She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 316: Psychic Resonance Instrument

Chapter 316 Mental Power Resonance Instrument

Bai Muyou noticed that he said "you" instead of "you".

The young man looked at her cold face, smiled and took out a black instrument, put his finger lightly on the switch, and said in a calm tone: "Besides, he is just a B-level superpower and doesn't know much, so why bother to be tough?" Want to arrest him?"

 After seeing what was in his hand clearly, Bai Muyou's expression behind the mask suddenly changed.

 Psychic Resonance Instrument!

 This man is so crazy!

If this is turned on, everyone in the entire underground duel field will be affected, ranging from mental damage to dementia and death.

Even those with super powers will be affected if their mental strength is not enough, and it may even be more serious than ordinary people.

How dare he take out the spiritual resonance in such a grand manner!

Seeing that Bai Muyou was silent, the young man smiled and said, "It seems that senior also knows what this thing is, so I don't need to say more."

"Who gave you the courage!" Bai Muyou shouted sharply.

The young man replied casually: "Of course I got the courage from myself."


Bai Muyou was furious and raised his hand to deal with him.

"Senior, don't be impulsive. What I hold in my hands now is the lives of the entire underground duel field. Oh, by the way, the one in my hand has been upgraded and is more powerful."

Bai Muyou's knuckles crackled, but he didn't move rashly.

 Although she was absolutely sure that she would kill him before he turned on the resonator, who knew if he had any accomplices!

 Besides, this person is far from being as simple as he seems.

 Damn it!

Bai Muyou cursed in his heart.

 The people of the Chameng are indeed despicable, and it is expected that she would not dare to risk so many lives.

Seeing that she was not moving, the young man raised the corner of his mouth and scolded Mr. Chang who was still in a daze behind her: "What are you still doing? Get over here!"

 “Oh oh oh.”

Mr. Chang got up from the ground with difficulty as if he was waking up from a dream. When he passed by Bai Muyou, he looked at her warily, fearing that she would suddenly take action.

However, Bai Muyou had no intention of taking action from beginning to end, allowing him to hide safely behind the young man.

 “Okay, senior, goodbye.”

The young man smiled softly at Bai Muyou, turned around and left with Mr. Chang.

"By the way, senior, please help me bring a message to her. There's no need to look for Mo Sang, she can't find it." The young man waved to Bai Muyou without looking back, with a very arrogant attitude.

Bai Muyou looked at the backs of the two of them, his expression was not as angry as expected, he just lowered his head and thought about something.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head and waved her hand, erasing the ice marks on the ground.

somebody is coming.

The sound of rapid footsteps gradually approached, Bai Muyou turned around and saw Bai Yuxiu running towards her with someone.

She was startled subconsciously, why is he here?

Bai Yuxiu stood in front of her, looked around, and finally his eyes fell on her, and asked: "Where is the person?"

Bai Muyou put his hands in his pockets and said calmly: "Run away."


Bai Yuxiu frowned fiercely. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly spotted traces of fire on the ground. He guessed a little, "His superpower is fire control?"

   …So be it.”

 They are all controls, so there should be no difference.

 It is best not to let them know about the young man.

"Are you okay?" Bai Yuxiu looked her up and down, as if to confirm whether she was injured.


  …“Then go back?”


Bai Muyou nodded, passed him and left without looking back.

Zu Liubai Yuxiu stood there and twitched the corner of his mouth. Isn't this person a bit too cold-blooded?

Also, she actually told him where the man looked and ran away!

Bai Yuxiu sighed secretly, as expected, the people around his sister-in-law are very good-natured.

As everyone knows, Bai Muyou was extremely nervous the moment she saw him.    This is the brother she clings to all day long!

 It’s hard to be too familiar with her!

If he didn't pretend to be aloof, based on his understanding of himself, it would be easy to find her!

Even though I had only spoken a few words to him just now, my heart was still pounding and I felt inexplicably guilty.

Bai Muyou patted his chest, managed to calm down, and went back to the box to find Li Jiu.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Li Jiu sitting on Qi Jingci's lap. The two of them were almost touching each other, leaning their heads against each other and not knowing what they were doing. The scene was ambiguous and affectionate.

Bai Muyou: "..." Excuse me!

 She closed the door with a snap, then closed her eyes and counted a few silently, then opened the door again.

Li Jiu sat there expressionlessly, with a gloomy aura.

Qi Jingci calmly adjusted his sleeves with a calm expression.

 The two of them were in peace with each other, looking as usual, as if she had been dazzled just now.

Bai Muyou's mouth twitched: "..."

 “Where are the people?” Li Jiu asked calmly.

However, relying on Bai Muyou's many years of understanding of Li Jiu, he suddenly felt a violent and eerie chill from her words.

 I think I know who it is to.

Bai Muyou: "...I didn't catch him, so I ran away."

 “It’s useless.”

Bai Muyou: "..." Ying Ying Ying!

 Boss, it’s the third brother who provokes you, can you not implicate her?

She glanced at Li Jiu resentfully, but Qi Jingci caught him on the spot and gave him a cold look, with a hidden warning in his eyes.

Bai Muyou: “…”

Bai Muyou felt that he was not suitable to stay any longer, so he turned around and left.

 In the end, Li Jiu stopped him: "Wait, you stay, I have something to tell you."

Bai Muyou stopped.

Li Jiu glanced sideways at the thick-skinned person, and gritted his teeth and said: "Please step aside!"

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "Is there anything else I can't listen to?"

 “Of course.”

Li Jiu looked at him with sharp eyes, as if you don't leave, I will kill you.



Qi Jingci had no choice but to get up and leave, closing the door behind him.

As soon as he left, Li Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, pinched his eyebrows with a headache, and met Bai Muyou's meaningful eyes as soon as he opened his eyes.

Li Jiu: "...You don't look like you are thinking of anything good."

Bai Muyou laughed, his face full of gossip.

 “Where is the progress?”

Judging from the scene she just saw, she knew it was progressing quickly.

 “Getting ahead, let’s get down to business.”

Li Jiu gave her a cold look, took out the silver needle and said, "This is the silver needle that Mr. Chang just threw out."

Bai Muyou's eyes flickered, and he took it and looked at it carefully. After seeing the familiar mark, his expression suddenly changed, he raised his head and asked, "Why does he have Lao Qi's silver needle?"

 Other than herself, only the members of her second team had the silver needle of the ghost doctor.

 But she didn’t believe that anyone in the second team would cheat.

 So what is going on?

 “I want to know too.” Li Jiu said.

  "If this thing is seen by someone who is interested, I'm afraid it will cause another commotion."

That's true. People from the Chameng have the unique silver needles of ghost doctors, and everyone will put ghost doctors into the Chameng side.

 At that time, Ji Yunshu's identity was revealed again, and they, who were already sensitive about their identity, really couldn't tell it clearly!

 (End of this chapter)

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