She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 313: You ordinary people can't stop me (Second update)

Chapter 313 You ordinary people can’t stop me (second update)

 The use value has been lost, so why do we care about these people?

 The principle of the Cha League is to put all interests first.

He had immediately asked Mo Sangxian to be taken away after he noticed someone approaching. It was entirely because he was of high use value.

Mr. Chang obviously had a smile in his eyes, but his eyes were so cold that everyone couldn't help but shudder. Some people's legs gave out and they fell directly to the ground. Their faces were dull and pale. They couldn't believe what they had lost because of their entanglements. .

Li Jiu looked at all this with an expressionless face. He was not surprised at all. The people of Chameng were like this. They were selfish and put all interests first. If it was useless, they would kick them away mercilessly. They were extremely cruel.

 “It’s indeed too late.”

Bai Yuxiu suddenly said: "Although you took Mo Sang away, you yourself are still here...Are you looking down on us too much?"

After hearing this, Mr. Chang's expression finally changed and he said: "Looking down? This is a fact. To be honest, if I hadn't been in the mood to chat with you, ordinary people like you wouldn't have been able to stop me."

 When he said this, he raised his chin slightly, pride flashed in his eyes, and his tone was unknowingly filled with contempt.

 Li Jiu: “…”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

Bai Muyou: “…”

 The four people present were silent for a moment.

 Psychic users cannot sense powers that are two levels higher than their own level.

In fact, in their eyes, Mr. Chang's head is like a huge fluorescent screen with five words written in black and bold on it: Class B superpower.

 So weak.

 So weak that they have no interest in fighting at all.

Everyone can easily see through the level of his powers. In their eyes, he is like a kid who has just learned to walk in kindergarten and wants to challenge adults to fight.

 Like a retard! Bai Yuxiu's eyes looked at him suddenly a little complicated, and even tainted with sympathy for a moment.

Perhaps in his eyes, they are just ordinary people. No matter how many people there are and their weapons are sophisticated, they can't compete with a finger of his superpower.

 But sadly, they are not.

Even before he entered the box, he already knew that this so-called Mr. Chang could not sense his spiritual realm at all.

 Even if his superpower is detection, he will just be treated as an ordinary person.

 There is no possibility of even posing a threat.

This made Bai Yuxiu breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if he couldn't even sense his mental power, let alone Qi Jingci.

They still have to conceal their identities as superpowers, especially since Li Jiu is still here, and no one can find any clues. If Mr. Chang reveals his identity, who knows what kind of trouble it will cause.

 Similarly, Li Jiu and Bai Muyou also thought like him.

It is not yet time to announce the identity of the superpowers, especially since they are members of the Supervision Team. They have full hatred skills and have offended people throughout the association. If others know their identities in real life, As superpowers and powerful people, they are fine, but what about the people around them?

No one can guarantee it.

 So, if the identity of the superpower can still be kept secret, then keep it secret.

 It is best not to be discovered.

 However, when they saw Mr. Chang with the word "proud" written all over his face, their hands felt inexplicably itchy.

 Who gave a little B-level superpower the courage to say these words to them?

 His naivety and ignorance?

Mr. Chang didn’t know how much suffering his words would cause him to suffer after he was arrested.

 After learning the true identities of these people, he wanted to slap himself twice!

Telling you to seek death! Now it’s time to offend these big guys!

 (End of this chapter)

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