She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 317: Start from several big families

Chapter 317: Starting from several major families

Bai Muyou paused and said, "Boss, just now, I met a young man. He said that he was the one who released the items in the previous auction."

Before she finished speaking, Li Jiu stood up, looked straight at her, and asked, "What did you say?"

Bai Muyou nodded, "I guess the person behind Lin Yan should be him and not Mo Sang."

 “Besides, he knows us very well.”

  It should be said that I understand it very well.

Li Jiu frowned, wandered for a few steps, and then sat down again, "Is it them?"

Bai Muyou shook his head and said, "Probably not. I haven't received any sign of their recovery."

 “Then someone wants to take action against us.”

“…” Bai Muyou lowered his eyes, this was undeniable.

Li Jiu also lowered his eyes in silence.

When the necklace appeared in front of her, she already had a premonition that she would never be calm again.

Li Jiu closed his eyes lightly, feeling tired for no reason, "What else did he say?"

 “I told you not to look for Mo Sang, you can’t find him.”

"anything else?"

“No, he threatened me with the resonator, and then left with the man.”

Li Jiu opened his eyes, his eyes were clear and indifferent, and a hint of coldness flashed through them quickly.

 “Resonator...he is quite brave.”

It's crazy to dare to make fun of the entire underground dueling arena.


Li Jiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he rubbed the silver needle back and forth between his thumb and index finger, and said: "Go and find out the origin of this needle, and the details of this underground duel ground."

Bai Muyou raised his head, "Do you suspect there is a problem here?"

Li Jiu snorted coldly, "The problem is big."

She stood up, walked to the wall, pressed a switch, and the deep secret door appeared in view.

Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows in surprise.

 This is actually an elevator.

Li Jiu looked at the hidden and small elevator, his eyes full of ridicule, "They are really no different from mice."

Going there, there will be a cave like this for escaping. She and Qi Jingci were in the box just now. It wasn't because they were not doing their jobs properly, but they discovered something was wrong here together.

They rushed over immediately after learning Mo Sang's location. The time difference was not enough for Mo Sang to escape from the box, and there was no trace of him.

 The only possibility is that there is something wrong with this box.

So she and Qi Jingci checked it carefully at the same time, and sure enough, there was something fishy in it.

"I just took a look. Among all the boxes on the third floor, only this one has a secret elevator, which can transform the VIP box in the underground duel arena into this. I don't believe the boss here knows anything about it."


On the other hand, Qi Jingci also ordered Bai Yuxiu to do the same.

At the end, he added a sarcastic comment: "He has been wronged by pretending to be in front of me for so many years."

  He noticed something was wrong from the moment he entered the box. Later, he and Li Jiu discovered the secret elevator, and everything became clear at that moment.

Bai Yuxiu pursed his lips and said nothing.

I really didn’t expect that the boss here is actually from Shameng.

He was not very surprised by this. What surprised him was that this place was established a few years ago. Could it be that since that time, the Shamen League had been ready to target Continent S?

If it weren't for the fact that the headquarters of Organization J happened to be in Continent S, and the duel field was allowed to develop, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Bai Yuxiu couldn't help but shudder.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered another thing, "Third brother, Mr. Chang's power seems to be fire control. My sister-in-law's bodyguard didn't catch it. Should we chase him?"

  “No need.”

 The left and right are not big shots, and it makes no difference whether they are arrested or not.

 The most urgent task is to first pull out the nails of the Rizha League in Szhou.

 “Pull out the nail?”

Bai Muyou was a little confused, "Where to start? We don't even know how many nails the Cha League has pressed in S Continent."

Li Jiu’s lips curled up slightly, “We don’t know, how can those old men not know?”

 After all, he has done a lot of things for the Cha League.

 Now that it falls into their hands, it can squeeze out the last bit of their remaining value.

“Even if you ask, where do we start?”

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's start with a few big families."

 (End of this chapter)

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