She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 320: Do you doubt Mo Qicheng?

Chapter 320 Do you doubt Mo Qicheng?

The neutral person who spoke out before frowned, "What does the head of the family mean, are there Mo Sang's associates among us?"

As soon as this was said, some people were unhappy.

"Mo Qicheng, what are you talking about! How could we be in the same group as Mo Sang?"

 As soon as he opened his mouth, others immediately responded.

“That’s right, we all know what Mo Sang’s temperament is. If we work with him, wouldn’t it mean that our life is too good?”

"You are wrong. I think there are many people who are close to Mo Sang on weekdays."

His words were too pointed, and his eyes with profound meaning fell on someone.

“Mo Shaoyuan, of all the people here, you have the best relationship with Mo Sang. Do you really know nothing about what he does?”

 Mo Shaoyuan's face was livid at this time, and his eyes were dark. He was already highly suspicious, and his words put him in dire straits.

He is not clear about the seriousness of the crime of colluding with the Cha League!

He never expected that Mo Sang would be so bold! It’s simply heartbreaking!

It doesn’t matter if he is crazy alone, it will also affect him!

However, no matter how much he cursed in his heart, it would not help. Looking at Li Jiu's cold face, Mo Shaoyuan understood that if he did not excuse himself, there would not be a good end waiting for him.

"I do have a very good relationship with him, but that doesn't mean I know everything he does! You and I have been together with him for decades. Don't you know what his temper is like? How could he tell me!"

"But it doesn't rule out that you and him are planning to cooperate inside and outside and collude with the Chameng." Seeing that Mo Shaoyuan had become a target, everyone else attacked him in unison.

Mo Shaoyuan was so angry that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood, and jumped up and down in anxiety, "It's so **** good to be inside and outside! By choosing me as the inside agent, he revealed that the first person you suspected was me. Is he stupid or is the Chameng stupid? Do you have any brains? ?”

 “Hi!” someone snorted coldly, “That’s impossible to say, who knows what you are doing in private.”

 He has frequent contacts with Mo Sang, and now he is the most suspected.


Mo Shaoyuan was so angry that he stood up and wanted to argue with the man, but was stopped by the person next to him.

“Okay, okay, just stop saying a few words, the head of the family is still watching.”

Hearing these words, Mo Shaoyuan gradually calmed down and suppressed his anger, but his chest heaved violently due to shortness of breath.

Li Jiu propped up his head at this time and watched them quarreling quietly in his spare time, as if he was watching a farce, his eyes neither sad nor happy.

Seeing that everyone finally calmed down, she sneered: "Are you done arguing?"

 No one spoke.

Mo Shaoyuan snorted and turned his head away from looking at the people present.

 He ​​finally understood that no matter whether he was really Mo Sang's accomplice or not, he was the most suspected at present, and these old guys would keep pouring dirty water on him.

 Instead of doing this, it is better not to argue with them.

Mo Shaoyuan calmed down and said to Li Jiu: "Master, I am innocent. If you don't believe it, just go and investigate. As long as you find evidence, I will be sure."

 “Hmph, you’ve already said that, and the evidence must be gone.”

The momentum around Li Jiu changed, and everyone suddenly felt oppressed and breathless. She lightly patted the table. In full view of everyone, several cracks appeared on the tabletop visible to the naked eye.

 “Shut up, everyone!” Li Jiu said coldly.

Everyone was as dumb as a quail.

Li Jiu ignored them and asked Mo Qicheng, "Uncle Mo, what do you think?"

Mo Qicheng is the cousin of the old family head. In terms of seniority, it is natural for Li Jiu to call him uncle.

However, Mo Qicheng was still a little flattered and hurriedly replied: "Master, I think it's too early to say anything now. There should be evidence. If Shao Yuan really colluded with Mo Sang, there must be clues."

Mo Shaoyuan immediately nodded in agreement: "That's right."

"Master, I think we should start with the things that Mo Sang comes into contact with on a daily basis. It will be easier to check." Mo Qicheng suggested. Li Jiu lowered his eyes, touched the melon seeds on the plate with his peripheral vision, picked them up and took a few bites.

Qi Jingci’s eyes lit up.

"Since Uncle Mo said so, let me leave this matter to you." Li Jiu ordered in a calm tone.

Mo Qicheng raised his head in surprise, "Master?"

Others also looked surprised and confused.

 Isn’t it... to raise an army to question the guilty?

 Why did it change to investigating Mo Sang again?

Everyone present could not figure out what Li Jiu was thinking for a moment. They tried to see the clues from her expression, but found nothing. She always looked calm and unsurprised.

 “I’ll give you three days.” Li Jiu said.

Mo Qicheng was silent, then stood up and solemnly assured Li Jiu, "Yes, head of the family, I will definitely complete the task."

Li Jiu nodded and said to everyone: "Let's get here today. You can go back and wait for news in three days."

 Everyone: “…” Are you kidding me?

 They called us here with great fanfare, but this is the result?

 For a while, no one knew whether Li Jiu’s words were true or false.

Only Mo Qicheng clenched his fist hanging by his side and left first, leaving only the people staring at his back in a daze.

After everyone was silent for a moment, they also stood up and left.

Li Jiu could even hear their complaints as they left.

"What do you mean, the master of the house? You asked us to come and play?"

 “I don’t think it looks like it, but it looks like a warning.”

"What a warning! A girl with no hair on her head dares to leave the matter to Mo Qicheng. She is really hopeless."

Everyone was silent for a moment. Although this man was not very respectful to Li Jiu, they also agreed with his words.

 Mo Qicheng is too soft-tempered and has some ability, but when he can't stand it, he always thinks twice and hesitates, and in the end he can't do anything well.

Although he usually handles the trivial matters of the Mo family, he always assists Uncle Mo. If he really wants to do it by himself, then there is no telling.

The head of the family has really been away from the Mo family for too long, or he doesn't know much about the Mo family at all, so he just casually handed over the investigation to Mo Qicheng.

  The head of the family did not consider this matter very carefully.

After everyone left, Li Jiu no longer just picked up a few melon seeds to eat from time to time, but directly picked up the plate.

Not to mention, Qi Jingci peeled off a lot in just a short time.

 It feels good to have someone peel melon seeds.

With a smile in his eyes, Qi Jingci sat across from Li Jiu and watched her eat quietly. He suddenly asked, "Did you do it on purpose just now?"

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows, glanced at him, and then nodded slightly.

 “Do you doubt Mo Qicheng?”

Li Jiu’s lips curled up slightly, “It’s not doubt, it’s certainty.”

  She was sure that Mo Sang’s internal correspondent in the Mo family was Mo Qicheng.

Qi Jingci suddenly understood, "So you just set a trap for him?"


Qi Jingci chuckled, she was indeed his wife, she was smart.

 “Can I help you with anything?” he asked.

Li Jiu shook his head: "No need."

 Everything is under control.

 (End of this chapter)

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