She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 315: I'm your old friend

 Chapter 315 I am your old friend

 So his power is to control the air?

 Bai Muyou's expression showed no trace of fear. Faced with his fist that was so close at hand, his expression remained calm. He raised his hand, spread his fingers, and took the move easily.

 At the same time, the discomfort caused by the air around her also disappeared.

Mr. Chang’s eyes changed from fierce to frightened.

 “How could you possibly catch my move?!”

 She is obviously just an ordinary person!

 His expression changed several times, and he finally realized something was wrong that he had not noticed since just now.

 An ordinary person, no matter how powerful he is, cannot be indifferent or unresponsive to an attack from a superpower.

 There is obviously something wrong with this person!

Mr. Chang asked solemnly: "Who are you?"

Bai Muyou raised the corners of his lips slightly and said, "What do you think?"

 She pulled Mr. Chang forward, and the latter immediately lost his center of gravity, and then punched him quickly and powerfully in the abdomen.

Mr. Chang’s body flew several meters away.

Huge beads of sweat slipped from his painful cheeks. He clutched his abdomen, curled up on the ground in pain, without the strength to straighten up.

With just one punch, he clearly felt that three of his ribs were broken and his internal organs were probably cracked.

He looked at Bai Muyou with a ferocious and painful expression, and struggled to utter a few words from his mouth: "Are you also a person with superpowers?"

And it’s a person with stronger abilities than him!

 Otherwise, how could he not notice it?

 No, this is impossible!

Mr. Chang constantly rejected this idea.

How could a person with powers who were stronger than him and whose powers were two levels higher than him work as a bodyguard for a small family in Continent S?

 There is no such person in either the association or the alliance!

He crouched on the ground with his belly covered, looking at Bai Muyou in disbelief.

The latter's eyes were cold, and he seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Bai Muyou frowned and looked at him condescendingly: "I originally thought of just taking you back, but now I have to clean up your memory, please."

Mr. Chang, who was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, could only stare at her with evil eyes as she slowly approached her step by step.

Bai Muyou approached him and was about to invade his mental power field to erase his memory. Suddenly his eyes flashed and he sided to avoid the supernatural power coming from behind.

That ball of superpower is scorching, like a fireball.

 Her mental power is purer than Mr. Chang's, but she still immediately sensed that he was an A-level psychic.

Bai Muyou looked at the superpower that had burned a big hole in the ground. He narrowed his eyes and turned around to look at the person coming.

 “Senior, I’m offended.”

The young and handsome boy came slowly, with a smile in his voice. His facial features were so ordinary that he would not be recognized among the crowd. His temperament and appearance did not match each other.

This man wears a human skin mask.

 She looks younger than Mr. Chang, but her bearing and strength are much higher than him.

 For those with powers who are stronger than themselves, no matter how old they are, they usually address them as “seniors”.

But this is just the rules of the association, and the Chameng does not have so many rules.

"Who are you?"

 The young man smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, it's just the person behind you that I want to take away."

Mr. Chang's eyes suddenly lit up when the young man appeared, and now he was even more happy when he heard his words.

Bai Muyou crossed his arms and looked at him calmly, "By you?"

Young man: “Yes, it’s up to me.”

There was a faint smile in his eyes, and his tone was particularly confident, "Even if the senior is an S-level superpower, I will take him away." Mr. Chang: "!!"

S-class superpower!

Mr. Chang shuddered subconsciously and looked up at Bai Muyou in horror. The metallic mask was still firmly on her face after a fight. It was impossible to guess what expression she had under the mask.

  What is the concept of an S-class superpower? Rare than giant pandas!

 Whether it is an association or a alliance, if they are S-level superpowers, they will be treated with caution. If superpowers are compared to the army, then S-level superpowers are special forces.

 They are sharp blades, secret weapons that are never shown to others.

 But this woman has become a bodyguard beside the head of the Mo family. If he hadn't fallen into her hands this time, he would never have discovered it.

This, what on earth is going on?

 Bai Muyou's expression immediately turned cold when the young man revealed her power level. She squinted her eyes and looked at him with a trace of murderous intent.

 “You know quite a lot.”

The young man seemed not to notice her look and continued: "Senior, I think you don't want other people here to know your identity, right?"

A cold light flashed in Bai Muyou's eyes, and his tone was gloomy: "Are you threatening me?"

"I don't dare, but when I came here just now, I happened to see Jing Junyue's men looking for you, and they should be heading towards us now."

 Jing Junyue’s men…

Bai Muyou's eyes trembled slightly, it was most likely Bai Yuxiu.

 He must not be allowed to see this scene.

 So, we can only fight quickly.

Hands hanging by his sides, Bai Muyou subconsciously hooked his index fingers. Bai Muyou's eyes gradually darkened, and the intoxicating ice blue slowly flowed out from the bottom of his eyes, exuding waves of chill.

Psychological power spreads in an instant, but the intensity is accurately controlled. No one except within five meters of the body will notice it.

Mr. Chang felt suffocated, as if a thousand pounds were pressing down on his body, and his mind felt like someone was twisting it hard with a knife, which made him want to die.


 Is this the scary thing about S-level superpowers?

 Even if he is B level, only three levels behind her, he still cannot withstand the pressure of her mental power.

In contrast, although the young man standing in front of Bai Muyou was shaken by the huge pressure at that moment, his expression changed, but he soon returned to normal.

Bai Muyou stood there, the cold air gradually condensed into ice with the soles of her feet as the center, and quickly spread to the soles of his feet.

Seeing that the ice edge with murderous intent was about to freeze him, the young man suddenly said: "I wonder if she is satisfied with the things at the charity auction?"

Bai Muyou's pupils shrank and he stopped emitting mental power.

The icy cold air was so close that the ground around him was covered with ice and cracked with fine lines, but he was the only one who was safe and sound.

It was clear that he was surviving a disaster, but the young man did not show any fear. Instead, he smiled and said: "I have put a lot of effort into putting that thing at the auction. Is she still satisfied?"

Bai Muyou clenched his fists, the aura all over his body became more and more chilling, his eyes were completely covered with ice blue, and it was extremely cold.

 Things at auction.

 She knew what he was talking about, it was the necklace designed by that person.

 That person designed it, but lost it a long time ago. He didn’t have time to give it away, the necklace.

 “Who the **** are you!”

Bai Muyou looked at him intently and struggled to spit out a few words through his teeth.

The young man raised his hand and broke off a piece of ice, and replied with a smile on his face: "I, I am your old friend."

 (End of this chapter)

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