She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 309: You should not have been adopted by the Bai couple

Chapter 309 You should not have been adopted by the Bai couple

 The box fell into a dead silence.

 Bai Muyou's hand was still on the doorknob, and he tightened it unconsciously. His eyes were fixed on Bai Yuxiu, who was not supposed to be here in the first place, and the expressions on his face behind the mask were changing.

At that moment, many thoughts flashed through her mind rapidly, complicated and confusing, and finally merged into one thought, why is he here?

Didn’t you say you were going on a business trip?

Li Jiu raised his eyes and glanced at Bai Muyou, who was stunned at the door. He coughed lightly, broke the silence, and asked, "Have you found Mo Sang?"

Bai Muyou nodded stiffly, still not recovered.

 When they heard that Mo Sang was found, the eyes of everyone present flashed.

Although Bai Yuxiu didn't know who the woman who suddenly appeared was, from the conversation between her and Li Jiu, it seemed that she was from the Mo family, that is, one of his own. Therefore, he couldn't wait to ask: "Is there anyone else around him?"

Bai Muyou was stunned for a moment, pursed his lips, looked at him with complicated eyes, and then said: "Yes, in addition to people from other families, there is a mysterious person with him."

Mystery man.

The eyes of everyone present flashed, and this mysterious man was probably a member of the Shameng.


“Third floor, box 02.”

Bai Yuxiu said to Qi Jing in a deep voice: "Third brother."

Qi Jingci understood, nodded, stood up, his eyes were cold, and said calmly: "Let's go and have a look."


Qi Jingci glanced at Li Jiu and turned to leave. Bai Yuxiu followed closely behind him. When he passed by Bai Muyou, he looked at her seriously, which made her tense up immediately, fearing that any flaws would be discovered.

 Suddenly only Li Jiu and Bai Muyou were left in the box.

Bai Muyou was full of questions at the moment. Seeing that there was no one else around, he couldn't help but ask: "Boss, what's going on?!"

Li Jiu stood up, walked to her and patted her shoulder, sighing, "It's a long story, but your brother...may not be as simple as you think."

After learning that Qi Jingci was the leader of Organization J, she made a special investigation and found out that he had always had two right-hand men around him, who were equivalent to the second-in-command of Organization J. Now it seemed that Bai Yuxiu was likely to be one of them.

So, being able to sit in the second-in-command position of Organization J shows that his abilities are definitely more than just a president.

Bai Muyou feels very complicated now. He doesn't know how to react to Bai Yuxiu's identity.

  She complained that he lied to her, but she also hid many things from him, so she had no right to blame him.

 But when he thought that Bai Yuxiu might be in danger while working in Organization J, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Seeing her bowing her head in silence, Li Jiu knew that she must be struggling, and said comfortingly: "Okay, don't worry about this for now, hurry up and take a look."

Bai Muyou pursed her lips and nodded.

Having walked halfway, she suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked: "Boss, is the third brother the leader of Organization J?"

Li Jiu was amused by her reflex arc and asked, "You just reacted?"

Bai Muyou: "...I didn't pay attention just now."

Just now she was completely stunned by Bai Yuxiu's sudden appearance here, and she didn't notice Qi Jingci at all.

Bai Muyou was silent for a moment and asked numbly: "So, when did you know that the third brother was the leader of Organization J?"

 “Four years ago.” Li Jiu replied.

Bai Muyou opened his eyes wide, "What did you say?"

Li Jiu curled his lips helplessly, "Do you still remember the potions I gave you four years ago?"

When she mentioned this, the memory that had been forgotten in the corner suddenly came back to life. Bai Muyou thought about it carefully and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't tell me that the unlucky guy is the third brother."

Li Jiu nodded innocently.

Bai Muyou's expression suddenly became very subtle: "..." Thinking of the unlucky guy who was robbed, knocked unconscious and almost killed by her unscrupulous boss, she was still full of sympathy.

 The result told her that the person was Qi Jingci.

“…Boss, if you don’t want to talk about anything else, how did you do it to the third brother’s face?” Bai Muyou asked a question deep in his soul.

Given Li Jiu's ability to control her appearance, even if Qi Jingci did something extreme, for the sake of that handsome face, she would not be ruthless.

Li Jiu coughed slightly, his expression was a little embarrassed, and he hesitated: "He...he was wearing a human skin mask at the time."

Bai Muyou: "..." Got it.

Wearing a human skin mask, how can you tell what he looks like? Of course the attack should be ruthless.

 Bai Muyou was really convinced at this moment.

"Really boss, you tricked Third Brother into doing that and he still likes you. This is definitely true love. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and accept him."

A man like Qi Jingci is really rare in the world, and it would be unreasonable for Li Jiu not to accept him.

Hearing this, Li Jiu looked slightly embarrassed and annoyed: " have to talk too much!"

Bai Muyou curled his lips and said nothing if he didn't want to.

“However, Organization J belongs to the third brother. If the Mo family cooperates with Organization J, wouldn’t we be able to move sideways in Continent S in the future?”

With the addition of the Mo family and the J organization, which other force in continent S can evenly compete with these two giants?

"What the hell." Li Jiu snorted, "Did I say I wanted to cooperate with Organization J?"

Bai Muyou clicked his tongue twice, "Boss, it's okay if you don't cooperate. You married the third brother, and Organization J will be used as a dowry. In this way, Organization J will be directly under our command. How cool is it?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes dangerously and said to her in a warm tone: "Tell me, if I sell you to Bai Yuxiu, how much can I sell you for?"

Bai Muyou's eyes twitched and he immediately gave up, "Boss, I was wrong. You don't care about the faults of others."

If Bai Yuxiu knew what she was hiding from him, she would definitely not be able to take advantage of him based on his level of control over his sister.

Especially now, in his eyes, she should be recuperating at home. If he knew that she came to S Continent to follow Li Jiu to fight and kill, he might go crazy by then.

 So, let’s keep it a secret for now.

Li Jiu knew what she was thinking by looking at her expression, and suddenly asked: "When are you going to confess everything to your brother?"

Bai Muyou was silent for a moment and said, "Wait a little longer."

Li Jiu sneered, "That's what you said four years ago."

 As a result, it has been delayed until now and there is no intention to confess.

Bai Muyou pursed his lips and remained silent.

"The longer this kind of thing goes on, the worse it gets. In the end, your brother will definitely think that you are deliberately lying to him."

Bai Muyou's eyes flickered, bit her lip, and said tangledly: "I haven't decided what to say yet."

 After all, in Bai Yuxiu's eyes, he is just a weak little girl who needs to be protected. Now he suddenly told him, brother, I am a person with powers who can hit dozens of people.

It would be strange if Bai Yuxiu didn’t go crazy!

 So she always wanted to find a suitable time to confess to him, but she never figured out how to say it.

“If I had known this, when the president was looking for adoptive parents for you, he shouldn’t have looked for ordinary people like your parents.”

When they were first rescued by the president, they were very young and could not stay in the association. The president found a place for each of them. Those with family members were sent home, while those without family members were adopted by others.

Most of the others are looking for someone to adopt from the association nearby. Only Bai Muyou wants to be raised by an ordinary couple.

 (End of this chapter)

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