She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 311: I know a lot about the Shameng League.

Chapter 311 I know quite a bit about the Cha League

Mr. Chang's lips curved up with a smile of pleasure, he stretched out his hands and clapped twice, and said, "Sure enough, Mr. Mo is smarter."

 He stood up, stretched out his hand to Mo Sang with a faint smile, and said, "Then, the Shamen welcomes you to join."

Mossan twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled, and shook hands with him. He was only worried about one thing.

“What level of protection will you provide me after I join?”

You must know that his current situation is very dangerous. Not only the people from the association are watching him, but Li Jiu is also watching him. If he is not careful, he will be caught.

Hearing this, Mr. Chang smiled and said: "Of course it is all-round protection. The Chameng always cherishes its allies, so naturally it will not let anything happen to you."

 Mo Sang nodded, quite satisfied with his answer. He wanted to save himself first and figure out other things later.

Mr. Chang suddenly approached Mo Sang and whispered in his ear: "However, since Mr. Mo has agreed to join us, I think it is better to come with us now."

Mo Sang frowned, "Now?"

 Does it need to be so fast?

The other party showed a meaningful smile, raised his eyebrows and said, "If you don't leave, someone will come to disturb you."

His eyes glanced at the door of the box without trace, and his eyes flickered a few times.

Mo Sang captured the changes in his eyes with great accuracy, and with a vague guess in his mind, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Mr. Chang smiled, turned sideways, and tapped somewhere. Suddenly, a dark passage appeared on the wall, just big enough for an adult to pass through.

 Mo Sang was blindfolded by Mr. Chang’s men with black cloth, led into the passage, and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

 Everyone was stunned by this scene, and some people even didn't react yet.

Watching Mo Sang leave, Mr. Chang turned around and looked at them with a smile: "Mr. Mo is smarter than you all. Now he is fully protected by the Cha League."

 No one spoke.

He chuckled twice, and then said: "I really don't understand what you are hesitating about. You are helping us to do things for our alliance, but you don't want to offend the association. If there is such a good thing in the world that has the best of both worlds, how can there be so many unsatisfactory things?"


 Everyone had nothing to say.

Mr. Chang glanced at them and suddenly sighed: "Forget it, since you are so afraid of the association, there is nothing I can do about it."

His words meant that he no longer wanted them to enter the Shamen, and everyone became anxious upon hearing this.

 “Mr. Chang, it’s not that we don’t want to join.”

"Yes, Mr. Chang, we were a little hesitant just now, but we are still willing to join you."

Mr. Chang shook his head and sighed: "It's too late."


 What time is it late?

 Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

At this moment, the door of the box was suddenly slammed open with a loud noise. People from Organization J rushed in almost instantly, holding weapons and aiming at everyone in the box.

 Everyone present turned pale, except Mr. Chang.

Mr. Chang still had a smile on his face, looking calmly and calmly at Qi Jingci and others who were slowly entering the box at the door.

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showed a friendly smile to Qi Jingci, and said: "I have heard about Mr. Jing's name for a long time, but I have never had the chance to see him. Today I finally saw him." Although he was pointed at by a bunch of weapons, he There was no trace of fear on his face, and his expression was relaxed and calm, as if he was in the execution ground but had no reaction to the impending execution.

 Calm and indifferent to the point of abnormality.

On the other hand, everyone else in the box had pale faces, their whole bodies were trembling slightly, and their eyes were full of fear.

 It is enough to see that this Mr. Chang is definitely not a simple person.

Bai Yuxiu, who was following Qi Jingci, frowned. This man was too calm.

 Are you feeling confident or pretending to be fearless?

After Qi Jingci came in, his light gray eyes scanned the situation in the box. His eyes finally fell on Mr. Chang, paused for a moment, and then said in a cold voice: "Oh, really?"

He looked at Mr. Chang with indifferent eyes, his eyes were calm but extremely stern, as if he wanted to tear through his disguise.

Mr. Chang had no reaction to his look and said, "Of course, after all, J Organization has been against us for so long, and you are also a person."

 The "we" he said naturally refers to the Cha League.

The Cha League's infiltration operation into Continent S had begun a few years ago, but during the execution of the plan, they discovered that the biggest obstacle was not the government and aristocratic forces in Continent S, but Organization J, which had just taken root in Continent S. new forces.

The leader behind Organization J is still a young man with sophisticated and decisive methods, and many of them have fallen into his hands.

As for Qi Jingci, the Chameng wanted to recruit him at the beginning. After all, an ordinary person could frustrate people with powers like them over and over again. How could they let such a talent go?

 But after gradually investigating, they found that Organization J had a long-term cooperative relationship with the association, so recruitment was naturally impossible.

 In this case, Qi Jingci must be destroyed, otherwise his plan to infiltrate Szhou will not go smoothly.

Mr. Chang despised Qi Jingci for a while after receiving the news. If he could be assassinated so easily, would their people have been restrained by the J organization for so long?

However, although assassination will not work, he can think of other ways.

 For example, using the family that has a conflict of interest between S Zhou and J organization to deal with Qi Jingci can achieve the goal without any effort, why not do it?

 What he didn’t expect was that Qi Jingci found him so quickly.

He is a member of the Sha Alliance. Even though he is only a small member, he is also a superpower. His superpower can sense anyone or anything within ten meters of him, so he has already noticed them when they approach the box. .

 That's why when these people said they wanted to join the Cha League, he would lament that it was too late.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes, his eyes deepened, and he said in a deep voice: "Cha League?"

Mr. Chang smiled slightly and did not deny it. He admitted it openly, "Yes, it seems you know a lot."

Hearing his words, Bai Yuxiu sneered in his heart, "Moreover, the third brother may know the Chameng better than you, a member of the Chameng, what a shame!"

 Out of the ten missions that their team has carried out over the years, nine are related to the Cha League. It can be said that their understanding of the Cha League is even deeper than that of the members of the Cha League.

It's a pity that Mr. Chang, who was scolded, couldn't hear Bai Yuxiu's inner complaints, and continued on his own: "Then why don't you guess again, why am I here?"

“Why else? Because of the stuff researched by the J organization.”

Before Qi Jingci could answer, a clear and lazy voice came from behind him. Li Jiu put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked over with Bai Muyou, his expression as casual as if he was taking a walk.

She stood next to Qi Jingci and glanced at the situation in the box with her clear eyes, finally settling on Mr. Chang's face and asked casually: "Where are the Mosang people?"

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 (End of this chapter)

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