She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 310: Mr. Chang

Chapter 310 Mr. Chang

Bai Muyou smiled and said, "Boss, don't say that. If it weren't for them, I might have died long ago."

She will never forget the life-saving grace of the Bai family and his wife.

Li Jiu glanced at Bai Muyou and sighed softly, "Forget it, it's up to you."

Let the brothers and sisters handle this matter by themselves.

 At the same time, in another box in the duel arena, the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

 Mo Sang sat with several other family members. Everyone had varying degrees of anxiety on their faces, but no one said a word first. They just kept glancing back and forth.

Opposite them, sat a young man with a handsome face and a clean temperament. His eyes were so pure that there was no trace of impurities. There was a slight smile on his face. However, the aura that permeated his body carried the oppression and coldness of a superior.

Two completely different auras appear on one person at the same time, which gives people a very strange feeling.

The young man's narrow eyes glanced at Mo Sang and the others, taking in their expressions. He narrowed his eyes and an intriguing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Hold the goblet with your slender fingers, the red wine in the glass continues to exude a mellow and charming aroma as the body of the glass shakes.

He had his legs crossed, his posture was wanton, and his expression was leisurely and lazy. He and Mo Sang and the others were like completely different worlds, completely unaffected.

After taking a sip of wine, the young man looked at everyone leisurely and asked with a smile: "Everyone, have you thought about it?"

Everyone was quiet for a moment, looking at each other, and no one spoke.

When the young man saw this, he couldn't help but snorted, his tone was cold and mocking, "After all, he is also the leader of a major family in S continent, and he doesn't even have the courage to do so?"

These words were said with quite a bit of excitement. Everyone was not a fool, so of course they could hear it, but even so, they did not dare to be careless at all.

 After all, every decision they make may lead to the survival of the family and power behind them.

Someone hesitated for a moment and finally asked: "Mr. Chang, what you are talking about... is really important. Can you let us go back and think about it?"


Mr. Chang sneered, his narrow eyes flashed coldly, "Do you think this matter can still be negotiated?"

Everyone's face turned pale.

"Since you are sitting here now, there is no turning back. If you want to regret it..."

 He sneered and said, "Then it depends on whether the association can let you go."

 As soon as these words came out, everyone including Mo Sang was shocked.

 “What do you mean?” One person stood up immediately and asked eagerly.

Mr. Chang raised his head and took a sip of wine slowly, cursing an idiot in his mind.

“Do you think that what you are doing is flawless? The people in the association are more sensitive than you think. Compared to this time, your information, including your family’s, has been compiled into the hands of a big shot in the association.”

 The next step is estimated to be that the association will take corresponding measures.

He was a little bit scornful of the association's style of doing things. The association's work was always so formulaic, no wonder it was always a step behind them.

 It’s so ridiculous to say that it is a refuge for all superpowers in the world!

 The color suddenly drained from everyone’s faces.

They certainly knew what he meant by saying this. From then on, they were on the opposite side of the association.

 So far, the Association is undoubtedly the largest force of superpowers. Offending the Association is tantamount to seeking death. If they had known this, if they had known this, they should have thought carefully before they acted, and should not have been hasty!

 Some people closed their eyes, filled with regret.

But now that we have reached this point, regret is of no use.

Seeing that they were still a little shaken, Mr. Chang spoke again and gave them a shot in the arm, "As long as you join us, you will get everything you want, and the forces behind you will continue to develop. Haven't you already seen the results? ?"

  In order to win over these powerful families in Continent, they spent a lot of effort.

Mr. Chang raised his eyebrows, but fortunately, all the efforts were not in vain, and the game that had been laid out for so long was still effective.

These people are the best proof.

Just a little more fuel to the fire can lead to big success.

Everyone glanced at each other, but no one said anything.

Suddenly, Mo Sang, who had been silent, spoke abruptly: "I believe in the credibility of the Chameng, but, Mr. Chang, how can you guarantee that we can leave here safely after we promise you?"

Since the association is likely to know what they have done, it will definitely not let them go. Maybe at this moment, the people who came to catch them have already laid an ambush outside.

 But now, there are only a few members of the Chameng and their major families, and they may be wiped out if they go out. In that case, there is no point in their talking here.

Mr. Chang's lips curled up slightly, and he glanced at Mo Sang with a smile on his face, and said, "I really like Mr. Mo's comprehensive way of thinking about the problem. Yes, the Cha League currently does not have enough manpower in S Continent, but we We will do our best to ensure the safety of every ally.”

 He emphasized the pronunciation of the word "ally".

 The meaning is obvious.

If he continues to waver, then he will not be able to guarantee their safety. At that time, it will be obvious how the association will deal with those who intend to collude with the alliance.

A gloomy look flashed in Mo Sang's eyes, and he calmly considered the pros and cons. After pondering for a moment, he said: "Okay, I agree to join you."

 “Old Mo!”

 “Mossan, you have thought clearly!”

As soon as Mo Sang finished speaking, and before Mr. Chang could react, the others immediately spoke hurriedly.

It’s no wonder they were indecisive, they were still hesitant to make a move at this point. For them, this was really an important choice that determined life or death.

 After all, if you go against the association, the only known outcome so far is death.

They are usually high-ranking and powerful people. If they don't have to, how many of them would be willing to make fun of their own lives?

 So, deep down in their hearts, they still feel that there is no need to take such a big risk.

Mo Sang smiled sinisterly and said coldly: "I think you haven't figured out the current situation yet."

At this time, there were only two ways in front of them, either to follow Mr. Chang, or to wait for someone from the association to come to their door.

According to the ruthless and decisive methods of the Chameng, the association will never be given the opportunity to learn a little bit of information.

 So, if they, who have done a lot for the Cha League, do not agree to Mr. Chang’s request today, they may very well not be able to walk out of this underground duel with their lives.

It’s a pity that these people are old and confused and haven’t figured this out yet.

Thinking of this, Mo Sang glanced at them with pity.

 (End of this chapter)

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