must be 100% accurate.

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment. Things were getting more and more complicated. Originally he just wanted to come to S Continent to clean up the Mo family, but he didn't expect that just one Mo Sang would be involved in so many things. Even the Chameng came out.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed with sarcasm. I have to say that this Mo Sang is really a talent.

Chameng is not something that ordinary people can hook up with, let alone that he is just an ordinary person. It seems that she underestimates him.

“Third brother, if someone from the Shameng appears here, could it be...”

Before Bai Yuxiu finished asking, he was stopped by Qi Jingci’s look.

 He subconsciously looked at Li Jiu next to him, and he immediately understood.

My sister-in-law is just an ordinary person. Although she is the head of the Mo family, she may have heard about the association and the Shameng, but she definitely doesn’t know much about it. You must not let it slip in front of her. If you know more about this kind of thing, you will be fine. More danger.

Hence, what he said naturally became, "Is there some conspiracy? Let's quickly tell the association everything."

Qi Jingci nodded, "I will definitely say it, but the most urgent task now is to determine where Mo Sang is."

 The size of the underground duel field is definitely not small, and it is a mixed bag of good and bad people. It is undoubtedly difficult to find someone here.

Bai Yuxiu naturally knew this. He said, "How about I go to the boss and ask him for help?"


Li Jiu suddenly spoke, and Qi Jingci and Bai Yuxiu immediately looked at her in unison.

 She cleared her throat, and under the gaze of the two of them, she said slowly: "I had already sent someone to look for her before you came."

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and smiled, and praised without hesitation: "You are really prescient."

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

 Is this considered a boast?

Li Jiu: "...Your subordinates asked me to help find him."

So it’s not that she has any foresight. Could you please please Mr. Qi not to be blind?

Li Jiu sighed deeply, feeling helpless.

 She picked up the snack on the plate, took a bite, and said, "Now just wait patiently, there will be news soon."

Qi Jingci's eyebrows moved. When he saw her action, he sat next to her. He also picked up a snack that was exactly the same as the one in her hand and took a bite. He said, "Well, it's up to you."

Li Jiu: "..." You'd better get out.

Even so, Bai Yuxiu's expression was still very worried. This place is so big, can he really find it?

Even if they were found, their plan might have succeeded.

Perhaps it was the worry in his heart that caused the problem. After a while, the door of the box was pushed open violently.

 “I found Mo—”

Bai Muyou's excited voice stopped suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face under the mask was full of shock.

The atmosphere was quiet for a few seconds.

Li Jiu felt a thump in her heart.

 No, Bai Muyou still doesn’t know the identities of Qi Jingci and Bai Yuxiu.

Bai Yuxiu looked at the woman in black who suddenly broke in, his face suddenly full of doubts, who is this?

Bai Muyou's body was frozen on the spot, not knowing how to react. His eyes were dull and he didn't believe what he saw in front of him at all.

 Who will tell her! Why are her brother and third brother here? !

 (End of this chapter)

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