She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 314: If you are worried, you can go after it

Chapter 314 If you are worried, you can chase him

In response to Mr. Chang's words, everyone present was silent for a moment, and then looked at him with the same obscure and complex eyes.

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were okay, their eyes were as indifferent as before, as if he was nothing more than an ant in their eyes.

 The other two people were a little more obvious, looking at him with difficulty in words, with a little...sympathy in their eyes.

Mr. Chang:? ? ?

Mr. Chang didn't have time to understand the meaning of their expressions. The first priority was to find a way out of here.

The best way is to kill everyone here.

 But no.

He was injured, and his mental strength has not yet reached its peak, and the people in front of him are fully armed. To be honest, he feels very unsure.

The harsh words I just said were just to scare them. After all, ordinary people always subconsciously feel a sense of awe when they hear the three words "superpower".

However, he would never have thought that the harsh words he said would be no different from a joke in the eyes of the four people.

If he didn't protect his vest, he wouldn't even be allowed to speak a word.

Mr. Chang stood there calmly, as if he had no fear, but his eyes swept around without leaving any trace.

 When his eyes touched the open window beside him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 The VIP boxes in the underground duel arena are the best viewing spots in the venue, so there are many spectators outside.

 This is the third floor. If you jump from here, you can blend into the audience without making a sound. It will be almost impossible to find him by then.

A proud smile flashed across Mr. Chang's eyes. He raised his head and said to Li Jiu and others: "Okay, it's almost time. Goodbye, Master Mo."

 After saying that, he flipped his palm slightly, and a slender object instantly appeared in his palm. The next moment, it shot straight towards Li Jiu.

Li Jiu's eyes condensed, and she immediately turned to one side, intending to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the people around her reacted faster than her, and directly put their arms around her and pulled her into his arms.

Slender silver needles glowing coldly were embedded in the hard wall.

 Everyone present had a cold look in their eyes.

Li Jiu suddenly fell into Qi Jingci's arms and couldn't help but frowned. She was not used to this man's strength.

 He raised his hand and pushed Qi Jingci gently to show resistance, but the big hand on his shoulder tightened and she was hugged tightly.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 You just want to take advantage, right?

Before she could say anything, Mr. Chang, who was still standing there a second ago, flashed in a certain direction at a strange speed.

Bai Yuxiu was startled for a moment by the sudden move he had just made. After seeing that Li Jiu was okay, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and turned his eyes to see his movements.

 “Don’t run!”

 However, it was too late.

Li Jiu was held in Qi Jingci's arms. Seeing this, he narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Ah Liu."

Bai Yuxiu, who wanted to chase Mr. Chang, felt a gust of wind blow by. Bai Muyou put his hands on his hands, jumped lightly, and followed Mr. Chang out of the window.

 This is the third floor!

Bai Yuxiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly stepped forward to check. Almost in the blink of an eye, the person had disappeared. There was a bustling crowd underneath, and Bai Muyou could not be found at all.

 I must be chasing Mr. Chang.

Bai Yuxiu calmed down a little and his expression returned to normal.

I don’t know why, but when the woman chased Mr. Chang and jumped from the third floor, his heart suddenly clenched and he was so panicked.

Bai Yuxiu's eyes flashed with confusion for a moment, what is going on?

But now is not the time to think about these problems. He raised his eyes and looked at Li Jiu: "Sister-in-law, can she do it alone?"

Li Jiu pushed away Qi Jingci's hands holding hers, and said calmly: "It's okay, Ah Liu is very strong." "But no matter how strong she is, she is still an ordinary person. I'm afraid..." Bai Yuxiu frowned, his tone Unknowingly, I became worried.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, "If you are worried, just follow me and take a look."

“…” Bai Yuxiu frowned even more. He didn’t understand why he was worried. After being silent for a while, he still followed.

Mr. Chang still needs to be captured.

Li Jiu looked at his retreating back and clicked her tongue. She didn't know what to say. Is it telepathy between brother and sister?

 No, they are not real brothers and sisters, what kind of telepathy.

Qi Jingci stood behind her, watching her staring at Bai Yuxiu's back, her eyes filled with resentment, "Ajiu..."

Li Jiu glanced at him, "Have you finally spoken?"

He has been silent since he entered the door. Those who didn't know thought he was mute.


Qi Jingci was silent for a moment, waved his hand, and asked people to take the frightened people out.

 The door was closed, and there were only two of them left in the box.

Qi Jingci gently hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear, "Did you get hurt just now?"

Li Jiu shook her head. The needle was just thrown by Mr. Chang to divert her attention. The force was not very strong at all. She could have avoided it, but unexpectedly, he saved her in his arms because of his unnecessary move.

But this did make her discover a detail.

Li Jiu stepped forward, stretched out his slender hand and pulled out the silver needle stuck in the wall, looking back and forth carefully in his hand.

Qi Jingci was so frightened that he stepped forward and snatched it away, "Be careful! It's poisonous!"

Why is his Ajiu so careless sometimes? What if the man from Shamen put poison on the silver needle?

Li Jiu suddenly had an empty hand: "..."

 She is someone who has used the ghost doctor's silver needle as a weapon for so many years. How could she not even know if there is poison on the needle?


Li Jiu's eyes instantly focused. Regardless of Qi Jingci's expression, he snatched the silver needle back and looked at the tail of the needle carefully.

As expected, the tail of the already tiny silver needle was engraved with a pattern that could not be detected without paying attention.

 That is the sign of a ghost doctor.

Li Jiu's expression suddenly became complicated. Why does Mr. Chang have Ji Yunshu's silver needle?

On the other side, Bai Muyou moved quickly through the crowded crowd, chasing Mr. Chang who was not far ahead.

 The two of them chased each other, turning left and right, leaving the lively auditorium and arriving at a dark corner.

Bai Muyou cautiously slowed down her pace and approached slowly. Suddenly, the wind from the punch blew past her. She reflexively dodged it and quickly raised her hand to fight back.

Mr. Chang's sneak attack failed, and the look in his eyes changed, and he quickly started fighting with Bai Muyou.

The more he moves, the more solemn his eyes become.

 Because he found that he could do nothing to help this ordinary person!

This unscientific!

Mr. Chang gritted his teeth, knowing that he had no time!

 If you still can’t get away, you probably won’t be able to get away.

He was helpless. After receiving Bai Muyou's punch, his eyes sharpened. He grabbed and released his left hand, as if catching the air, and the next moment he suddenly attacked Bai Muyou.

 Bai Muyou felt that the air around him had changed because of him, his breathing became difficult, and there was a dull pain like a knife on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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